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Everything posted by Blane

  1. I'll post a thread or something the time I have the project ready.PHP needs many tests to be sure there's no hole :)
  2. Ok, full details given. /locked!
  3. Thanks for your words XxRxX. I have some donors pming me on msn.This will really help me improve the project.I forgot to tell that I'm going to need some staff.You know when something is racist/sexual or something which is not in the rules then a user can press: Report button.In this case an e-mail will be sent to a member of the staff with the link of the Text and he'll have the task to delete this.I'm going to search for Staff when the project is complete. (hopefully @ Friday :-)) -Blane
  4. @NS: Happy to hear it bro.I wait all of you in Friday! @Mafia: Yeah, it's like pastebin, but it's more easier and works with PHP for better speed and stability.Pastebin and the others are working with Python and other stuff which are for me useless and slower than the power of PHP5. CrazyLoad's still alive and you can check it out (www.crazyloads.com), but we wait to move to a dedicated pc.As far as I know the db was stolen and now some members of the www.hackplace.org site have all our posts.I'm afraid that if we won't move to a new dedicated server, I'll close the site for ever.If you remember this is the 2nd try to hold such a forum and some "bad" guys ruined our effort again.I don't know, if we move to a new server then ok CL will open again, otherwise will die in the daaaark :P Let's concentrate on PstPad now :P -Blane
  5. Depends! If you're the author and you've set private the document can be deleted from you. If it's public, it depends.We are going to work as Rapidshare works.I forgot to say that the document will be also downloadable :-) -Blane
  6. Hello all and Merry Christmas! In the last few weeks I started developing a new project which is a web-site.After days of planning I finally, 3 days ago, started the code.Site is almost done and hopefully at Friday it will be ready.I just write here to introduce you my web-site-application.Well first of all the site is reachable from : http://pstpad.com All the links have been removed cause the rest of the site is not done yet.So don't ask me "Why this link is not working" and similar questions.This site is an application.An application which is, as the page title says, an Online Note Keeper.What is that mean? Let's say you have a huge document,or a cheat list, a password list, or a part of a code.You could paste your text in the field "text" and then we're going to keep it Private or Public, as you wish.If you select to have a password then the post will only be visible for those who have the password for your document.All the posts will be accessible via a link like: http://pstpad.com/[postID] POSTID is a unique id which will be visible to the author when he submit his post.So he will be able to share this document everywhere, to forums, chat programs, chat rooms EVERYWHERE! So no HUGE threads, no HUGE msn answers(let's say).This tool will be available to all of you free.Imagine whole warez shares in texts, or an exploit in this site, only visible with a password... The idea is from me, the design , the code, everything in PstPad is mine under a copyright.I post here so you can take a quick view of the site and tell me your opinion about everything.If you find something wrong then post it back. Page has: Valid XHTML | Valid CSS | Valid PHP The site is running under a new theme, by me, the PstPad X-Mas Layout. Hope you liked it!Post back please :-) -Blane
  7. Blane


    The options are: - He found the files of the official TribalWars.com, something which is possible but illegal. - He coded the site all alone.NO WAY! :P So, these are the options for you: -You start coding the site from the beginning to make something similar.This requires (X)HTML,CSS & PHP, perhaps JavaScript too.I can help you out at the summer :P -You steal the files and you're illegal as your friend. -You continue playing at official site and pull this idea out of your mind.I suggest this! -Blane
  8. Φτηνό, ποταπό, σπαστικό, Ειλικρινά τρομερό για πλακίτσα σε αυτούς που δεν πολυ-σκαμπάζουν από Internet. :) -Blane
  9. Smoking make me survive. ... No, not really ^^
  10. Can't be...I'm still laughing after reading the whole thread :P I would give ya a +1 karma man...but I won't(I'm still a Mod ha!) -Blane
  11. Blane


