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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. To teleutaio me thn psyfo to vala wallpaper xD
  2. LOL!!!! Hahahahah check the whole video hahahahaa
  3. ekino -to allo Thn koloky8ia 8a pai3oume twra?
  4. NOub JM, me haded mi other char on juts to buf mi not to kil oders that is not dual-boksing no ban plix!
  5. Argh!! Someone make Critical and the maker of those L2 devs!!! Awsome share!!! Keep sharing, for christ's shake, you own!
  6. ok fere mou lefta. Kai mila kalytera. Sub Zero, egw tis epishmanseis mou tou tis ekana sto msn, rwta ton na sou pei ;P
  7. That's routine for me, 10-year old admins ban you for killing them every single time. And no, you are not allowed to post this cracking steam tutorial, cause it is illegal, and as everyone knows : • Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed. [but send it to me in a pm cause I want it , comparing the working stuff :P]
  8. Um... I saw some flaming before. So this was probably the revenge for it ;P
  9. EE hrema, me pm na malwsete, oxi edw. Tis proswpikes sas antizhlies na tis lysete sto Msn. O gropacas eipe thn gnwmh tou kai ws ekei. /ontopic Arketa kalo site, isws paei kala an endiafer8eite :P
  10. Apo ena grhgoro search . brhka auto http://www.tophost.gr/?gclid=CLvYkZrpjJMCFRqa1Qodxn0dfA
  11. I can get used easily, no prob for me, but I kinda quit L2 (maybe 1 hour or less every week) so my vote doesn't count. But: NcSoft understood that Kamael was a failure, and it didn't augment the number of players, it just was an unimportant update, but they spent more money that you could ever imagine for its promotion. With Hellbound, they are trying to fix what they did with Kamael, and I think they are doing quite good. Now players can sub without thinking of the result, cause the more you subclass, the more profits you get now. After all her mistakes, NCsoft is now more mature, and after all the reduction in sells and players, we will now start going up, and L2 will regain its previous glory...
  12. Good job boss!!! That's why it was faster today <3
  13. Will you ever stop flaming?? /ontopic Imperium cool weps mate keep moding this damn game ;)
  14. You must pm Maxtor for that, but I don't think you can donate by those posts, and I completely disagree with your idea to hide the donation from your parents.
  15. Very good NPC!!! Was looking for it, THanks!! (+1)
  16. MMM smexy!! Remote thingies were always my favorite ;D
  17. It is very tiring cause you have to move every time you hit if you are an archer:P Also, 100% of the server are archers. Bishops do not exist, nor any other support class, cause you cannot get adena like that. If you wanna try a server like that, go to l2 mafia or the original gve. That's my opinion 8)
  18. Now the post is protected from...noobs :D Good job K4rMaArr0wS!
  19. I played there once, really liked it , even when the mobs who dropped the nice hats where unbeatable by normal classes except daggers :D But I left for a week and when I came back it was closed so I left. I may come back ;) I don't quite remember my ingame name ... are the class transformations working? I mean the new hellbound ones
  20. Tabula Rasa is free?? OMGZ!!! Gotta go try this one! EDIT: /sigh it is not free :( I will stay with L2 then :-\
  21. sorry for being a meanie blane, topic unlocked
  22. That's not a contest! That's a thread where you can show your creativity! um you could always ask from a global mod to unlock it for you to post 8)
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