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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Use system("PAUSE");. Google is your best friend, not mxc ;)
  2. In 4:30, I'm not a mac user, I'm a sleeper :D Anyway I shared no secrets, just my poor knowledge for the community. Appreciated all comments guys, if you have any questions regarding pentooling, just ask them here :) -Blane
  3. 1)Np 2)Dunno, but it doesn't have the same power as in a mac machine. 3)Double layer I think, I'm not sure, BUT DON'T TRY IT! 4)See "3)".
  4. Installing MacOSx in a normal PC. Why not? You will never have the same power as a mac computer. So there's no really reason to try it.
  5. Η διάκριση μετράει Κώστααα...
  6. Και δεν ισχύει πάντα η καραμέλα C++.Υπάρχουν πολλές δυνατές γλώσσες.Το αποτέλεσμα μετράει.
  7. Απλά υπάρχει κορεσμός.Αυτό λέμε.Αλλά δεν είναι ΤΟΣΟ τραγικά τα πράματα όπως περιγράφονται..
  8. Εξαρτάται και από τη θέληση του άλλου ;) Δεν μπορώ να δεχτώ ότι αυτός που λέει έχω σπουδάσει, έχω κάνει master, έχω κάνει, έχω ράνει, ασχολείται με τα σουβλάκια.Δεν είναι επί του θέματος βέβαια και θα βγούμε εκτός, αλλά πιστεύω ότι είναι καθαρά με τις ορέξεις και τη θέληση του καθενός...
  9. About the programs, well I couldn't really find something in 4:30 in the morning XD :D For the ps, yes it's annoying that's why I said it.It's just me, I don't really care for the english, I'm just noticing it.If you understand what I'm talking about, then it's fine :D Thanks anyway ^^
  10. Τι συμπεριφορά είναι αυτή ρε, πάτε καλά; Μια ερώτηση έκανε το παιδί, δεν μπορείτε να απαντήσετε σαν άνθρωποι; Τι είστε εσείς ρε... Φίλε μου, σπούδασε δεν σε εμποδίζει κανείς.Μετά μπορείς να είσαι είτε σε εταιρία για να φτιάχνεις προγράμματα, μαζί με συναδέλφους σου, μπορείς να δουλεύεις μόνος σου και να φτιάχνεις δικά σου προγράμματα, και μπορείς και να φτιάχνεις και σουβλάκια.Δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο υπάρχουν δουλειές για απλούς προγραμματιστές εκεί έξω... Ελπίζω να σε βοήθησα...
  11. Do you know how to do this in mac? :P There's no really outcome here, you just learn how to use the Pen tool.(For tutorial purposes I'm just cutting IronMan 2)
  12. Thanks bro, one more tutorial for beginners is coming in some hours :)
  13. Blane


    "pio kalitera" θεέ μουυυυ. Ρεεεε προσοχή με τα Eλληνικά λίγο :D @ontopic: To stereo-love δεν είναι new βασικά.Για καινούργια ψάξε αυτά που έγραψε ο φίλος πάνω.Οι Disturbed με το stereo-love δεν έχουν σχέση :S
  14. And now you become a very very talented designer and that's what I was talking about. Thanks everybody who downloaded the video.Waiting for feedback...
  15. I'm saying again, I'm not here to show you how to cut renders...It's how to use pen tool.That's it.
  16. Το simple μου άρεσε :P.Γιατί δεν χρησιμοποιείς τα fonts για να γράψεις αυτό που θέλεις;
  17. Heeeeello everybody, long-time no see huh? Now I'm here, to present you my second effort, in video tutorials.This time, I'm going to show you how Pen Tool is really working.In this tutorial I'm showing you the basics in order to make you the best,regarding the processes of cutting renders and stuff like this.I know, since the first time I created the 1st video tutorial, many of you watched it, and now you're great designers, and I'm pretty proud of everybody that watched and learned some stuff from the 1st video.Now, I'm sure that many of you already know how to use this tool, this great tool, but you know, I made this for newbies too.I want the designers to grow up quickly and I'm pretty sure you're gonna love this tool when you get used to it.Now let's get moving... Link to download : http://rapidshare.com/files/383640170/Pen_Tool_Tutorial_by_Blane.mov.zip File is 134,1mb and it's uploaded in premium RS account, so you won't have any problems. Some notes for this tutorial: - First of all, sorry for my English.When I have to speak in a video I'm too nervous and I'm making mistakes, but whatever, you'll get the point. ;) - I've made a wallpaper in the video, but I'm not going to show you how to make this cause it's really easy to be done. - The point is to learn pen tooling and not cutting renders. - I'm using an IronMan 2 wallpaper to work on it, so thanks Marvel for this one :P - You could see that I'm making some mistakes in pen-tooling and that's because I'm really tired.(The time here is like 4:30 in the morning..) - Don't hesitate to comment and ask help for everything... I hope that some guys will help you, if I cannot.. (I'm pretty busy lately..) Again, sorry for my English, enjoy and please, hold the topic live, so everybody could see that :) Best regards buddies! Blane
  18. Yeah, I could take part in the project too, if you need any design services.Just keep it in your mind and call me when you need to ;)
  19. Don't you see, that the shadow I used behind the text, is in a very bad quallity, so is the background in general.It's not good, as my point of view.
  20. Πάρε το cd και ξανακάνε install? :S Μην με τρελαίνετε και μου λέτε ότι αφήνετε mac ανεκμετάλλευτο...
  21. Just use Blend Mode : Color.To some of you guys.I hope I had some time to make it, but I'm too busy uncle noble...
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