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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Geia sas Paides... Mpika na postarw mono mia foto pou ekana gia party tou sta8mou... : Gratz gia to radio (eimai mesa) ..... name--> K4rMa 8a asxoli8w k egw me mousikh .. na mou peis twra mou ginan oloi Dj ??? Alla etc more na pernaei h wra m ;D EDIT:Basika nomiza oti o MASTROPOS ITAN O Dj Popay..... alla DEN... :p
  2. Notabastard dn isoun enas apo tous ex8rous m na to kses ayto..!!! Isa isa esy eleges panta kala pragmata gia emena... ;) Loipon gia na mi lew ka8e fora thnx ston ka8e pou me leei Goodbye.. Thnx se olous sas pou mpikate ston kopo na peite ena bb :P ;) [move] <3 Maxcheaters[/move]
  3. ENG: Well this is the end of me at this forum... The reason is that i understand what is mean true life away from computers ... I am using Internet at home and I have to go out with my friends 2-3 months... This is awful... The reason that i am inside my home 3 months is LINEAGE this -beep-ing game that i spend a lot of hours ...but i didnt win anything just lose my friends... Today i went out :P I make a girlfriend after 2 months :( ... That's all i want to say... I love u Guyz... I learn a lot of things in this forum.... Keep this forum alive ;) I make some friends and some enemies but i believe that enemies are friend too... I will dont forget u guyz ;D BBz.. <3 Maxcheaters..... GR:Alania eftase k emena h wra na apoxoriso apo ayto to ksexwristo forum.. Ekana to kuklo m k pisteyw pws ir8e h wra na stamatisw na liwnw pano se ena KOLOKOUTO....Oi logoi pou feygw einai oti exw xasei arketous filous m .. exw na bgw gia kafedia edw k 3 mhnes...ELeoC apla...O logos fysika to L2..... Tespa simera bgika eida tous filarakous m k tsimpisa k mia gkomena me tin prwti :P Thelw na pw oti se ayto to forum exw ma8ei 8392748923 pragmata me helparete poli oloi sas... Episis ekana kapoious filous..(peripou) dld me kapoious ta pigena poli kala... ;) katalabenete poioi eiste..... Episis ekana k kapoious isws ex8rous apo tin stigmh pou mpika edw mesa stafikan enantion mou... tin aitia dn tin kserw....Tepsa sas sugxwrw olous dn krataw kakies pisteyw na kanete k eseis to idio.. :( 8elw kapoia mera na sas dw apo konta merikous apo esas... :( Sto forum 8a mpenw 1 fora tin ebdomada na ma8enw kainourgia pragmata :P Ayta eixa na pw..... (Eipa oti eniw8a k oxi oti skeftika gia na prokalesw to endiaferon sas....) Cu Guyz.... ;) [move]<3 LOVE MAXCHEATERS ............ APLA PAIDIA TA SPATE... Keep this forum aliveeee !!!! ;D[/move]
  4. K4rMa

    Cheat Book

    Wraios man Good Job !!! Ola se ena Etc...... ;D
  5. Tin eipes k esy tin mlkia sou xarikeS ??? Prwton dn 8a mou peis pws 8a milaw...Dn eisai o pateras m..Lew oti goustarw,,,GeGE ???(Esy dn milas k kalutera...) Deyteton an ayta pou bazw einai opws na nai k einai toso eleeina ...Gt mpikes ston kopo na kaneis reply k na peis ena soro malakies ??? (Aplws agnoise to...) Triton gia to 75% mi nomizeis dn tha sinexeistei ayto.......(Dn exw skopo na kanw kapoia post k meta na mou tin lene kati mlkades san tou logo sou...) Tetarton k teleytaion Tha mas tin leei k o Karma ??? Opa re scream megale... Xalarwse k kane kamia touba na siner8eis gt poli sobara ta perneis.. ..... EDIT:Demonic re man rixto ena delete gt dn bgazeis akri.... Xwris logo o allos thelei fasaries...Prokalei...etc.......Dn exw tin oreksi sou re Scream
  6. Domenica dn paizei fasi..... ;) An i8ela na mazepsw points to off-topic pistepse me dn tha uphrxe meros na deis ektos apo topic author K4rmaArr0ws... :P Eksalou exei enas filos m apo net an 8elw tou lew na m dwsei gia kamia mera na ta rimaksw olaaa :P
  7. Loipon twra gurisa apo diakopes k eida ta reply's Pffff, Basika thelw na pw ena ty ston MASTROPO epeidi einai monos pou eipe ena kalo logo... K akoma thelw na pw ena NIWSTE se olous aytous pou ka8ontai k asxolountai me to tittle tou TOPIC k to periexomeno tou.... ELEOC.................... Pes oti egrapsa GTP tittle gia to topic k ekana upload oti na nai......... An einai etc...Dn uparxei logos na les 2837123 mlkies APLA MIN ASXOLEISAI(Diablery k oloi oi alloi...) Eksalou einai off topic......
  8. Re psile kalo piga na kanw k mou tin lete k apo epanw.. :-\ Apla dn ksanakanw post.. Egw edw mesa dn eimai gt thelw na mazepsw posts h kati tetoio.. Oute karma thelw na parw.. Opws blepete to name m exw idei arketo ... Apla moirazomai kapoia pragmata mazi sas.....
  9. Dn sas aresan ??? :-X Poli apla sta @@ m
  10. Sph for me......... But sps are good too.. Casting speed is amazing :P Mprizoles h soublakia ? :O (exw agwnia :P )
  11. http://rapidshare.com/files/48395078/Made_By_Tzitzos.rar ---> Pictures..... ;D http://rapidshare.com/files/48404040/Mp3zZ.rar ----> Greek Mp3 RullezZz :D
  12. A:Cars Q:Buzia h kolomeria ??? :P LOL
  13. eimai beep - malakia eipes pali....
  14. Hehehehehehe :D :D :D :D :D :D More coming soon...
  15. K4rMa


