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Everything posted by arknis

  1. can put how change rate dropquest and quest reward l2off rate?
  2. L2Greed http://facebook.com/l2greed.com http://l2greed.com/forum http://l2greed.com Open Janury 9th Rates Experience: x10 Party Exp: x2 Skill Points: x8 Adena Rate: x8 Drop Rate: x2 Spoil Rate: x4 Quest Drop Rate: 4 Quest Reward Rate: 2(some) Manor Rate: 2 Seven Signs rate: 2 Features L2Off Server. Anti DDOS system. Antibot system (l2tower, zranger, adrenaline, any kind of OOG bot). All skills working 100% including fusión ones. All Quest working including Frintezza, Benom, Sailren, Uruka,etc. Town Buffer with basic buffs 1 hour (3rd class buff are not included just COV). GM shop (B grade only). Clan halls, castles and siege clan halls working. Offline Shop system. .Expon/.expoff commnand working Autoloot system. Spawn protecttion. Shadow weapons working 100%. Cursed weapons working 100%. Community events (photos,videos contest and more) with reward every week. No custom ítems/skills. No substack classes. Profecion change 1 Profession : 120k adena 2 Profession: 1kk adena 3 Profession: 20kk adena Subclass and nobless Subclass quest is retail like,Baium red pippet will be purchased at gm shop. The nobless quest its retai like too and need to be fully completed. Raid Bosses All the normal raid bosses spawn times/drops are retail like. Subclass raid bosses respwan time: 12h +- 1h random. Ketra and Varka raid bosses respawn time: 18h +-6h random. Barakiel respwn time: 12h +- 1h random. Epic Raid bosses Olympiads Olympiads are daily, starts at 16:00 GMT+1 and need to be 5 players to get in to the arena. One caracter peer IP allowed. Heros will be announced every month. Anti exploit system are implemented to prevent cheaters or exploiters players. Sieges All the castles are available and sieges gonna be every 2 weeks. Castles (Manor system) All the castles features are activated manor rates are 2x. http://l2greed.com http://facebook.com/l2greed.com http://l2greed.com/forum
  3. http://l2greed.com http://facebook.com/l2greed.com http://l2greed.com/forum Open December 19th Rates Experience: x10 Party Exp: x2 Skill Points: x8 Adena Rate: x8 Drop Rate: x2 Spoil Rate: x4 Quest Drop Rate: 4 Quest Reward Rate: 2(some) Manor Rate: 2 Seven Signs rate: 2 Features L2Off Server. Anti DDOS system. Antibot system (l2tower, zranger, adrenaline, any kind of OOG bot). All skills working 100% including fusión ones. All Quest working including Frintezza, Benom, Sailren, Uruka,etc. Town Buffer with basic buffs (3rd class buff are not included). GM shop (C grade only). Clan halls, castles and siege clan halls working. Offline Shop system. Autoloot system. Spawn protecttion. Shadow weapons working 100%. Cursed weapons working 100%. Epic Raid bosses will spawn at the second week of the server. Community events (photos,videos contest and more) with reward every week. No custom ítems/skills. No substack classes. Vote Reward system. Beginners help At the begining the players will recive top no grade weapon,armor, some buffs scrolls and soulshots/spirishot. (sale price at shop: 0 adena) Profecion change 1 Profession : 100k adena 2 Profession: 2kk adena 3 Profession: 5kk adena Subclass and nobless Subclass quest is retail like,Baium red pippet will be purchased at gm shop. The nobless quest its retai like too and need to be fully completed. Enchant Rates Normal Enchant rate: 50% Blessed Enchant rate: 60% Raid Bosses All the normal raid bosses spawn times/drops are retail like. Subclass raid bosses respwan time: 12h +- 1h random. Ketra and Varka raid bosses respawn time: 18h +-6h random. Barakiel respwn time: 12h +- 1h random. Epic Raid bosses The spawns times are retail like too: Queen ant Core Orfen Zaken Frintezza Antharas Valakas (more info coming soon) Lifestones info All the t-rex drops lifeston with 30% of rate. Normal Lifestone skill rate: 5% Mid Lifestone skill rate: 20% High Lifestone skill rate: 30% Top Lifestone skill rate: 40% Olympiads Olympiads are daily, starts at 16:00 GMT+1 and need to be 6 players to get in to the arena. One caracter peer IP allowed. Heros will be announced every 2 weeks. Anti exploit system are implemented to prevent cheaters or exploiters players. Seven Signs Merchant of mammon and Blacksmith of mammon will be spawned in giran town. Seal stones exchange in GM shop. Sieges All the castles are available and sieges gonna be every 2 weeks. Castles (Manor system) All the castles features are activated manor rates are 2x. Automatic events We offer you constant automatic events like TVT and CTF with a nice reward for the winner and winners team to. http://l2greed.com http://facebook.com/l2greed.com http://l2greed.com/forum
