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Everything posted by iStigma

  1. solo ftw..
  2. m2:P
  3. Seems promising,good luck with it!
  4. hey,just 2 know,frank is owner of this site?because i think ive seen a same site,mby its a different,thats why good luck.
  5. eixa kai egw kapote to idio thema,eutege i karta grafikwn.
  6. hmmm,and how about topzone changes?
  7. O psomas paizei na einai kai to poio trusted member sto mxc,/next
  8. Hello there,i would like to know how to fix topzone/hopzone sources since they changed their systems or..
  9. add me on skype petros.peter2
  10. i dont think that,masect is just a kid who trying to get some money,he dont know a shit,he also was trying to ddos my server,he is a kid,i dont trust him!
  11. what about fields of massacre? Aden>Fields of massacre
  12. www.l2vintage.com

  13. -read the rules-
  14. I want to buy some1 to add dynasty armor-weapons on acis pack pm me Payment:Paypal.
  15. Content has been deleted. READ THE RULES.
  16. not even 10$
  17. whats the poing of showing our server to 500 retarded members online?to keep spamming or?no ty
  18. this srv got 230+ on.gg
  19. can u pm me please?i cant message you..
  20. remove password from configs.
  21. still up
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