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Akumu last won the day on May 25 2019

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  1. Hey, could you please upload "High Five 273 NA" for my collection? P.S. 500GB
  2. Hello, how to download client from http://akumu.ru/ ?
    FTP doesn't work

  3. Hello. I'm looking for following game clients to add to the collection. Lineage II: Helios: Lord of Bifrost (64 protocol) - North America and Europe. Lineage II: Grand Crusade (109, 110 protocols) - Russia. Lineage II: Salvation: First Chapter (140 protocol) - North America and Europe. Lineage II: Salvation: The Gathering (152 protocol) - North America, Europe and Russia. Lineage II: Fafurion (166 protocol) - North America and Europe. Lineage II: Prelude Of War (228 protocol) - Russia. Lineage II: Prelude Of War Ch. 2 (235, 236 protocols) - Russia. All the clients will be available to the community for free. If you have any of these clients in their original state (no modifications to files) please consider sharing here in the topic or via PM.
  4. Try this http://akumu.ru/lineage2/L2KR/P287/
  5. I'm still missing quite a few, so if you guys have them please message if you can so I can add them.
  6. Hello. If you are looking for download links for Lineage 2 clients, check out these pages: http://akumu.ru/lineage2/protocols.html http://akumu.ru/lineage2/ (more stuff, like KR clients) These are 100% official (unpatched) clients. Available as torrent downloads, or direct per file downloads.
  7. Same thing that stops you from developing and using a new kernel module - Windows digital signature enforcement. You can't just edit the driver binary and expect it run. Anticheat kernel driver does not give protected process any new privileges. Therefore there is no extra risk for you as a player if you for any reason do not trust server administrator.
  8. Server admin has no kernel mode access in any way while running SmartGuard.
  9. Not really. We use combination of both to get the best out of what Windows can offer and so far so good. ring0 will not help you with everything though but it certainly aids
  10. Hi. Open source protection does not stand a chance against developing bots and other regularly updated software. At least ring3 applications. Security through obscurity is the most common way nowadays.
  11. smart-guard.eu - Strong bot and hack protection for your server

  12. Hello. There are no points in our infrastracture that while down can prevent players from connection to game. PM me if your problems is still there, I'll be glad to help.
  13. This is completely normal for some low-end antiviruses to have false positives on packed/protected binary files. This is just what you have to accept deciding to use these. My suggestion would be to either get a better antivirus solution or just and Lineage II game folder to antivirus exceptions list.
  14. Hello. Today we have another portion of good news about the highly anticipated features and fixes. Added ability to select protection update channel in two clicks in the CP. Now everyone can decide whether to use the newest version of antibot or to give preference to older versions. At the moment two channels are available: Stable and Live. To select your preferred update channel change the settings in your CP account and wait up to 15 minutes. Improved caching of upgrades on the user's PC to accelerate the game launch speed and reception of updates. Protection splash screen will no longer be displayed on top of other programs. Updated protection against Adrenaline and L2Epic bots. Significantly improved protection against the circumvention of Antibot, interception of functions for work with the operating system will be virtually impossible. Significant optimization of memory usage, less load on the CPU and higher speed. Fixed D3DX Hook module conflict with the VOIP program "Mumble".
  15. Only 10 days remaining!
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