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Mostly ideal server is server where "you have crap while others don't" - you can't create such a good server. In the end you'll get lost in opinions and open another 2-week-server.

+ If you're heading for IL (I'm sure you'll pick server you like no matter what people says) then I really wish you good luck.


Mostly ideal server is server where "you have crap while others don't" - you can't create such a good server. In the end you'll get lost in opinions and open another 2-week-server.

+ If you're heading for IL (I'm sure you'll pick server you like no matter what people says) then I really wish you good luck.


Not true , i pick server how Players want. Thas why i made this topic.


so u will make a server how mxc player want it ? //fail

most player here looking for a HR server to play maybe 1 month on + to find bugs etc if there aren't any they will leave ^^


and also that u accept suggestions about the client makes me laugh... so u will collect ideas and then u will start to work on a pack to fix/edit the pack for weeks/months.... gz


Not true , i pick server how Players want. Thas why i made this topic.


Are you aware of the fact the 90% of ppl that are posting on your topic WON'T play on your server ?:)

Ppl ussualy join a server when they find something unique, balance, stable, no lag and nice features. This days, everything is about donations, so dev's are making crappy servers with good donations :)




There is not even one good (without OP donations) C4 server. I think that the L2 community is missing C4 times.

so it would be nice to see smth about x25. Gm shop till B grade (plus mana pots in the gm shop) and fair donations such as lvl up, sub, noblesse, 0 pks, accesories..


I think that it would be nice to see again one nice C4 mid rate server and I would play for sure.. (including almost all of my friends that still play l2)


i dont like l2 now..


So? What you write here a post?


I think, server should stay on last of normal chronicles, I mean Interlude and should have rates like 15-50 L2OFF of course ;)


I was answering OP because he said he would host it on VPS...


My ideal server is pretty much RPG-club x15 (with freya update would be even better), but I'm stuck at 77 because I don't have that much time anymore... so now I'm playing as a random on a pvp server because I don't have time to really play and I rather spend it pvping with my friends and having fun than farming all the time :x


I'm not posting ideal server setup because it's not so much about rates/zones/etc, it's aobut l2j/l2off, and in my opinion if something is not l2off 100% (like rpg), it's not really worth to play there seriously (longterm) because l2j has just too many bugs and things working incorrectly, short life expectancy servers, retarded admins... etc


I was answering OP because he said he would host it on VPS...


My ideal server is pretty much RPG-club x15 (with freya update would be even better), but I'm stuck at 77 because I don't have that much time anymore... so now I'm playing as a random on a pvp server because I don't have time to really play and I rather spend it pvping with my friends and having fun than farming all the time :x


I'm not posting ideal server setup because it's not so much about rates/zones/etc, it's aobut l2j/l2off, and in my opinion if something is not l2off 100% (like rpg), it's not really worth to play there seriously (longterm) because l2j has just too many bugs and things working incorrectly, short life expectancy servers, retarded admins... etc


Okey, I understund what you mean :)


Exp : x100 - 1000

Drop : HughRate like

Zones Farm : 3 are good~> 1 safe(low drops), 1 with PK-Guards(PvP, NOT PK  zone + medium drops), 1 PvP/PK zone with High Drops!

Zones Farm ( Where to be located ) : smth non-expectable

Events ( What events u would like to see ) : TvT , Vote Event, CTF, Hide & Seek, smth creative

Raid Boss Zones : Yes

Raid Boss Zones ( Location ) : Dunno!

Respawn Time : 5h

Client : freya

Donation List ( How to be ) : farmable items(not overenchanted), clan miscs, change name, gender, class, race, etc....


Also, Dedicated Machine, NoN-Free Domain, no Corrupted GMs...

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