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[Guide] <HTML> Lessons

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[list][list]How to make a simple website.

Before we start. You just need Notepad open.


   * You must always start with this code: <HTML> and end with </HTML> or else nothing will appear.

   * When you finish with your project save it as example.html

   * When you press Enter in your notepad the browser will ignore it.

   * The codes you must use I will mark them with red color.

Ok, Let's start...

Lesson 1: Basic

<TITLE>Lessons 1</TITLE>

Lessons 1 by ProJecT
<B></B>Is for Bold Letters: ProJecT
<I></I>Is for Italic Letters: ProJecT
<U></U>Is for Underlined Letters: ProJecT
<HR> Add a beautiful line. Below.
<CENTER></CENTER> Put the text at the center of the page. Center not middle!

Lessons 2: Paragraphs

<TITLE>Lessons 2</TITLE>


<P>is a

Lesson 3: <BR> instead of Enter

Before I start typing I want to remind you that the browser will ignore the change of line with Enter.
You must change the line with this code: <BR>

<TITLE>Lessons 3</TITLE>

<BR>We will<BR>Use<BR>our mind<BR>for creating<BR>a HTML document.


Lesson 4: Size of the Letters or headings

<TITLE>Lessons 4</TITLE>

<h1>Size 1</h1>
<h2>Size 2</h2>
<h3>Size 3</h3>
<h4>Size 4</h4>
<h5>Size 5</h5>
<h6>Size 6</h6>

Lesson 5: Comment
This comment is useful if you want to change something, but you will not see it in the browser.

<TITLE>Lesson 5</TITLE>

<h1>Summer in Greece</h1><!--Change h1 to h2 and i have to make Greece with bold letters.. rofl(this comment will not appear in the browser, it is something like a reminder-->

Lesson 6: Sub(script) and Sup(erscript)

<TITLE>Lesson 6</TITLE>

<SUB>A small text up</SUB>
<SUP>A small text down</SUP>

Lesson 7: Pre
<PRE></PRE> Is a code which let the browser to use the space and the enters you used on notepad.

<TITLE>Lesson 7</TITLE>

<PRE>I       love      space





Lesson 8: Insert an Adress(Not Website's Adress)

<TITLE>Lesson 8</TITLE>

Chester Bennington
Minneapolis 554
San Francisco

Lesson 9: Delete and Inserted Text

<TITLE>Lesson 9</TITLE>

This file have been <DELETE>deleted</DELETE> from our <INS>Database</INS>

Lesson 10: Abbreviations

<TITLE>Lesson 10</TITLE>

<ABBR TITLE="BRB">Be Right Back</ABBR>
<ABBR TITLE="DNA">Deoxyribonucleic Acid</ABBR>

Lessons 11: Background Color

<TITLE>Lesson 11</TITLE>

<BODY BGcolor="red">
Background colored red. You can use another color if you want, special.
Get in Google and find some Color Hex Codes.
You must write BGcolor="#ff12ff"

Lesson 12: Hypertexts

<TITLE>Lesson 12</TITLE>

This link will take you to an <a href="http://[/url] Projects.us/">Awesome Website</a>
on World Wide Web(WWW)
This link will take you a <a href="forum.html">page</a> on your Website.

Lesson 13: Image - Link

<TITLE>Lesson 13</TITLE>

<a href="http://">
<img src="http://[/url]" alt="Lesson 13" width="100" height="100" />
</a>This image have a border around.

<a href="http://">
<img border="0"src="http://" alt="Lesson 13" width="100" height="100" />
</a>This image have not a border around.

Lessons 14: New Browser Window

<TITLE>Lesson 14</TITLE>

<a href="http://" target="_blank">New Tab, huh?</a>


Lesson 15: Get to another part of the current page.

<TITLE>Lesson 14</TITLE>

<a href="#C2">Take care of Part 2</a><br>
<a href="#C5">Send to a friend the Part 5</a><br>
<a href="#C12">Take a look at Part 12</a><br>
Part 1
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
<a name="C2"><h1>Part 2</h1></a>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 3
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 4
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
<a name="C5"><h1>Part 5</h1></a>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 6
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 7
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 8
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 9
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 10
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Part 11
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
<a name="C12"><h1>Part 12</h1></a>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>
Blah Blah Blah<br>

Lesson 15: Vertical and Horizontal Frameset (It's like you have as many as you want websites in your site)

   * You don't need <BODY></BODY> here.

