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[IL - Share] Global Gatekeeper - For a Serious server!

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I'm so fed up with all these noob gatekeepers that you other guys are sharing.


So I thought I'd share mine.


It's for interlude, since it has it's locations, but as any other teleport file, very easy to modify. (I used to have it for gracia, but then I deleted the gracia locations when I started with Interlude, that's also why the "Back" button is black, used to have the old default button of gracia.


Now.. This GK has all the teleports that every normal GK has, not to baium's floors etc. Those are in the Noblesse section.

These files are for EVERY town/village GK. So it will replace the old one, with these. (SO MAKE A BACKUP!!!)


Download Here


Extract Password: MXCscrubs

*IF some file is missing for a GK (and if u write "MENG GRACIA++NPC" then i wont reply), tell me what gk and i'll fix it and re-upload*


Here's some screens:


Index: (as you can see, it's the original one, so noblesse ports are still there)








Hunting Territory:



Seven Signs:



All credits to me (Scrubs).


Hope you enjoy!

  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

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