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[HELP] IOException error





I've been getting an error and I have no idea how to get rid of it, if anyone can just tell me what is causing it...


I just want to know what the problem is, I'll try to fix it my self.


Ok then, this is my error:


Error on loading dimensional rift spawns: java.io.IOException
        at com.l2jmod.gameserver.instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager.loadS
        at com.l2jmod.gameserver.L2GameServer.loadSpawns(L2GameServer.java:31
        at com.l2jmod.gameserver.L2GameServer.load(L2GameServer.java:245)
        at com.ll2jmod.gameserver.L2GameServer.main(L2GameServer.java:584)


I just how someone will help me with any info, thanks.

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Thanks for your help.


This is the entire packet (P.S. the "bad" line is 128):

package com.l2jmod.gameserver.instancemanager;

import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import javolution.util.FastList;
import javolution.util.FastMap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import com.l2jmod.Config;
import com.l2jmod.database.DatabaseFactory;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.model.L2ItemInstance;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.model.L2Spawn;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.model.actor.L2Player;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.model.entity.DimensionalRift;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jmod.gameserver.templates.actor.L2NpcTemplate;
import com.l2jmod.tools.Rnd;

public class DimensionalRiftManager

private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(DimensionalRiftManager.class.getName());
private static DimensionalRiftManager _instance;
private final FastMap<Byte, FastMap<Byte, DimensionalRiftRoom>> _rooms = new FastMap<Byte, FastMap<Byte, DimensionalRiftRoom>>();
private final short DIMENSIONAL_FRAGMENT_ITEM_ID = 7079;

public static DimensionalRiftManager getInstance()
	if (_instance == null)
		_instance = new DimensionalRiftManager();

	return _instance;

public DimensionalRiftRoom getRoom(byte type, byte room)
	return _rooms.get(type) == null ? null : _rooms.get(type).get(room);

public void loadRooms()
	Connection con = null;

		con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
		PreparedStatement s = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM dimensional_rift");
		ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery();

		while (rs.next())
			// 0 waiting room, 1 recruit, 2 soldier, 3 officer, 4 captain , 5 commander, 6 hero
			byte type = rs.getByte("type");
			byte room_id = rs.getByte("room_id");

			//coords related
			int xMin = rs.getInt("xMin");
			int xMax = rs.getInt("xMax");
			int yMin = rs.getInt("yMin");
			int yMax = rs.getInt("yMax");
			int z1 = rs.getInt("zMin");
			int z2 = rs.getInt("zMax");
			int xT = rs.getInt("xT");
			int yT = rs.getInt("yT");
			int zT = rs.getInt("zT");
			boolean isBossRoom = rs.getByte("boss") > 0;

			if (!_rooms.containsKey(type))
				_rooms.put(type, new FastMap<Byte, DimensionalRiftRoom>());

			_rooms.get(type).put(room_id, new DimensionalRiftRoom(type, room_id, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, z1, z2, xT, yT, zT, isBossRoom));

	catch (Exception e)
		_log.warn("Can't load Dimension Rift zones. " + e);
		catch (Exception e)
		{ /*do nothing */

	int typeSize = _rooms.keySet().size();
	int roomSize = 0;

	for (Byte b : _rooms.keySet())
		roomSize += _rooms.get(b).keySet().size();

	_log.info("DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded " + typeSize + " room types with " + roomSize + " rooms.");

  public void loadSpawns()
    int countGood = 0; int countBad = 0;
      DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

      File file = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/dimensionalRift.xml");
      if (!file.exists()) {
        throw new IOException();
      Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file);

      for (Node rift = doc.getFirstChild(); rift != null; rift = rift.getNextSibling())
        if (!"rift".equalsIgnoreCase(rift.getNodeName()))
        for (Node area = rift.getFirstChild(); area != null; area = area.getNextSibling())
          if (!"area".equalsIgnoreCase(area.getNodeName()))
          NamedNodeMap attrs = area.getAttributes();
          byte type = Byte.parseByte(attrs.getNamedItem("type").getNodeValue());

          for (Node room = area.getFirstChild(); room != null; room = room.getNextSibling())
            if (!"room".equalsIgnoreCase(room.getNodeName()))
            attrs = room.getAttributes();
            byte roomId = Byte.parseByte(attrs.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue());

            for (Node spawn = room.getFirstChild(); spawn != null; spawn = spawn.getNextSibling())
              if (!"spawn".equalsIgnoreCase(spawn.getNodeName()))
              attrs = spawn.getAttributes();
              int mobId = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("mobId").getNodeValue());
              int delay = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("delay").getNodeValue());
              int count = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("count").getNodeValue());

              L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(mobId);
              if (template == null) _log.warn("Template " + mobId + " not found!");
              if (!this._rooms.containsKey(Byte.valueOf(type))) _log.warn("Type " + type + " not found!");
              else if (!((FastMap)this._rooms.get(Byte.valueOf(type))).containsKey(Byte.valueOf(roomId))) _log.warn("Room " + roomId + " in Type " + type + " not found!");

              for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                DimensionalRiftRoom riftRoom = (DimensionalRiftRoom)((FastMap)this._rooms.get(Byte.valueOf(type))).get(Byte.valueOf(roomId));
                int x = riftRoom.getRandomX();
                int y = riftRoom.getRandomY();
                int z = riftRoom.getTeleportCoords()[2];

                if ((template != null) && (this._rooms.containsKey(Byte.valueOf(type))) && (((FastMap)this._rooms.get(Byte.valueOf(type))).containsKey(Byte.valueOf(roomId))))
                  L2Spawn spawnDat = new L2Spawn(template);
                  SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawnDat, false);