  4. hello people, i find staff for create new server interlude mid o low retail like i have Vps in France 8Gb ram and know create used svn soucer put mods java, but i need help for time. all reward
  5. if you are not here or not, but I have a VPS 8gb ram OVH France, and I would like to mount a server, possess knowledge but no longer count on advertising budget to pay tops or buy a web hosting domain ... more serious or mid pvp 15x or not custom, but something to be doing well. pack to agree preference. but as such I want to get $$$ because Venezuela is very hard and I rcuperar what I invested in dedicated. any interested escrbir to whatsapp or pm +5804144665123
  6. Seeking person to collaborate on new project 30x. craft is so http://l2unreal.com/ http://l2unreal.com/forum everything is ready but I need help with test subjects, advertising, moderator of the forum among other things. add me to skype if you are interested and talk. People with experience eye ... the server opens the 19th of June. Skype: nelsib1 not if I should post it here
  7. L2Unreal Team presents new interlude Server x30. The opening date will be 06 June mode Beta Test ... ! Open Oficial server 19 june For nearly one year we have gathered the necessary information about the preferences players what the optimal settings for the game server. We worked well and create good Games and Geodata files. Now we would like to invite you to play on L2 UnReal, which will start SOON. Any information about your settings will be available on our website and our forum. Rates & Enchants : - RateXp = 30x. - RateSp = 30x. - RatePartyXp = 2x. - RateAdena = 30x. - RateDropItems = 20x. - RateSpoilItems = 15x. - RateRaidDropItems = 7x. - RateQuestDrop = 10x. - Safe Enchant = 3. - Safe FullBody = 4. - Enchant MaxWeapon = 16. - Enchant MaxArmor = 16. - Enchant MaxJewelry = 16. - Enchant Normal = 50%. - Blessed Enchant = 60% (No-Break Item). Server Features : - Misc Shop. - Weapon Shop. - Armor Shop. - Event Manager - Class Manager. - Wedding. - Gk Global With Town Zone and Catacombs/Necropolis. - Merchant of Mammon in Giran town. - Blacksmith of Mammon in Giran town. - Olympiad System. - Olympiad Start 18:00 end 00:00. - Olympiad period : 2 weeks. - Olympiad min players: 4 (Non-Classed). - Olympiad min players: 4 (Classed). - You Need 9 Match And 1 Wins To Be Eligible To Hero. - Class change free (1 job[85.000 adena] - 2 job[349.000 adena] - 3 job[5.450.000 adena]). - Subclass free. - Noblesse questable/buyable. - Buff time (2hr). - NPC Buffer (without resist). - Mana Potion. - Castle/Clan hall Working. - Dualbox allowed. - Auto learn skills. - Max buff 24 (+4) - Debuff bar working. - Vote Reward System : 1 Vote Coin every 5 votes. - Bugless geodata. - TvT Event each (2hr). - TvT Reward : 1 Event Coin. - Friendly GM Staff. - Regular updates. - GM events. - Active staff. - Fair donations, no donation for weapons, armors or enchants unlike other servers. - Player's spawn protect: 60 sec. - Main City: Giran Town. - When a char is started will be received with 50k adena. - Gm Shop until B-grade. - A - S grade need craft. - Trading SealStones. - .xp_sp command / Disabled and Enabled Xp-SP. - Offline shops. - PvP/PK announce. - Champions enabled. - Increased slots WH/shops/manufactures. - Store Zone. Others - As I have heard many suggestions on buff slot I decided to create a new system over the slot, this suits everyone. - The system that was created is this: - The normal slot of buff now is 24 SLOT + 4 with all divine inspiration. TOTAL: 28 SLOTS. - Divine inspiration is not auto learn. Now you can buy some books in the shop "Event Manager" and learn it. Your slot will increase depending book you've gotten. Visit us and enjoy a unique experience! http://l2unreal.com http://l2unreal.com/forum http://facebook.com/l2unreal
  8. Hello people, Here I leave you some features about the project, I hope you like. Not based at any well known projects, Teon, aCis, Frozen, Sigmo, Etc. Private, international Interlude project. ;* Protections. .- DragonHunters Attacker, Fixed. .- Attacker v3, Fixed. .- L2j-Killer, Fixed. .- Server Crasher, (All versions), Fixed. .- Phx Protection, It has the same protections that have any l2j pack, is recommended to buy the LameGuard. .- Phx Spam, Fixed. .- Phx Announce, Fixed. .- DualBox Protection, (With Config, True or False). .- L2Walker Protection, (With Config, True or False). .- Flood Protection, (Config). .- Anti Bot Protection, (With Config, True or False). .- Anti Feed Manager, (With Config, True or False). ;* Retail Features .- Castles, 100% Working. .- Olympiad System, 100% Working. .- Skils, 95% Working. (We continue to work). .- GrandBoss, (Core,Orfen,Queen Ant,Baium,Antharas,Valakas,Frintezza), Fixed. Also u can test it. .- Augment, Working. .