   * If you want to have Verical and Horizontal togethere after you finish with Vertical start typing for Horizontal without using </frameset>
     (e.x: <frameset cols="50%,50%">
     <frame set rows="50%,50%">

<TITLE>Lesson 14</TITLE>

<frameset cols="50%,50%">

 <frame src="http://">
 <frame src="http://">


<TITLE>Lesson 15</TITLE>

<frameset rows="50%,50%">

 <frame src="http://">
 <frame src="http://">


Lesson 16: Navigation Frame

<TITLE>Lesson 16</TITLE>

<frameset cols="120,*">

<frame src="http://>
<frame src="http://"



Lesson 17: A slamm frame inside your website.

[liHere we can use body.]

<TITLE>Lesson 17</TITLE>

<iframe src=""></iframe>


Lesson 18: How to make tables

[li<TR>Are the lines Horizontal
<TD> Are the lines Vertical]

<TITLE>Lesson 19</TITLE>

<Table BGcolor="yellow" Width=400 Align="Left" border=2 BorderColor="black" Cellpadding=3 Cellspacing=0>
<TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD>
<TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD>
<TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD>
<TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD>
<TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD><TD>Lesson 14</TD>

Lesson 20:  Add Color or Image behind the table or the sell.

<TITLE>Lesson 20</TITLE>


<Table background="" Width=400 Align="Left" border=2 BorderColor="black" Cellpadding=3 Cellspacing=0>
<TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD>
<TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD>
<TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD>
<TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD>
<TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD><TD>Lesson 19</TD>


Lesson 21: Insert List with dots

<TITLE>Lessons 21</TITLE>

 <li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
 <li>Photoshop: Showcase</li>
 <li>Photoshop: Request</li>


Lesson 22: Inset List with numbers

<TITLE>Lessons 22</TITLE>

 <li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
 <li>Photoshop: Showcase</li>
 <li>Photoshop: Request</li>


Lesson 23: All types of lists

<TITLE>Lessons 23</TITLE>

Numbers List
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

Letters List (Big Letters)
<ol type="A">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

Letters List (Small Letters)
<ol type="a">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Showcase</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

Roman List (Big Letters)
<ol type="I">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

Roman List (Small Letters)
<ol type="i">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

Black Dots List
<ul type="disc">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

White Dots List
<ul type="circle">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>
<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>

Square Dots List
<ul type="square">
<li>Photoshop: Tutorials</li>

<li>Photoshop: Request</li>
<li>Photoshop: Resources</li>


Lesson 24: Defination List

<TITLE>Lessons 24</TITLE>

 <dd>Tutorials, Showcase, Request, Resources</dd>
 <dt>Lineage II</dt>
 <DD>General Discussion, Bugs & Hacks, Development</dd>


Lesson 25: Input Fields

<TITLE>Lessons 25</TITLE>

<form action="">
Real name:
<input type="text" name="Real name">
<input type="text" name="Username">


Lesson 26: Login & Password

<TITLE>Lessons 26</TITLE>

<form action="">
<input type="text" name="username">
<input type="password" name="password">


Lesson 27: Check boxes

<TITLE>Lessons 27</TITLE>

Who Administrator do you like the most?
<form action="">
<input type="checkbox" name="administrator" value="Anya">
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="administrator" value="MasterDisaster">
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="administrator" value="Wizzy">


Lesson 28: Radio-buttons

<TITLE>Lessons 26</TITLE>

<form action="">
<input type="radio" checked="checked"
name="administrator" value="Anya">
<input type="radio"
name="administrator" value="MasterDisaster">


Lesson 29: Dropdown List

<TITLE>Lessons 26</TITLE>

<form action="">
<select name="administrators">
<option value="Anya">Anya</option>
<option value="MasterDisaster">MasterDisaster</option>
<option value="Wizzy">Wizzy</option>


Lesson 30: Create a Button

<TITLE>Lessons 30</TITLE>

<form action="">
<input type="button" value="Continue">


i have found it in google and i posted here for newbie

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Give credits from where exactly do you find it.

And you know something?we don't really need it.

ALL can google too -.- .


Here in maxcheaters,we try(must) to create by ourselves guides/shares.

With that way we may improve kinda better the whole forum.

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Give credits from where exactly do you find it.

And you know something?we don't really need it.

ALL can google too -.- .

i dont disagree with you but i will make the job easy for newbies to find it here....


Gredits to elliteplanet

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i dont disagree with you but i will make the job easy for newbies to find it here....


Gredits to elliteplanet

Cobra(aka Mossano) is the biggest leecher lol





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i dont have see this topics...btw thx...

if you want lock the topic or deleted...



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