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  • 4 weeks later...

Good graphics and psihics but not too good gameplay

h0a0hah0ah0ah0ah00hah0a0hah0 . Have u ever played the game before? Ur crazy man. This is THE game.



Guys i need some help, im in the mission that i lost the gravity and i fly. How can i pass that mission, it's comfusing

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can't understand why everyone saying that this game is the best and bla bla bla.

Maybe crysis (and farcry) have the best graphics ever, but the gameplay just sucks.

It's like a failed mix of FPS and stealth game.

Crysis gameplay (IM NOT TALKING ABOUT GRAPHICS) < MGS 3 gameplay on stealth part.

Crysis gameplay < almost any pure fps anailable (left 4 dead / timesplitters (lol) / necrovision (new) / cod etc.

Missions are extremely boring btw...


The game's atmosphere (graphics/story/everything) is AWSOME..but the game lacks gameplay in my opinion.



(Sorry about the late replay but i just got a copy and since the topic is open...)


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