- Hero Weapon, 100% Working. .- SubClass system for classMaster work retail like (for example, if you are Fighter you can go to change your main class only in Fighter guild) .- Clan Gate, Working. .- Trade system, Working like L2OFF. (Also u can test it). .- Macro System, Reworked. .- Class Master Update, They can modify via htm & config. .- Balance Class, All classes and skills are well balanced. .- Zone System, Reworked. .- Community Board, Reworked, + Custom Community Like L2Sigmo. .- Hero Message & infos, Fixed. .- Beast Farm, 100% Working. .- Almost all quests are working. .- Fortress & CH Siege are working. .- Clan Hall System, Working. .- Siege System, Working. .- Manor System, Working. ;* Custom Features. .- AIO Server System, (With Config True or False). .- Donador Server System, (With Config True or False). .- Sleep Effect in Offline Shop. .- Offline Shop + Configs. .- Away Mode, (I think you know what this). .- PcBank Points, (With Config True or False). .- Vote Reward System, Hopzone & TopZone. .- Champion System, (With Config True or False). .- Events, TvT, CTF, TW, DM. Rebirth. .- Wedding Manager. .- PvP Custom Reward. .- Command .Online & Player Online on enter. .- And we will added more things soon. ;* Some quest are rewritten in java. ;* All AI are rewritten in java. ;* Hero Circlet & Hero Weapon, rewritten in java and separated. ;* Some sql are rewritten in xml. Another link for view more things about olympiad. http://imgur.com/a/kxDhl#3 Community Board Custom. ; If u are interested, Send me a PM. :troll: :dat: :good sir: :pherp:
  9. i new in this, i want learn how installs site with format stress web from forum rusian. soy nuevo en esto, y quiero aprender a instalar webs del formato stress web. ya que se ven bien y tienen muchas coas. o pasarla
  10. Open L2Cursed Kingdom Beta: 15/11/2014 Open L2Cursed Kingdom Oficial : 22/11/2014 Dear players, given the fact that we’re trying to start the server that wouldn’t have any major bugs or problems and would run as smoothly as possible, our administration decided to push the opening date 22/11/2014 Information Server L2Ck High Five Server Max lvl 99 sub clase acu 3+ base xp rate:100 sp rate:10 Drop rate:10 adena:100 max buff :84 max enchant:16 max safe:4 Enchant comun :60% Blessed enchant:75% Armor Efect a : +16 anuncio pvp pk consecutive custom hero aura por pvp zona custom pvp anti drain mobs en pvp anti soe en pvp panel de drop mobs custom community full sistema de seguridad de pj individual systema sell buff systema aio systema vip quest unica del server con beneficio de login diario y ranking de quest systema de eventos completos + tree of life , survive , present Arms zonas customs, zonas hall zona de lvl 76+ bug reports npc custom shop npc buffer comun buffer hall +zonas custom en hall Npc Vip Augment Npc Archivement Individual vote manager vote reward global gk global customs armors and weapons incluyendo armas boss Antharas,Valakas,Lindvior wings auto ss y bss y arrows piedras de apariencia de armors y weapons systema de comandos .menu q incluye "( teleports,cambio de pass y pin,cambio de sexo,repair,join olys,change name, go clan lider, tiempo online del pj,comandos para lider de clan para hablar con pjs del clan o a todos los online mediante mensaje en pantalla,subir la reputacion del clan,exp on off,)" systema de encuesta systema de siegue manager por comando jack spot y black jack ranking pvp y pk systema de ranking por rango systema anti bots custom clan halls auto restart offline trade systema multilenguage l2walker proteccion pvp reward anti feed Balance System We use 100x rates for comfort game. Leveling up of character tates for comfort game. Leveling up of character takes the smallest period of time, that will allow you dont waste your time, and take part in mass PvP battles. http://l2cursedkingdom.com/ http://forum.l2ck.com/
  11. first of all I come to introduce myself. I'm arknis am 25 and I am looking to build a trained staf and extensive knowledge in lineage2. the staff is not even finished building and there is no chronic elejida. Seeking people with extensive knowledge in java to mount server. I besides labor and time in my hand a dedicated server to upload a server of l2 have a 16 gbs Ram intel xeon intel xeon and another 32GBs USA or Germany to host preference. aside from being able to hire a web hosting + domain. seek and propose work half. I'm not interested in donations because my country does not enter foreign currency. but if you have a good stable with many players it becomes renowned server. if you are interested in getting together with my staff I leave to my disposal skype: nelsib1 I do not speak English perfectly but if not use google translator express. If not post in corect section please move the topic.
