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Pff, i can't see l2 dying. Is it so difficult to just take c4 client and update it with what you want. But keep the gameplay, the icons, the graphics etc. C4 was the best season of Lineage II.

i can't see the graphics of interlude and other shits...

Pff, i can't see l2 dying. Is it so difficult to just take c4 client and update it with what you want. But keep the gameplay, the icons, the graphics etc. C4 was the best season of Lineage II.


yeah C4 was awesome not. Insta-cast sleep and cancel removing 12 buffs.


OP sps/necro.


Duds , don't you understand even if a super kewl C4 server opens with your super kewl rates you want , IT WON'T BE THE SAME LIKE IT WAS THE FIRST TIME !


Nostalgia is overwhelming.


AnimaAequitatis, seriously, have you ever played C4 l2off server? I am talking about l2reevnge, l2frozen(not shit interlude l2j server)...


I guess you haven't... Like 2-3k ppl online, massive pvp even in Ruins of Despair. Awesome features, everything worked fine. No custom shit, simple gameplay, but even if it was so simple, noone left. Wanna know why? Because of the pvp/farm/xp experience that you get by playing it.


Now i log in, in servers, i see flying ships, thunder bolts near players, even flying players on some players with wings. I say ok, let's try it. I look at the gm shop, and just want to kill myself. I know what you'll say, it's because i haven't tried it and i don't know how to use/add these stuff. But not, i know what every thing does, but i hate all of them.


Even Interlude sux, but compared to Interlude+ chronicles, it's wayyyy better. And i am not talking about hacks and stupid stuff that make you pro, but about the gameplay.


Now i log in, in servers, i see flying ships, thunder bolts near players, even flying players on some players with wings. I say ok, let's try it. I look at the gm shop, and just want to kill myself. I know what you'll say, it's because i haven't tried it and i don't know how to use/add these stuff. But not, i know what every thing does, but i hate all of them.


Ι bet my ass you haven't used any flying ship. Thunder bolt doesn't exist it is just an overstatement. Wings , actually you can transform yourself on a flying bird which can only be done on Gracia (very small area compared to the whole game).


Now about the gm shop , you don't know the belts/bracelets/talismans/shirts because all this stuff was added gradually not instanly on one update.


For you it's actually learning a new game and forgeting the old stuff. For us it's normal since we know that is going on cause we were watching the game on all it's progress.


AnimaAequitatis, seriously, have you ever played C4 l2off server? I am talking about l2reevnge, l2frozen(not shit interlude l2j server)...


Stopped reading at this line.


You really think that mid rates with corrupted gameplay really represent what L2 really is?


And for your info I spent my C4 years on L2Roxy x7, which was a retail-like L2 OFF server. (aka L2Frienz.)



btw how is it possible to play C4 on an interlude l2j? lolol


Ι bet my ass you haven't used any flying ship. Thunder bolt doesn't exist it is just an overstatement. Wings , actually you can transform yourself on a flying bird which can only be done on Gracia (very small area compared to the whole game).


Now about the gm shop , you don't know the belts/bracelets/talismans/shirts because all this stuff was added gradually not instanly on one update.


For you it's actually learning a new game and forgeting the old stuff. For us it's normal since we know that is going on cause we were watching the game on all it's progress.

I kept playing on every update until Gracia 1. Then it was -beeped-up completely :/


I know all stuff on gmshops. I just hate them.


Omg, don't tell me you can transform AND fly wherever you want in this area? Also kamael players.. 1st the are kamaels, and 2nd they can transform too into flying 'demons'.


The flying ship may be nice, and unique, but not for the lineage 2 we know.


No, maybe not thunderbolt... But much worse than it:



Stopped reading at this line.


You really think that mid rates with corrupted gameplay really represent what L2 really is?


And for your info I spent my C4 years on L2Roxy x7, which was a retail-like L2 OFF server. (aka L2Frienz.)



btw how is it possible to play C4 on an interlude l2j? lolol

Just read the whole thing...



Now about the gm shop , you don't know the belts/bracelets/talismans/shirts because all this stuff was added gradually not instanly on one update.


I can't really understand why they've added all this new useless retarded stuff.


Same goes for the attribute system.


Just read the whole thing...


No customs? To me everything that changes the gameplay is a custom feature. Talking about mana potions, GM Shops, increased buff duration etc. Cause, trust me, they change the game A LOT.


Conclusion: Your statements are invalid because of the fact that you're not referring to real L2 gameplay.


No customs? To me everything that changes the gameplay is a custom feature. Talking about mana potions, GM Shops, increased buff duration etc. Cause, trust me, they change the game A LOT.

This are normal, when i say not customs i mean that you can't transform into a flying beast, with a giant c0ck, and start hunting for others.


Custom features are nice, but what customs?: A nice, unique event,... A custom modification that can make the gameplay much better etc.


I can't really understand why they've added all this new useless retarded stuff.


Same goes for the attribute system.


Belt exists to add more Slots to inventory (useful for retail) , give more weight (useful on retail) and add one more item on your list which you must collect which gives Bonus PVP Damage/Defence.


Bracelets - Talismans give some bonus which is quite needed on retail too , increased HP/MP Regen , Movement Speed , etc. That stuff which was needed


About Shirts they provide a small amount of defence and if they have SA they provide more Mana pool/HP pool/CP pool. Actually they provide you with more , something which again was needed on retail.



Generally all that new stuff which was added was needed on retail. They are trully made for retail that's why they can't fit much on x9999 l2j serverarz and that's why they have to be remade depending on the server's style.



Also about attribute system , it was added so you can customize and maximize your weapon expect enchanting , which was/is and will be a brutal way to get some power (crystals suck.) But i have to agree , attribute system is poor and it is poorly made it could be better. Now adding random attributes sucks in my opinion , i don't say the oposite nor /bow to gracia i point both positive and negative aspects.


This are normal, when i say not customs i mean that you can't transform into a flying beast, with a giant c0ck, and start hunting for others.


Custom features are nice, but what customs?: A nice, unique event,... A custom modification that can make the gameplay much better etc.


Looks like you cannot understand something really simple... When you change the gameplay, you change the game. It's not real C4 if it has mana pots and songs last for 7 years, instead of 2 min.


Looks like you cannot understand something really simple... When you change the gameplay, you change the game. It's not real C4 if it has mana pots and songs last for 7 years, instead of 2 min.

That's a reason to player private servers dude. Free, and a bit(yes, sometimes much) different than official gameplay. Official gameplay, is for those that will stay logged in all night and all day, just to take a level. And when they take that level, they do 2 things, they either go to take another 1, or they go for 2 hours sleep and then take another 1. Anyway, my point is that private, almost retail servers with a bit of boost are nice. I too don't like high rate servers, because of unbalance due to custom items, or because admin/developer is stupid and he can't edit Formulas.java a bit.

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