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Grand opening 13.01.2011 18:00!


We are sorry to keep you waiting but we have some problems with the rank restricted random spawner and is bugging our database.We will work all night to fix this problem.


Thank you for your patience.


And sorry for the inconvenience.


If we are lucky we might put the server up tonight,but we can't promise you anything for that.

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Grand opening 13.01.2011 18:00!


We are sorry to keep you waiting but we have some problems with the rank restricted random spawner and is bugging our database.We will work all night to fix this problem.


Thank you for your patience.


And sorry for the inconvenience.


If we are lucky we might put the server up tonight,but we can't promise you anything for that.


Server Online!

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1. BLADE STORM + WIND STORM for 4 hours = archers are useless

"You hit someone for 5 having critical

Dagger hits You for 4500"

2. Pride for 4 hours = kamaels >> ALL


f00cking joke, failserver.


btw You littke -beep-ers:

1.Why did You write on Your stupid preview that You won't have overpowered daggers -> server open for 5 minutes, all 3 dagger classes standing in town with hero, undefeated owning everyone else.

2. Pride for 4 hours? Seriously ? Soulhound owns all also... -beep- stupid kids like You man

3. Curse of divinity in tank => You hit for 6952! ahahahahahhahahahahhaha stupid kids



BEFORE OPENING a SERVER please at least finish primary school you dumbass prick. This server is a disgrace.


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Ok I couldn't stop myself and I slightly improved their presentation => look and rotfl


Please note that many of the features that you see here are new and unique.Like those 100 bugs we made while doing this server and disabled most features cuz we don't have any idea how they work


Instant lvl 85!

Instant nobles!

No subclass, because we're dumb and think that subclass makes You immortal or $hit

Class changer on quest pop at first log with the new character!

Scheme Buffer!

36 buffs / 22 dances restriction.

Hero Glow and voice at every 5 players killing spree available till death or restart.

Controlled auguments.

Random spawn feature to prevent spawn kill!

Impossible to get karma even if you kill a non flagged player.

All classes are not adapted for high rate game play!

You can find many classes overpowered, all classes are adapted and have opponents, this is a Kamael/Daggerer server like you often find!

Sometimes, we aren't exactly sure when, you get 1 golden apiga. You can buy different thing from shops with it.

This is a 33% faction 33% normal high rate server 34% noob lolserver.



All exploits and economy bugs reports are well ignored and we don't give a f@ck!


We have an NPC in game explaining all these as well, we just forgot about symbol makers because they obviously unbalance everything, not those 4 hour buffs... ^^ LOL

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Ok I couldn't stop myself and I slightly improved their presentation => look and rotfl


Please note that many of the features that you see here are new and unique.Like those 100 bugs we made while doing this server and disabled most features cuz we don't have any idea how they work


Instant lvl 85!

Instant nobles!

No subclass, because we're dumb and think that subclass makes You immortal or $hit

Class changer on quest pop at first log with the new character!

Scheme Buffer!

36 buffs / 22 dances restriction.

Hero Glow and voice at every 5 players killing spree available till death or restart.

Controlled auguments.

Random spawn feature to prevent spawn kill!

Impossible to get karma even if you kill a non flagged player.

All classes are not adapted for high rate game play!

You can find many classes overpowered, all classes are adapted and have opponents, this is a Kamael/Daggerer server like you often find!

Sometimes, we aren't exactly sure when, you get 1 golden apiga. You can buy different thing from shops with it.

This is a 33% faction 33% normal high rate server 34% noob lolserver.



All exploits and economy bugs reports are well ignored and we don't give a f@ck!


We have an NPC in game explaining all these as well, we just forgot about symbol makers because they obviously unbalance everything, not those 4 hour buffs... ^^ LOL


I love when 12 year old kids start talking.


Subclass manager in giran just needed to teleport and see.


Dyes as well in giran.


Go and check everything before you post and offend some ppl.


And if you think kamaels and daggerers are OP here try another server and see the difference.

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U need Balance the server server isnt balanced!

Dagger must do max dmg frontal dmg 1k and backstab 2k or double backstab 4k MAX!

Also Kamaels hit more dmg if u have more buffs (+10% dmg per one buff on bufflist).So for better balance make the buffs slot 30-14 and decrease the power of Curse divinity ,increase reuse of steal divinity,

Mages are normal coz noone have good jewles (if server goes 1week old all will have ++jewles and armors and mages will be useless)

All debuffs must decrease the rate of succes-SO make all of them 30% succes and will be more balance!

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