  12. Grand Opening Febraury 15th 2014 Info Advanced PvP Zones at Epic Bosses http://www.l2sword.com http://www.l2sword.com/foro Queen Ant Zone limited to 31-49 lvl characters. Core Zone limited to 41-59 lvl characters. Orfen Zone limited to 41-59 lvl characters. Zaken Zone limited to 51-69 lvl characters. Baium Zone from 13th floor up. Antharas Zone inside Lair and around the Heart. Valakas Zone inside Lair and around the Heart. Frintezza - zone haven't been added yet. Major changes Warning Character during delevel will no longer keep skills from higher level. Completly reworked Artificial Intelligence(AI) for: Queen Ant Orfen Zaken Baium Refreshed conquerable clanhall sieges. Devasted Castle Partisan Hideway Bandit Stronghold *Detailed patch notes are unavailable. Server Machine Doubled 2x Intel Xeon E3-1240V3 3.4 Ghz x4(x2) RAM 16 GB DDR3 ECC HDD 4x 1TB - SATA3 Internet 10Gbps Gameplay Rates RateXp = 10 RateSp = 10 RatePartyXp = 2 RateDropItems = 10 RateSpoilItems = 10 RateRaidDropItems = 10 RateQuestDrop = 10 EnchantMaxWeapon = 16 EnchantMaxArmor = 16 EnchantMaxJewelry = 16 Enchant rate : 55% for all type of scrolls Class change 1st - No quest needed - 0 adena. 2nd - No quest needed - 0 adena. 3rd - No quest needed - 0 adena. Subclass No quest needed - free Up to 3 subclasses Buffs Buffs Time - 2 hour NPC Buffer Classic Buff slots 28(+4) NPC Buffer doesn't include buffs like: Summon buffs eg Blessing of Queen Resists eg Dance of Aquaguard Olympiad Olympiad period : 1 Mouth Olympiad min players: 9 (Non-Classed) Unique antifeed system Instant macros for Armor Sets Rules : retail like Classic features 100% of skills working including all of Symbols Dualbox/Multibox is allowed Dedicated Geodata GM Shop up to B-Grades GM Shop trading SealStones Gatekeeper Merchant of Mammon in town Blacksmith of Mammon in town Player's spawn protect: 60 sec Autolearn skills Mana Drugs
  13. I have a java executable (. jar) I would like someone will add one votereward and some anti bot protection and phx Paid $ usd. please testiar file first before paying, either on your pc or somewhere. contact to: nelsib1 link to download. jar https://mega.co.nz/#!xYkGxQaa!-p55l3vWI1DEdKrcQjezzC9zHn7Kjwpiq0H6_3Qes8k
  14. I'm find a person for buy pack based in pride Interlude (Game Play 5 years) Skype: Nelsib1 Facebook: Arknis Paez i need this pack with fast. pay in Euro or USD. only talk with me, if ElfoCrash talk withme is very nice.
  15. jajaja if EnCore is Noob everyday.
  16. Good Nigth...this web is create by my with PSD rusian. No have Skin. Download PassWord: Arknis if you want change name server send pm.
  17. This code is posible in Interlude client? and ty for you code...
  18. this is good. ty for you
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