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L2 Dictionary


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Aoba = axe of battle art

bop - bow of peril

humu - humunculus sowrd

con - club of natures

sod = sword of damaskus

gs - great sowrd

sb = soul bow

ss - soul seperator

som - sword of miracles

ds - dragon slayer

tb - talllum blade

dle - darck legion edge

db - dragon bow

as- angel slayer

hd - heavens divider

am - arcana mace

fb - forgotten blade

this is most used weapons names :) srry i didn't write blunts , fists because it is not very popular to call tem

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  • 1 month later...

an sou pw re bro oti thn prohgoumenh bdomada bhka se ena net sthn 8essalonikh me kana 3 donators ston mafia k m rwtousan ti einai to :S , :D , :P , >.< lol!!!!!


So,I Update it.




O.o - whaaa?

^^ - happy

>.< - angry or frustrated

T.T - crying

-_- - angry again


:@ - Angry.

<3 - Love.

>.> - pissed off.

<.< - pissed off again.

:D - Happy.

:) - Smile.

:( - Sad.

=) - Smile again.

=( - Sad again.

:P - Play jokes on sb .

=P - Play jokes on sb again.

:O - Surprised.

:X - Silence.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I read ur dictionary and i like it, i just wan to add some things:


BS: Blazing Swamp (used in low rights servers for pvp)

CDL: Curse Death Link (necromancer/SH spell)

FoG: Forge of Gods

HS: Hot Spring

WoA: Wall of Argos

4s: Four Sepulturers

MA: Major Arcana

IG: In Game

AI: Angelican Icon (Pal skill)

QA: Queen Ant

NPC: No Playing Character


Some Weaps:

FB: Forgotten Blade

HD: Heaven Divider

SB: Shining Bow

DB: Draconic Bow

AS: Angel Slayer

SS: Saint Spear

DS: Demon Splinter/ Dragon Slayer

AM: Arcana Mace

DLE: Dark Legion Edge

BBH: Bassalt Battle Hammer




GL/Glad: Gladiator

WL: Warlord

Pal/PA: Paladin

DA: Dark Avenger

TH: Treasure Hunter

HE: Haweye

SS: Sorcerer

Necro: Necromancer

WK: Warlok

BP: Bishop

PP: Prophet



TK: Temple Knight

SwS: Swordsinger

PW: Plains Walker

SR: Silver Ranger

ES: Elementar Summoner

SpS: Spell Singer

EE: Elven Elder



SK: Shillien Knight

BD: Blade Dancer

AW: Abiss Walker

PR: Phantom Ranger

SH: Spell Howler

SE: Shillien Elder

PS: Phantom Summoner



BH: Bounty Hunter

WS: Warsmiths



OL: Overlord

WC: WarCryer

TY: Tyrant

DE: Destro


Hope it help u too!! I can remember more..... >.<





PS: TY to www. lineage2.pmfun.com, for info


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  • 7 months later...

Okay after almost 1 hours of updating and cleaning my topic is back from the start and it's how it should be. Remembers I'm unlocking it so I can update this Dictionary you can help me if you'd like. If you do not post addons for the dictionary and your post is a spam i'll dekarma you as a first warning or ban as a second. Keep in mind this is a EN Topic so i don't want to hear ppl say "add sks is stfu in gr" its en topic so stick to it. You are in the full position to ask if you do not undesrstand something so i can explain it to you.Other posts that contain nothing related to the thread and just are like


"Nice work man"

"How long it took you"

"Is c/p i know"

"Is very helpful now i know"

"Its for noobs but gj"


will be deleted and the one who posted them will be ,as i said, for a first warning [dekarmed] for a second one [banned] . So forum help me update it. Just dont repost same shit look at the dictionary carefully.


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MoS - Monastery of Silence

TRex - Tyrannosaurus

HB - Hellbound

PI - Primeval Isle

LoA - Lair of Antharas

lvl - level

ally - alliance, also member of a clan from alliance

IoS - Isle of Souls

IoP - Isle of Prayer

FoG - Forge of the Gods

tp - teleport (using gatekeeper)


Gratz for effort.

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TI: Talking Island

IT: Ivory Tower

SoeS: Staff of Evil Spirit

CoL: Chant of Life

LFC: Looking For Clan


If you do not post addons for the dictionary and your post is a spam i'll dekarma you as a first warning or ban as a second.


Other posts that contain nothing related to the thread and just are like


"Nice work man"

"How long it took you"

"Is c/p i know"

"Is very helpful now i know"

"Its for noobs but gj"


will be deleted and the one who posted them will be ,as i said, for a first warning [dekarmed] for a second one [banned] . So forum help me update it. Just dont repost same shit look at the dictionary carefully.


nice it is very helpfull

very god boys, like job.

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PoF: Prophecy of Fire (buff increasing many stats)

PoW: Prophecy of Water (buff increasing many mage stats)



zerk: buff Berserker Spirit (increases attack capabilities, decreases defense capabilities)

bb: bye-bye or buff Bless the Body (increases the HP)


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