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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Server its cool? :S Btw Dark, it's good if it's your first try.You can try reading some basic tutorials in www.sigtutorials.com and make some decent signatures.There's no reason to tell you things you won't understand ;) @Secret: Please speak proper english next time... :/
  2. It was a pleasure to help you be better and better.I can personally see your progress and I'm pretty proud about you. Keep practicing mate ;) -Blane
  3. You are being ridiculous.Really, GP I knew was ok.What's up with the new one? You seem to be jealous really.Ok, your outcome may look good, but how the hell can you compare a whole -real- work in photoshop with just some "Place..." clicks? I mean, you're becoming ridiculous spamming like this.Either don't comment, or stop being selfish and ironic.
  4. Αυτό θα πει μόρφωση.Όχι παίζουμε :D
  5. Topic locked, before I start dekarming.Please clean the topic someone.
  6. Πάντως επειδή τώρα βλέπω το ποστ, ένας σχετικός σεισμός έγινε αισθητός στο Ηράκλειο κάποιες μέρες πριν (την Δευτέρα το πρωί αν δεν κάνω λάθος), αλλά δεν ήταν ισχυρός, ούτε μεγάλης διάρκειας.
  7. You do have a 3GS, don't you?
  8. If you can't see the light source in this tag, then probably, you got to go see a doctor. Secondly, the text is a clear matter of taste.I didn't like it too, but it's all about taste, which differs from person to person. With the light source, your goal is to lighten up the areas of the focal point.The building back there isn't something important. Cheers! PS: Goddess isn't a newbie.
  9. True.Thanks for saying so. When I find some time (exams period now), I'll post 1-2 more videos about MacOSx and mac generally! :)
  10. Blur and sharpen are the first steps.Depth cannot be archived that easily though.There are maaany ways to do so, and you can search and learn about them. ;) Good luck with your next tag ;)
  11. A little crazy to get a conclusion about cigarettes. It's true anyway (about the cigarettes, not the video).
  12. Μου φαίνεται παράξενο να βλέπω άτομα να μιλάνε μόνο Ελληνικά.Ρε μπας και ήρθε η μέρα που αναπτυσσόμαστε; :D
  13. Yeah it's like, if you don't put a tank in the in the middle of the sig, then you're gay.. -.-' Good job pwnz0r.Is that an outer glow in the render?
  14. In the right tab of Layers.
  15. You could use pen tooling to render the logo, not the Magic Wand tool, or whatever you used.
  16. A bit difficult (but it's possible for sure) to code it with shadows and glows but it's looking cool.Nice one my friend ;)
  17. I'll be glad to drink some raki with you guys.Just do it before I leave for athens :D PS: I'm studying in Crete University 8)
  18. Can't judge for now, add sofi. I'm pretty busy.Both are good pieces (with some flaws but can't analyse for now) :D
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