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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. This topic has been moved to Report Section. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=57763.0[/iurl]
  2. This topic has been moved to Report Section. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=71089.0[/iurl]
  3. server unstickied. if i see it stickied again. topic will be removed
  4. Support our forum by donating/subscribing here: No group changes will be made. We are about to find a very good freelancer to re-make our great forum and make several changes. Freelancers costs from 200$ to 2000$ and re-make will take 30-40 days. Everyone can support this. Subscribe now. Thanks. Your admin: Maxtor®
  5. The competition is simple: remake this smf theme here by editing pics,css,php or whatever you want. Theme will be tested before it's use. Additional you can re-edit any other smf theme from official site here and customize for our forum. I prefer you to add pics and icons smilies etc.. at forum's header from lineage, wow, and cs. Winner will win a platinum membership or a rapidshare account for 1 month.
  6. do not attack or judge members. if they have or not a gf is not a solution for this forum. :S i like to hear members problems and opinions
  7. here is the section. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=93.0 i will write the rules later , so everyone can report by making a topic there. (mods will fix every problem and lock the topic after)
  8. In this section all regular members can be a part of this community by reporting all abusing,spamming and illegal activity in maxcheaters.com. The only think you have to do is to make a topic (without post counting) and report us (mods-global mods-etc) with information about illegal activities in forum. A Moderator then will take all the necessary measurements and then lock the topic you made. A LOCKED TOPIC MEANS THAT A MODERATOR FIXED YOUR REQUEST. In this section you can report: - Feedback Abusing - Spamming, flaming - Rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts - Offensive posts - Posts or links to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive - Illegal Advertisements - Posts that need our attention (like hiding useful posts) - A problem that you don't like in forum. To avoid topics with the same subject, please use the user name which you want to report in your title. Example: Spammer in L2 Exploits section: Raule, etc. PS: Remember, if you are going to report a thread that must be cleaned from spammers, delete few replies from posts and such little changes do not making a new senseless thread. Use the "Report" button. Spamming in this section is not allowed, and it's punishable. Post only if you are relevant to the request/thread Please notice that we can't be judges for all the bad actions of our members. What I mean by that? If a scam occurred in msn/skype or in any place OUTSIDE of the forum even if the scammer/trader is a member of maxcheaters, WE CAN'T DO SOMETHING. We're not working on this forum to investigate each case individually. It's clearly on your hand to be careful with your trades. If you're unsure about a trade, just don't do it. You can always have your opinion about a person since we're democrats and the forums are open to discuss, but we can't be sure about trades done in private. Only public trades can be moderated. In our age, information is really sensitive and easily editable even from a kid. That's why we can't be sure about what you paste in a topic where you report a scammer. And to be honest: Scamming is something that exists for a long time now and we, the moderators and the staff, can't give all our time to investigate a case which happened in private. We might also be injustice with the scammer/trader. We're not judges. So from now on, every scam report that happened outside of the forum will be locked for the first-timers, but will be deleted for members that are aware of this specific rule. Update from 30/12/2014 - About Scamming Reports If you want to report someone, you have to: 1. Provide the link of the [WTB]/[WTS]/[WTT] transaction 2. Provide valid proofs as concern the scam a. Converastion (private message, skype messages, etc.) b. Paypal Transaction (or other well-known transaction site) c. Proofs have to include maxcheaters member name, member's paypal email or any other useful information 3. Use only the English language (if you don't know then you can use google translator) 4. You can use the specific Stickied thread for such reports instead of creating new thread.(check screenshot bellow) You are not allowed to: 1. Bump for your report 2. Flame/insult 3. Spam Once again, spamming in this section is not allowed, and it's punishable. Post only if you are relevant to the report. Thanks for reading this.
  9. first by their posts-topics-shares , second by how much they care about forum (by helping other members etc) , and then if they are old, if many people suggest them, and other creteria.
  10. a good idea that came in my mind is to make a group who can edit and view all karma changes, and another one for reporters-watchers to report abuse. these will be hidden groups. what do you think?
  11. yes but karma goes with member's profile, but thanks button only in topic's threadstarter.
  12. you know what, if i make an announcement some people will see it, but some dont. a lot of people dont even take time to read rules or even a huge announcement. i prefer and always saying to mods not banning for every reason , just to make warnings.
  13. also i want to say a big SORRY to members that been misunderstanding by our mods. Karma abuse and banning are two things i cant control . im really sorry because some people really deserve to become a part of this forum, but i cant see them :( .
  14. i havent read all replies , just some of them and i have to say that administration of this whole forum is very hard to do. first of all , the 90% of the forum's image is mxc's moderators. i cant judge or find the best one out there because i dont know anyone in real life. im selecting oldest members to become mods because they spend a lot of time of their life in forum. to become a moderator is a real responsibility and mistakes are irreversible. i know that the best way to find a mod is to spend a lot of time in forum which unfortunately i dont have.
  15. i locked it. people can pm me for info.
  16. no im not in the team. just stickied for other reasons!
  17. temporary sticky by me.
  18. kalo tah itan afto to topic na iparxei kai sto english section. eidikotera me ola ta teleftaia client se rs. ean to etoimasei kapios pm me! interlude,hellbound, gracia 1,2,3
  19. mxc had some problem. everything is ok to normal now.
  20. o vago to zitise na bgei.. kai o zero sistithike apo to staff tou mxc. ean den einai aksios se afti ti thesi tha bgei. tipota dne einia standar edw kai eidika esi na krineis tis kiniseis tou mxc.
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