    As far as I know, this webpages LIKE Tribal Wars (www.tribalwars.net) require much work with PHP and JavaScript.I could help you with some coding but, think again, that you may need months and many developers to have such a game.In the case that it has many features then it's harder. You have something ready or you want to start over? :S -Blane
  12. Searching is helping believe me. A server cannot be held, as far as I know, without hlds.Which problem you have with hlds.Open it with hlds.exe and then you would be able to add AMX-Mod and stuff. Oh! There's a solution but I don't think you can be sure it works...Open the Game and puss : New Game.When you create it, then press in the console: sv_lan 0.I this way, you'll have, to play ALL THE TIME in your server in order to be opened. :-) Hope I helped, If you need more info please post back. -Blane
  13. Linux Ubuntu ® Best quality.No lags.Many many games and Windows games with Wine (linux app).If you use to have them then you'll say: WINDOWS SUCKS :P More info: www.ubuntu.com -Blane
  14. @HaCKz0r: You bought them from? I really got happy now...I'm gonna spent money!!! GIVE ME LINKS :P -Blane
  15. Nice one! +1 Karma. BTW: I have Microsoft sideWINDER™ and it rocks in all gunz XD -Blane
  16. For greek users, who want to learn PHP, I think they can find out many good books in Papasotiriou as I did.Learning a language in your language (xD) is better than english :-) <? $Language1 = "java"; $Language2 = "python"; $Language3 = "Php"; if (Language3 > Language2 AND Language3 > Language1) { echo "PHP rule them all!"; } L0o0o0o0o0oL :-) -Blane
  17. You should learn to use PM(Private Message) function god damn it! Do not post a whole TOPIC just to prove to a person that you were right...OmG What else I'm going to see in this section... LOCK iT!
  18. Blane

    A New Cartoon

    To Be Continued... Try to decorate it somehow :) ^^
  19. http://www.google.gr/search?hl=el&q=Free+Templates&btnG=%CE%91%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%B6%CE%AE%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%83%CE%B7+Google&meta=&aq=f&oq=Free+Template Try searching before you.We are not offering here premium templates or something.If you want a premium template I can help you out via Pm and not here. Always remember guys... GOOGLE IS YOUR DAMN GOOD FRIEND :) Thanks, -Blane PS: MOVED.
  20. Do not just destroy a thread.Noob!You're not receiving any posts here.READ THE SECTION INFO BEFORE YOU POST! Ellinara prosexe kai ligo eleos!
  21. Sorry for telling that, but searching around on the net and experimenting myself too :) , I finally think that for both economical and gameplay style X-Box is more reachable. [-] PS3 costs much money for the things it can do. [-] PS3 has a good network but for Greece it's nothing. [-] X-Box'll have more games cause Sony's not selling that much consoles and many companies will choose X-Box. [-] X-Box Live is one of the most playable networks around the world. [-] Recently I played some games on both consoles and the graphics was same.(Perhaps for 1-2 games aren't) I suggest X-Box360 if you really want to buy a console.As for my point of view, I find all consoles useless cause Personal Computers can manage more things if they're upgraded.All that money that you are and you will give year by year are useless for me.It's better to keep them somewhere and if you're so Gaming Guy, then spend them on a PC Upgrade with latest graphic cards and things and you'll play better than consoles ;) (Perhaps not all games but it's worth to give around 300$++ for some more games?) That's from me :) -Blane
  22. The dream before some time was to create a brand new server.I was nS, that time and honestly I quited due to lack of interest.I won't be able to join now, despite that I can help with SQL,HTML and a special website too, because I have not much time.I am in the last class of High School and have no time for developing :) If you want staff, I would like to help you with some small job if it's possible... :-) -Blane
  23. Ναι, αν και δεν ψάχνει αυτό συγκεκριμένα είναι καλύτερα να το κατεβάσει γιατί, για να βρεις patch από C4 σε C5 πρέπει να ψάξεις κανένα server που είναι C5 μπας και έχει κανένα εκεί, πράμα προφανώς ολίγον δύσκολο καθώς διαφέρουμε 3-4 chronicles τώρα... Τέσπα, δοκίμασε να ψάξεις σε κανένα Hopzone ή καμιά λίστα... Ελπίζω να σε βοήθησα, -Blane
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