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Hi everybody, i`m glad to present you L2 Rise of King Project.

It is a INTERLUDE project !


SVN: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2JRok/


Timeline: http://timeline.l2riseofking.ro


Forum: http://forum.l2riseofking.ro




1.Code-Style Formatter - DONE 100%

2.Organazing Libs - DONE 100 %

3.Organazing Config - DONE 75 %

4.Add Tvt - DONE 100 %

5.Fix Sql - DONE 99 %

6.Fix Skils - DONE 75 %

7.Rework ActionFail - DONE 99 %

8.Fix All Phx Error , Exploit - DONE 75 %

9.Fix All FloodProtection - DONE 98 %

10.Fix MMOCore - DONE 100 %

11.Rework Olympiad - DONE 90 %

12.Rework L2PcInstance - DONE 95 %

13.New Script Engine - DONE 15 %

14.Organazing Imports - DONE 80 %

15.Fix All Warning - DONE 98 %

16.ADD Custom - NOT DONE

17.Clean UP - DONE 50 %

18.Community Board  -  NOT DONE

19.Mail Sistem - NOT DONE


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Report any bug in the forum.


For more information please check the forum !


Thanks .

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