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About AchYle

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Community Answers

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/215543-l2j-l2ko/ u started talk about tales at another topic, so stfu brah
  2. you flame tales, and still wipe and opening new servers every month ;D
  3. wtf brag ;D its not mage. atk spd is for reuse skills
  4. corrupted mouse server, np if you want full epic just wait 1 week for donation shop
  5. make system and system1 ? i was using this and anyway u have "Optionlow.in" not .ini
  6. did u tried first clear cookies ? you can change mac adress
  7. and you need use google translate and copy / paste, so gtfo
  8. its somewhere at mxc already
  9. me not gonna play also ;D w/e
  10. new meta
  11. smartguard update = 1x per week, adr update = 2h after smartguard update (if u know adr developers) but w/e tales will got blocked adrenaline
  12. you are not famous, gtfo as i already said at another topic, if there no script, no auto go to spot, no assist, no auto rebuff, its totally useless at h5 with adrenaline u can bot 24/7 w/o checking pc, runing every quest also, with szaka bot u need check every 10min if you are not dead
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