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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Ka8e mera sto Gumnastirio trexw ston diadromo 5 xiliometra :-\ Piga na sfiksw ligaki gia na eimai to kalokairi GG :P
  2. Pw Pw ti allo 8a doume ??? Aporo pios ka8etai kai bgazei tetoia ?? :P 8a ksexasoume kai auta pou kserame :D
  3. 72 Ores ??? Ore kamena plasmata :P :P Oxi egw dn paw pisw... Palia to ekleina to 10wro tin mera.. alla oxi kai etc eipame ekana kai kanena dialima... Alla twra pou mpike o semptembrios :P dn exei malakies :) (Diavasma .!. ) Akou na deis re o kinezos 72 ores.. Kai pws antexe toso o toumpanos... ??? Egw pezw 10-12 wres kai eimai etoimos gia psofo :P Ante ante theos xoreston... :-\
  4. <3 Search button !! For Deal look here : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2504.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=7160.0
  5. K4rMa

    Testing Hide

    testing... :) [Hidden Content]
  6. With this game you can paint,shoot,destroy,stamp your screen ... :) Try it is funny :P Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/49124460/stressreducers2005.exe Better to have a coloured wallpaper ;)
  7. Are you serious man ?? --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11480.0 Enchanting with yogurt ?? Omg be more serious !!
  8. 1057 8)
  9. LoL wraios re.... Egw iksera mono auto.. --> intitle:index of Paw na checkarw ta alla.. Auto me tis cameres mporw na pw oti fenetai endiaferon :P Thnxxxxx Respect !!!!!
  10. Thnx maxtor I am happy that you Like it !!! :D OKz i am going to change the tags !! ;) Edit:I change the tags ! But there is a problem... When for example type -->Hlapex on youtube it doesnt show our video :( This was happened and with my previous video that i had and after one day it was ok ! I will wait to see .. Maybe want some time.... EDIT2:Now the tags working ! :)
  11. There is a video on youtube that I make it alone.. It is not very good but i hope that will bring us MORE ppl :D So here it is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy2t1JNfQpY :D
  12. I am so bored... :P Look what i've made omg.. It took me 1 hour :-\ It is not the best but is funny :P :D
  13. TheVortex omg !! Ti exeis bgalei re trele xa0xa0 :P Mlka adikeuesai trava gine stixourgos.... !!! :D Dn mporw na skeftw tpt egw :-X
  14. :o Nos Is Back !!! Nos egw 8a kanw oti mporw erasitexnika sto movie maker 8a mazepsw uliko... k 8a kanw kati gia na to anevasw YoUtUbe !! .... :P Oso gia stixaki .. dn mporw na skeftw kati twra.. :-\ ela mpenw msn na ta poume !!!
  15. Ela pare : http://www.forumsland.com/make-a-forum.html http://www.forumer.com/nfstep1.php http://www.forumgratis.biz/new_forum2.php http://www.hqforums.com/mf_upgrade/ http://www.inventforum.com/ http://xforumsx.com/new_forum.php http://www.forumotion.com/index_en.htm http://co.cc/ Dn exei k tosa polla domains alla elpizw na se helparw ;) Edit: OX LOL twra eida posa domains zitas --> 10-20 :( .. Pfff paw na psaxw :) Searching.....
  16. Some old Greek Times : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2kEQumJEbc&mode=related&search= I am proud that i am from Greece :)
  17. Hehehehe NobLe is Back :P Nice tricks very usefull thnx ;)
  18. LoL NICE !! :D
  19. OK oK calm down !! I just shared a text that maybe it is more succesful... !! If u go to search button and type enchant you will see above 80-100 topics !! All of us try to do the game more easy... So i think i find something new that's why i maked a topic.. As i said on my previous reply..: It seems that is not working like the others.. but i hope that it will reduce our success rate. :'(
  20. MASTROPOS I don't have any idea... One of my friends send me at a .txt format.. and i share this text with you :-\ It seems that is not working like the others.. but i hope that it will reduce our success rate.
  21. Enchanting Exploit This is what you do.... 1st) Buy any cheap Dgrade Armor or Jewelry (not a weapon). 2nd) Buy 6 Enchant Armor D's 3rd) Get one Enchant Weapon B(grade that you are wanting to enchant, for this we will say Dual SLS). 4th) Go ahead and plus up your D armor or Jewelry to +3 and your Dual SLS to +3 as well. 5th) Put your 3 left over EADs and your 1 EWB on your hotbar IE: F1/EAD F2/EAD F3/EAD F4/EWB 6th) This is were you have to be quick about it. Enchant your Darmor or Jewelry +1. See if it breaks. AS SOON AS IT BREAKS ENCHANT YOUR WEAPON. IE: you hit F1 and you blow that +3 Darmor going to +4 then you will press F4 and enchant those Dual SLS to +4. How does this work and why is only 80% successful. Well this is lineage 2 the odds are against you and nothing with enchanting is 100%. All your doing is taking that chance of breaking your weapon right off the bat out of the question when doing this which leave you open for success. Side note: Only try this once a day. You do it multiple times a day you greatly reduce your success rate. 1. This text is copy - paste... 2. I dont know if it is more succesfull but i am going to try it !! 3. Sorry if someone post this again.. (I look with search button to find something like that but there are so many topics with enchant .... :-\
  22. LoL nice !! I will try it thnx you !! :)
  23. Damn !! Now i understand ... :'( I was think that he was talking about the game !! :-\
  24. What you mean ... ??? Died ???
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