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[help]Enchant problems



kalhspera se oloys alo ena topic ton asxeto peri dev (emena)

exw ena prob ston server ka8os otan exw to weapon +max kai pathsw enchant m leei inapropriate enchanting conditions

otan omws ksanapathsw enchant to oplo spaei....

kserei kaneis ti paizei?

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Κοίτα εάν υπάρχει το OverEnchant= βάλε όσο Max το έχεις!!!

( Κάπως έτσι λέγεται )

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exw ena prob ston server ka8os otan exw to weapon +max kai pathsw enchant m leei inapropriate enchanting conditions

otan omws ksanapathsw enchant to oplo spaei....

basika exei ws eksis

exw +20 weap (sto max dld)

pataw enchant

-an to enchant petyxei tote leei inapropriate kai loipa xanw to scroll alal den febgei apo to inventory

-an den petyxei to weapon spaei

dld 8elw ena code p na elenxei ama to oplo h armor h jewel einai sto max

ama einai na leei inapropriate alliws na kanei enchant

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Sorry gia to doublepost alla dikaiologoyme:

eftiaksa ton elenxo p zhthsa parapanw oriste




Enas moderator na kanei lock ayto to topic plz



at line 77
        	activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.INAPPROPRIATE_ENCHANT_CONDITION));
+        if(item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_ACCESSORY && item.getEnchantLevel() >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY	
+        		|| item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_SHIELD_ARMOR && item.getEnchantLevel() >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR
+        		||item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON && item.getEnchantLevel() >=           Config.ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON)
+        {
+           	activeChar.sendMessage("Your item is enchanted at maximum");            return;
+        }
           	if (activeChar.getActiveTradeList() != null)

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