    GR:Thelw na pw ena Thnx se ola ta paidia apo panw m .. :P ^^ ENG:I want to say a Thnx to all guyz above me .. :P ^^ [move]Thnx u[/move]
  16. It is a a good bug.. It is very clever.....But it had be fixed..... :'( SweetyKiller : You are going to gm shop buy some arrows.... and then will appear the buy window how many u want to buy.......Dont close this window...Just click again to gm shop and go to select the item that u want to enchant weapon , armor .... Click one time the item that u want to enchant and then go to window of arrows and write a number ..10 for example...And click ok... Then u will take 10 weapons or armors. ;D ;D ;D no arrows......... This is the bug.... But is not working now.... :-\
  17. Have fixed in most servers........... I was doing this bug before 1-2 years server :Airials :P
  18. Paides protinw edw na postaroume oti dikia mas photo kanoume montaz... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Opoios thelei na kanei dikia t funny foto as mpei se ayto to site: http://www.customsigngenerator.com/ Ola ayta pou blepetai se ayto to site einai: gia custom avatars, customs text , customs faces , custom logo , +++++++ Pantws emena ayto to site mou arese poli.... Edit:Gia custom eikones mpeite edw: http://www.signgenerator.org/
  19. K4rMa


  20. K4rMa

    Need your Help

    Ty re thyrio..... To entopise.... Stin arxi dn to ekane remove gt m leei einai megalis embeleias k kati tetoies mlkies.. Alla meta sbistike...... [move]/lock topic.......[/move]
  21. [move]:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[[/move] Paides simera anoigw to PC prwi prwi k mou bgenei to nod32 k mou leei exw trojan :( .. Loipon ti se kanei ayti h mlkia ?? Mporw na to bgalw me kapoio program...?? Format pantws pali dn kanw >:( Bare8ika.. Gamw tous ious...... Loipon an kserei kapoios pws na to bgalw as m pei ,,,, Ty :'(
  22. Nai ontws to chekara k egw sta games k dn tin paleyei....... ;D
  23. K4rMa


    :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'( .!. :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ SpamMmM IsSs mYyYy JoOoObBbBb MuhahahAHAHaahaahaaaaaah :P :P :P :P :P :P Eimai H malamw mporei na exw ena donti alla einai poli dunato... LOL :D Eksoooo apo ta dontiaaaa Eksooo apo ta dontiaaaaaa Eksoooo apo ta donttiaaaa tha sto pwwwwwwwwww pws piaaaaa dn sagapwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Vas Vas Vas o Karma o SPAMMERAS ^^ Bariemaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LALALALALALALALAALLLLALAA sssssssssasdksandlasdaldknaklnskalnlasdnklasndklasndlaskdnkladnkladnaskldnaldnalsdnlasndfnds SDSADALDSA;DKSA;DKL;AD Telossssss Ksespasa ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  24. ma ali8ia sou lew!- eimai hero ston official !!
  25. Eimai mesa....... Sabbato 8a eimai ekei ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Alla na pame proi proi na kanoume k kanena banaki :P Pame kalutera stauro.....kserw mia paralia ekso apo stauro pou ta spaei....
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