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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. but after 5-10 min u get dc?
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/204799-scammer-nasif/?hl=nasif not even 12y ;D
  3. idk dont remember change log of epilogue ;d but me remember rpg club gracia final, was awesome
  4. Interlude is best at low rate, mid rate is simple spam few skillz and bye olly is totally bored, since there is owning just few classes, h5 is bad at low rate, long farm, unbalanced.. but mid rate is much better than interlude and olly balanced, u can win everything with all classes some fps lags, at that time i had low pc xd
  5. Seems like u dont know what mean "Disccusion" , ) if he want just vote, he should add it here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/100-votespolls-area/ but its fine, you can flame me as you want, but now ppl see how you are stucked as kid when someone make u mad just about few posts ;D so please dont be mad brah, you wil lbe fine soon... go better learn how use f1/3
  6. i was hero at every interlude server 2k12/13, after i get bored since its just f1/3 and using macro for armors, about its interlude olly, 0 brain, 0 skilloz, just mana burn and auto win but for ppl who need using words at forum like "get a life" its hard explain, since they are stucked as kids and poll about 100 ppl, rly nice ;D like 20 ppl making big different
  7. seems like we made you mad :( rly sad storka, i nocited why u like f1 chronicle when u play 800x600 l2, u cant handle mass pvp at h5 ;ddd this screen talking about everything https://fotos.subefotos.com/e6f62bd19a6c84123393479b198f6b58o.png
  8. me as solo playa everytime won l2mid :(
  9. interlude is like using nokia 3310 at 2k17
  10. its not even real l2world real l2world using Nik for god shits serbers old l2world (with bella at team) was renamed to l2realm
  11. ya, and after i gave u 100 proffs about l2wiki summons stats are wrong .
  12. ya i remember color dex cp :D he had 27 ppl for 9 chars :D me was drining also 24/7 there
  13. noone will report u major bugs they will save it for live game and after they will abuse this. thats why gm team should be players from retail or got friends from retail and not using l2wiki like you do .
  14. me here u have 12h after me log out again , since me go 1 week out of czech
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