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Everything posted by QQnewb

  1. nice share! thanks and keep it up ! :)
  2. don`t be so negative about L3 guys I truly believe that this or next year there will be new discuss about L3 in the gaming community and this time they will succeed releasing it and I can bet it will be awesome. :)
  3. Goold Luck with your server m8 :)
  4. Aleadt a week without any info/update... Can you please make sure that we`ll stay tuned so noone will loose interest of waiting for beta?
  5. I`m the biggest troll who trolled your troll life :D :troll: :LOL:
  6. seems promising GL :)
  7. GL buddy :)
  8. GL with the server buddy
  9. server is nice but the problem is that GM/Admin action atm is like 0 while the community need ppl to advertise the server and a good and actove DEV to fix the issues ig but its promising @ all
  10. GL buddy :)
  11. Well Sky I`m really laughing ATM reading your posts. It`s funny to mention the fact that you act like nothing happened or you don`t know anything about these Alt Edited chars and like you don`t know who they belong to. You may removed your staff and recruited 2 random ppls some days ago but noone can be sure are they new or they are from your old GM team. Also it`s funny like I said when u tell to your community that there are no GM-edited alt chars or you don`t know them. We all know Who TonyMontana is and that there are @ least 2 GM chars still in-game. The 2nd nickname i`ll keep in secret. And its funny how BadAss joined in the server and for 1 day he got full items (equal to the items to tony or to wheezy ones). No matter that they tell that they gave him all the Glits since they are the only ones Romanians and when it comes to corruption in the Wutans noone other can understand what they are talking. And I`m telling this because i have stayed a lot of time in Wutans. Also noone wrote anything ingame neither in your forum complaining or asking why BadAss got banned. It`s strange isn`t it? Also the Fact that you keep the BD hero to him while he has been banned 2 weeks before Heroes come and he got his pts showing in olly how much edited he is. While even albasassin which is equal to power with me couldn`t beat him which is strange. But a/w you may take this reply as a Complaining or Crying... I DON`T CARE! I`m simply showing how your server is working and i`m sure that in less than month will be with 20 ppl max online (DEAD). So have a nice day and think a bit on that what ive wrote. You may get smarter in the next fail server you will open and will not do the same mistake again.
  12. Any info ? give us something so we can keep your project on target waiting for innovations cheers
  13. Hey seth i`ve seen how good you are! I`m happy to see also that you are building a nice server idea is awesome! But as i saw you don`t post any info/update for two weeks already.. What happened share some info so we will stay tuned and wait for the grand opening! Best retards, by ViruZ. :)
  14. I guess i`m the only one who clicks every time on the servers site LINK and I see one while site of apache and nothing else... :rage: Can someone post here a link with the Updater/Pathch so I can download it and mby start playing @ GvE .. ? Thanks in Advance, ViruZ.
  15. the most failed server ever...! Full of gm friends only and enchanted to +5 all GL with your fail server no future for it
  16. Hello everyone! I wish to ask if you know some new Faction servers online which you can share with me.. :P Chronicle is not important but server must be online not more than a week. Thanks in advance. :)
  17. Its nice server! I will join.
  18. This feature No carrier time seems nice. Good luck with server dude i`ll surely join :)
  19. This feature No carrier time seems nice. Good luck with server dude i`ll surely join :)
  20. This feature No carrier time seems nice. Good luck with server dude i`ll surely join :)
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