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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. 3 shares .. badly images is dead you can download and check [share] Special Olympiad Manager http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/109878-share-special-olympiad-manager/ [share] L2J Frozen npcs - > Olympiad http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/181846-l2j-frozen-ncps/ [share]Special Olympiad manager ranking/Menus http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/109451-sharespecial-olympiad-manager-rankingmenus/
  2. yes man people had test it you can see that on comments you must just add it ,if you got frozen is 2 min work
  3. Hello mate you do not have to buy it there is a working version of that shared here http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188957-vote-manager-npc/ i translate that for you and is realy simple to add it .. we start:: head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java search private static final String RESTORE_CHARACTER = and in the end ofcode we find ( aio,aio_end, ) and we add lastVoteHopzone, lastVoteTopzone, hasVotedHop, hasVotedTop, monthVotes, totalVotes, tries then search private long _lastTeleportAction = 0; and down from there we put private boolean _isVoting = false; public final boolean isVoting() { return _isVoting; } public final void setIsVoting(boolean value) { _isVoting = value; } private boolean hasVotedTop,hasVotedHop; public boolean hasVotedBoth() { return hasVotedHop && hasVotedTop; } public void setHop(boolean target) { hasVotedHop=target; } public void setTop(boolean target) { hasVotedTop=target; } private void loadVotes() { int flag=0; try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT hasVotedTop FROM characters WHERE obj_Id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while (rset.next()) { flag = rset.getInt("hasVotedTop"); } if (flag == 1) { setTop(true); } else { setTop(false); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Config.DEVELOPER) { e.printStackTrace(); } } flag=0; try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT hasVotedHop FROM characters WHERE obj_Id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while (rset.next()) { flag = rset.getInt("hasVotedHop"); } if (flag == 1) { setHop(true); } else { setHop(false); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Config.DEVELOPER) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } then search startWarnUserTakeBreak(); and we put down there: loadVotes(); then we go on head-src\com\l2jfrozen\Config.java and search public static int HERO_CUSTOM_DAY; and we put down there public static String VOTE_LINK_HOPZONE; public static String VOTE_LINK_TOPZONE; public static int VOTE_REWARD_ID1; public static int VOTE_REWARD_ID2; public static int VOTE_REWARD_ID3; public static int VOTE_REWARD_ID4; public static int VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT1; public static int VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT2; public static int VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT3; public static int VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT4; public static int SECS_TO_VOTE; public static int EXTRA_REW_VOTE_AM; then we search for HERO_CUSTOM_DAY = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("HeroCustomDay", "0")); and we put down there: VOTE_LINK_HOPZONE = L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("HopzoneUrl", "null"); VOTE_LINK_TOPZONE = L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("TopzoneUrl", "null"); VOTE_REWARD_ID1 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardId1", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_ID2 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardId2", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_ID3 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardId3", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_ID4 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardId4", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT1 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardAmount1", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT2 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardAmount2", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT3 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardAmount3", "300")); VOTE_REWARD_AMOUNT4 = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("VoteRewardAmount4", "300")); SECS_TO_VOTE = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("SecondsToVote", "20")); EXTRA_REW_VOTE_AM = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("ExtraRewVoteAm", "20")); then go head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\GameServer.java and find // Load GameServer Configs Config.load(); and we put down there: VoteManager.load(); then go to gameserver\config\functions\l2jfrozen.properties and we put everywhere we want # ------------------------------ # Vote System Ingame - # ------------------------------ HopzoneUrl = TopzoneUrl = # The characters will have a choice between 3 rewards.Set id for them VoteRewardId1 = 6392 VoteRewardId2 = 6393 VoteRewardId3 = 4357 # Set the amount of each reward. VoteRewardAmount1 = 1 VoteRewardAmount2 = 1 VoteRewardAmount3 = 30 # Set the seconds that the character has # until he votes in the site's banners SecondsToVote = 45 # Amount of votes a character must collect # in order to get the 4th vote reward ExtraRewVoteAm = 20 # Info of the extra reward item VoteRewardId4 = 6673 VoteRewardAmount4 = 1 then we go to navicat and left click on Characters and we click on Design table and we add lastVoteHopzone bigint 20 0 lastVoteTopzone bigint 20 0 hasVotedHop int 10 0 hasVotedTop int 10 0 monthVotes int 10 0 totalVotes int 10 0 tries int 10 0 and now we must create a new npc and (type) L2VoteManager
  4. Also if you like to find out some interesting icons which is allready in the retail client and do not add custom images you can use a program like umodel to open the utx files in the systextures
  5. I am using this on class instance for while player get classid equal bla bla get schortcuts .. this works fine but if there is any better way to avoid write 4 lines for every skill
  6. Hello i got a question L2ShortCut shortcut; shortcut = new L2ShortCut(8, 0, 3, 0, -1, 1); player.registerShortCut(shortcut); player.sendPacket(new ShortCutRegister(shortcut)); L2ShortCut shortcut1; shortcut1= new L2ShortCut(11, 0, 2, 4, 1, 1); player.registerShortCut(shortcut1); player.sendPacket(new ShortCutRegister(shortcut1)); Any faster way to sendpacket and register shortcuts all together and not one by one?
