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Everything posted by IKnowWtf

  1. Name: Thomas Age: 22 Skype: I will send my Skype details by PM to the thread starter. I would also inform that I don't use Skype often but if the position will need it - I try to become more active on it. Still, personally I prefer MSN (will be included in the private message as well). Nationality: Polish Why do you think you should be selected instead of others: I have registered on MxC at the beggining of February. As you may notice it does not affect my postcount since I don't like blankly posthunting, even mentioning a fact my PC activity (I spend my time on L2J coding learning, mainly over 10 hours per day). As the second side I must confess about weekends since I'm almost unavaible at this period. Going forward, my English skills aren't maybe perfect, but should be enough to communicate at the decent level. I'm member of aCis Inner Circle also I do not participate in any 'member war' here at MxC, nor have my personal blacklist or something like that. The other advantages of my personality are being gentle, calm and doing the job without any unnecessary emotions. It may vary of course, but while being engaged to a such position I will not risk it. How should you act if someone was starting a flame drama? This question is kinda tricky because it depends on the circumstances. Anyway if the target of drama would be myself, then I'd just warn the person and observe what will do. If he would continue to it then just lock the topic and message the higher instance to take care of it ;) Regards, Tommy
  2. In case of such unclear stuff I'd just avoid this guy.
  3. Awesome idea, I'm only wondering how it works ingame (and gotta test it soon :) ) @up Your post count just hitted the forbidden number :o :o
  4. Omfg dude, stop that QQ mode and get used to fail. Which thread it is, 4th?
  5. If 1+1 agu stuck: P. Might A. Might against mages, P. Might A Shield (or vice versa) against fighters Also worth to have celestial shield on switch weapon; If not: P Might / Celestial on switch against anything P Shield / Celestial on switch against fighters If h-rate with access to every buff = db+slow If not - focus ~duel might don't work properly on most of the servers.
  6. And that 30th post will be dedicated tooooooo... Interlude :)
  7. Thank you for the share. (to potential flamers, yeah the postcount isn't a bareer for me)
  8. Just simply register to our forum and download it directly from there. Latest free revision of course..
  9. Couldn't agree more. Also the whole offer looks very tempting, if I would need such a protection, I'd get it asap from you. Trusty and competent person!
  10. Do only I smell a strange (and silly) proudness of that fact from you? @OT Anything higher than Interlude isn't Lineage for me.
  11. July. Almost fits perfectly.
  12. Sometimes you need to shatter some lol dreams.
  13. You are either kidding or just making fool of yourself? Almost everyone know that Cleaver is based on L2JFrozen, as also it is/was the most populated server which is using those files.
  14. If the site mentioned above is your creation ofc :P @down You would be shocked to know how much people are forced to using such resolution. Your choice anyway 8)
  15. I remember my first Tor 'adventure' like 3 years ago. Never again, imo it's not supposed to be so-easy-to-enter.. .. well, all about the how-to guides like the thread starter gave us ;)
  16. An4rchy, voicecommandhandler part is missing (.menu stuff) Good job tho :)
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