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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Thanks for share ! 8) I wasnt know this before... Btw this with change icon is a clever trick ! :P
  2. :o me eklepseS.... :-\ Fovero paixnidi.... Twra eisai respecT! :P ENG: :o you stole me.... :-/ Great game... Now you are respect ! :P
  3. Xristos anesti , kala miala k ugeia se olouS! ^^ Have fun!
  4. *UpdateD* 5.000 UserbarS + 54.873 avatars ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Enjoy until links are alive ! 8)
  5. @Xabales Tsekare ta PM's sou... Sou esteila link me to winrar k tis odigies... se elliniki ekdosi.. Auto to link dn to postarw edw.. gt dn einai freeware.. dioti periexei keygen gia na energopoih8ei h adeia ;S
  6. Ena format 8a ti fixarei k auto ;p ....
  7. Otan kaneis install to program sou zitaei kodiko ?! H katevases tpt kai prospa8eis na to kaneis extract kai s zitaei kwdiko ?! ;//
  8. Warez ?! Apo pote egine to winrar wareZ?! Dn einai warez re psile ;p Freeware program einai ;) http://www.win-rar.com/downloadnow.html H etairia to dinei etC..!
  9. Go buy it or search at warez forumS if you want free...! If you need help about that feel free to pm me..! WE ARE NOT A WAREZ FORUM SO YOU CANT REQUEST SOMETHING..! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  10. K4rMa

    18 birthday

    18 years old and already married ?! Why you destroy your life from now ?! ^^ ;p *Btw about drinks and foods i dont have any idea what u must do ;/
  11. LoL Humor ftw ?! ^^ ;S Listen... I was enchanted my weapon from +0 until +15 without stop the record...! After +15 because i was afraid that my weapon will be broke 90 % i stop the video and i started a new one... Then after that i was making a new record for each scroll...! And then i reach until +25 !!! :P I was just lucky.. Believe it or Not ^^ ;p Gm pm me this day and asked me if i use an enchant expoit... Noob ;// Btw see the others players around... Heros for example... they are with +7 and +8 weaponS...! Also look my clan tittle... "Heros Down ?!" ;) Have a nice day m8
  12. K4rMa

    Game list

    Great share ! :D Keep adding ! ;O
  13. http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/21312312.jpg[/img]
  14. Help button ftw ! :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=help
  15. An 8es l2 hacks , tips , guides uparxei ena magiko koumpaki pou legetai search an psaxneis kt sugkekrimena ! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  17. To provlima lu8ike to lockarw gia na apofygoume spammerS ! ;p <TOPIC LOCKED>
  18. What about search button ?! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21047.0 1rst warning... <TOPIC LOCKED>
  19. I dont know if all of these hackS are working... But you making good job ;) +1 karma from me ;O
  20. @lightmagik Dn kserw ti 8es na mou deikseis me auto to link...! Pantws o maxtor se ekeino to forum pou mas edwse to link o PkForAllNoobs itan energo melos palia k eixe kati posts apo to 2005 k ?! @PkForAllNoobs Genika olo to topic einai anuparkto etoimo gia tn kado...! Epeidi einai se allo forum o maxtor registered ekanes new topiC ?! Dld show some mercy! Dn exeis tpt allo na asxoli8eis ?! Ti nomizeis anakalipses tin antlantida ?! :/// Btw ta polla postS ?! p kolane ?! :-\ Edw logiko dn einai na exei ?! Dn einai forum tou ?! Anyway feel ;p <TOPIC LOCKED>
  21. 1 comment mono 8a kanw.. :S Look the fucking date! :-X 2005 ?! PkForAllNoobs tin alli fora deikse mas tpt pio palio...!
  22. Look and here ;) Search is good...! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8173.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4813.0 <TOPIC LOCKED> as topic owner wantS!
  23. -1 karma <TOPIC LOCKED>
  24. Lets say you want to download or buy a great game that just came out and want to download as fast as possible, but when your done it turns out that your computer cant even run the game. You waisted your precious time downloading a game that you cant even play! Well now you wont be able to make that mistake! Go here: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest this site scans your computer to see if your computer can handle the game you want to download. Why download the game if it wont even run on your computer! Enjoy ppl! 8)
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k99Aw54Es-8 :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(
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