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Everything posted by djxxx

  1. ok how i see i have -3 karma np ^^ but i will give you the liks for the ebst interlude pack this pack have many items for you : First step copii data pack in a default location ex:c:/myserver http://rapidshare.com/files/103626114/djxxxpackrar.rar.html Open navicat and instal the backup in l2jdb http://rapidshare.com/files/103613026/08backup.psc.html Copi the patched system add copii core dll in system http://rapidshare.com/files/103608409/legacy_pack.rar.html (this is the system whit texture and animation) copii core and add in system http://rapidshare.com/files/103612618/core.dll.html in 20 minute i will post some screns^^ Some usefull info spawn class manager 31228(the bug on the cat cause of l2jfree team is fixet by me^^) Custom gm shop 7099 Gk 7077
  2. after i have see here so many people who need a god data pack whit custom i have think i can help them First step copii data pack in a default location ex:c:/myserver http://rapidshare.com/files/103626114/djxxxpackrar.rar.html Open navicat and instal the backup in l2jdb http://rapidshare.com/files/103613026/08backup.psc.html Copi the patched system add copii core dll in system http://rapidshare.com/files/103608409/legacy_pack.rar.html (this is the system whit texture and animation) copii core and add in system http://rapidshare.com/files/103612618/core.dll.html in 20 minute i will post some screns^^ Some usefull info spawn class manager 31228(the bug on the cat cause of l2jfree team is fixet by me^^) Custom gm shop 7099 Gk 7077 some csutom id for items i have modify this be cuz i not want peopel say is emty topic http://rapidshare.com/files/103801989/New_Text_Document__2_.txt.html
  3. The name is "Spell Force" and "Battel Force" and in some servers u get this buffs when u hit mobs in Premival Island.... For the exploit u can just kill some mobs in Premival >>Relog>>soe to town....and u have them until u die :)
  4. yeap dlvl'ing from 74 takes some time and its very boring.......
  5. can some1 tell me plss what is Dragon-Network's IP and Token pls
  6. be cuz in oneo data packs all time are missing 4 files mi advice is try locate this files and rebuild yourself if not make this check you cannot add custom on oneo but whatever if want a custom pack just check http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13431.msg93875#msg93875
  7. mordaneus next time when you try add a custom stuff in a server must check if the server is complete or if in server not missing files check again please :)
  8. lol...man u can check it your self ... why are u so scared of?
  9. well... i like opera cuz i can use it insted of bitcomet/bittorrent,etc. ... and its the fastest browser.. Opera...RuleZ
  10. who know ihow can log on a person acount if you know the username.......
  11. hehehe killvalakasforfun long time ago i not have see you mi old friend here is me :P fron 4000x gm phoenix or hitamibotu or for some plaeyrs gomenasai ^^
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