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interlude [L2J]L2Athebaldt


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1 important thing to say about both versions: freya and interlude .

This server is no-donate and fun.

No corruption

it's really hard to find another server like it ^^.

so join :)

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Some Extra information.


Our Home Page - > http://athebaldt.enarxi.gr/index.html is currently online.

Our Forums - > http://interlude.enarxi.gr/


Duracell = Owner will soon get our old domain back which is...


L2Athebaldt.com <--Home Page.


L2Athebaldt.com/forum <-- Forums.



Once we will move the forum's URL and our Home Page's URL we will let you know.


~Thanks :P

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Yeap, We will not have any donations so server will remain balanced. :)


Thank you all for your great comments.


P.S http://athebaldt.enarxi.gr/ is outdated. As Jimaras says we will open an Interlude not a freya server :) We will change the images soon  ^_^


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For news visit www.interlude.enarxi.gr

Server's site will be posted before the server's opening.


The Server will open tomorrow Monday 10/1/2011. Time maybe from 19:00 to 22:30[GMT+2,Athens]

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Played on old Athebaldt(Hellbound era) and liked it.Good balance,economy and populated

in IL reborn they screwed it up(i saw no enarxi,so i don't know if it was official)


Guess it's gonna be a nice server

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