  7. Good luck with the server http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196142-the-truth-about-l2e-globalcom-all-proof-provided/
  8. Thanks everyone for help but until you can give me a proper example how to do that my post will be still unsolved. so please do not write me how to find or 1904 lines .. i ask one line 3 words if someone know it post it .. if you do not know the answer please do not talk here .. Thanks
  9. Hello i am searching in the pack again and again to find the way to reload the registershortcut I have register shortcuts for skills while player finish his 3rd class quest sample: registerShortCut(new L2ShortCut(2, 0, 2, 30, 1, 1)); But while player finish his 3rd class he need to make restart in order to find out the shortcut so i am searching a way to reload L2Shortcuts after the register or reload character_shortcuts table >.<
  10. Well i use (final L2PcInstance player) in the L2ClassMsterInstance.java to connect proparly the ClassId with the "reward" in the PcInstance with if(player.getClassId().equals(HDagger)) ReqHennaEquip use this: protected void runImpl() if (!cheater && _count >= temp.getAmountDyeRequire() && activeChar.getAdena() >= temp.getPrice() && activeChar.addHenna(temp)) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addNumber(temp.getItemIdDye()); activeChar.sendPacket(sm); sm = null; activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SYMBOL_ADDED)); So if i use the addHenna(temp) *temp=getItemIdDye i have problem .. there is any other way do to it?
  11. i am try it from L2ClassMasterInstance.java i use this: private static void autoEquip(final L2PcInstance player) final ClassId HDagger =ClassId.adventurer; if(player.getClassId().equals(HDagger)) player.addHennaId(2); It's wrong?
  12. this who i want exacly is when a player finish her 3rd class quest "autoequip" a henna
  13. to provlima ousiastika einai oti den uparxei to talbe acis.npc,kanto xeirokinita anoikse to table gia ta npc kai grapsto ostoso ean theleis melontika na peraseis pola npc mazi kai na apofugeis grapsimo kai antimetopiseis to idio provlima anoikse to .sql arxeio kai allakse to insert , to insert ousiastika einai to "pou na paei afth h seira" opote ean to table acis.npc den ifistate allakseto se npc h custom_npc analogos ti table name exei to project sou .. den exw idea apo acis gia afto den mporo na sou po ti onomata exoun ta tables
  14. well not only castle managers you need also the clan hall managers .. the truth is this is a hard work to do you must //spawn and check for what purpose are each npc and then /delete one one
  15. to table tou droplist pera apo afta ta extra pou vazeis htan adio anekathen?
  16. i want to find out how the bypass work to adapt it in somethink who i want,while dye list open and you click on dye what exacly happen background? somethink like that i think final L2HennaInstance[] henna = HennaTreeTable.getInstance().getAvailableHenna(player.getClassId()); final HennaEquipList hel = new HennaEquipList(player, henna); player.sendPacket(hel);
  17. Hello can someone give me an example how to addsymbolId <- (Henna,DYE) ???? player.addhenna(133); ------- 133 is a symbol id doesnt work how i must do that? !!!
  18. lets say an active community balanced server like L2Damage
  19. Hello i am wondering what is the best ammount of advertising? 500-1000 is enought?
  20. Give 300euro to MrPro and see every day for 1 week 500 new accounts:D
  21. i try just use some russian text in html but doesnt work >.<
  22. any idea how to add russian language in lineage? i must add fonts in L2 client? (interlude)
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