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interlude [L2J] L2Evidence


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L2Evidence - Interlude


We work very hard for you for having a great game !!

We are online , all day, and we have great performance and expirience...

We gurantee no wipe,no bugs,fair and no corrupted game and we will



What More?

Come Online To See!! ;


Server Info:


x1000 Xp rate

x1000 Sp rate

x1000 Adena rate

x1 Drop rate


Costum Items (Dynasty,Dusk Weapons)

No Lag


70% Enchant weapons

70% Enchant armors

90% Enchant weapons (blessed)

90%Enchant armors (blessed)


Max +31

Safe +6


Costum items: L2Gold weapons san Halisha,dk,Lf

                   Dynasty armor and weapons fix stats


We Work very hard these days for having a good game !!!!


join us and have a good game!!!


Site: www.l2evidence.weebly.com

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