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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. Maxcheaters Adena Shop! Collect Adena - Buy everything! Collect Adena By making Topics or Posts (depends the section!) Buy whatever you want,like increase karma,make sticky,change title,username etc.. (soon with more) Deposit - Withdraw adenas from virtual bank! Steal Adenas from others or risk to loose yours! Just click Here Coming soon...!!!!!!!
  2. Topic Locked. Webdesigners found ;) Thanks for your interest!
  3. Most Online Today: 413. Most Online Ever: 413 (Today at 03:47:26 PM) WTF!!!!
  4. i will fix all values. there is an option for each section . example for exploits you will get double or more adenas :D for spam you will get none ;) or 1!
  5. i will change prices now. for every post you will get ex 50-100 adenas , and to buy something will look like 10k for +5 , etc etc
  6. put your coins in bank so noone steals you!
  7. the best mod i ever add! the best reason to post :D :-)
  8. there is nothing with paypal. its free.
  9. Our servers are under heavy construction.We have 2 machines! The decision is final and we are coming back soon with these servers: 1 Server Low Rate x10 Interlude [L2OFF] 1 Server High Rate x1000 Gracia Final [L2J] The sites are also under construction. Wait for updates! We will be back!!!!
  10. Maxcheaters® team is looking for webdesigner who will work and design the Gaming Network of Maxcheaters.com. It will include these domains: l2.maxcheaters.com OR l2maxcheaters.com (l2 Server Website) dota.maxcheaters.com (dota section for Dota Server Website) cs.maxcheaters.com (cs section for Counter Strike Server Website) maxcheaters.com/index (portal for maxcheaters,introduction site) gaming-network.maxcheaters.com (Gaming Network for Maxcheaters) Who ever is interested please pm here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=2 or send email at: admin@maxcheaters.com Thank you!
  11. cs , dota , lineage and cod servers coming soon.
  12. http://l2.maxcheaters.com
  13. for better and easier finding reports i lock this topic , and from now on you shoud make 1 topic for each report!
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