    catch (Exception e)
      _log.warn("Error on loading dimensional rift spawns: " + e);
    _log.info("DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded " + countGood + " dimensional rift spawns, " + countBad + " errors.");

public void reload()
	for (Byte b : _rooms.keySet())
		for (int i : _rooms.get(b).keySet())

public boolean checkIfInRiftZone(int x, int y, int z, boolean ignorePeaceZone)
	if (ignorePeaceZone)
		return _rooms.get((byte) 0).get((byte) 1).checkIfInZone(x, y, z);
		return _rooms.get((byte) 0).get((byte) 1).checkIfInZone(x, y, z) && !_rooms.get((byte) 0).get((byte) 0).checkIfInZone(x, y, z);

public boolean checkIfInPeaceZone(int x, int y, int z)
	return _rooms.get((byte) 0).get((byte) 0).checkIfInZone(x, y, z);

public void teleportToWaitingRoom(L2Player player)
	int[] coords = getRoom((byte) 0, (byte) 0).getTeleportCoords();
	player.teleToLocation(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]);

public void start(L2Player player, byte type, L2Npc npc)
	boolean canPass = true;
	if (!player.isInParty())
		showHtmlFile(player, "data/html/seven_signs/rift/NoParty.htm", npc);

	if (player.getParty().getPartyLeaderOID() != player.getObjectId())
		showHtmlFile(player, "data/html/seven_signs/rift/NotPartyLeader.htm", npc);

	if (player.getParty().isInDimensionalRift())
		handleCheat(player, npc);

	if (player.getParty().getMemberCount() < Config.RIFT_MIN_PARTY_SIZE)
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(npc.getObjectId());
		html.replace("%npc_name%", npc.getName());
		html.replace("%count%", new Integer(Config.RIFT_MIN_PARTY_SIZE).toString());

	for (L2Player p : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
		if (!checkIfInPeaceZone(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ()))
			canPass = false;

	if (!canPass)
		showHtmlFile(player, "data/html/seven_signs/rift/NotInWaitingRoom.htm", npc);

	L2ItemInstance i;
	for (L2Player p : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
		i = p.getInventory().getItemByItemId(DIMENSIONAL_FRAGMENT_ITEM_ID);

		if (i == null)
			canPass = false;

		if (i.getCount() > 0)
			if (i.getCount() < getNeededItems(type))
				canPass = false;

	if (!canPass)
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(npc.getObjectId());
		html.replace("%npc_name%", npc.getName());
		html.replace("%count%", new Integer(getNeededItems(type)).toString());

	for (L2Player p : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
		i = p.getInventory().getItemByItemId(DIMENSIONAL_FRAGMENT_ITEM_ID);
		p.destroyItem("RiftEntrance", i.getObjectId(), getNeededItems(type), null, false);

	new DimensionalRift(player.getParty(), type, (byte) Rnd.get(1, 9));

public void killRift(DimensionalRift d)
	if (d.getTeleportTimerTask() != null)

	if (d.getTeleportTimer() != null)

	if (d.getSpawnTimerTask() != null)

	if (d.getSpawnTimer() != null)

public class DimensionalRiftRoom
	protected final byte _type;
	protected final byte _room;
	private final int _xMin;
	private final int _xMax;
	private final int _yMin;
	private final int _yMax;
	private final int _zMin;
	private final int _zMax;
	private final int[] _teleportCoords;
	private final Shape _s;
	private final boolean _isBossRoom;
	private final FastList<L2Spawn> _roomSpawns;
	protected final FastList<L2Npc> _roomMobs;

	public DimensionalRiftRoom(byte type, byte room, int xMin, int xMax, int yMin, int yMax, int zMin, int zMax, int xT, int yT, int zT, boolean isBossRoom)
		_type = type;
		_room = room;
		_xMin = (xMin + 128);
		_xMax = (xMax - 128);
		_yMin = (yMin + 128);
		_yMax = (yMax - 128);
		_zMin = zMin;
		_zMax = zMax;
		_teleportCoords = new int[] { xT, yT, zT };
		_isBossRoom = isBossRoom;
		_roomSpawns = new FastList<L2Spawn>();
		_roomMobs = new FastList<L2Npc>();
		_s = new Polygon(new int[] { xMin, xMax, xMax, xMin }, new int[] { yMin, yMin, yMax, yMax }, 4);

	public int getRandomX()
		return Rnd.get(_xMin, _xMax);

	public int getRandomY()
		return Rnd.get(_yMin, _yMax);

	public int[] getTeleportCoords()
		return _teleportCoords;

	public boolean checkIfInZone(int x, int y, int z)
		return _s.contains(x, y) && z >= _zMin && z <= _zMax;

	public boolean isBossRoom()
		return _isBossRoom;

	public FastList<L2Spawn> getSpawns()
		return _roomSpawns;

	public void spawn()
		for (L2Spawn spawn : _roomSpawns)

	public void unspawn()
		for (L2Spawn spawn : _roomSpawns)
			if (spawn.getLastSpawn() != null)

private int getNeededItems(byte type)
	switch (type)
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
		case 6:
			return Config.RIFT_ENTER_COST_HERO;
			return 999999;

public void showHtmlFile(L2Player player, String file, L2Npc npc)
	NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(npc.getObjectId());
	html.replace("%npc_name%", npc.getName());

public void handleCheat(L2Player player, L2Npc npc)
	showHtmlFile(player, "data/html/seven_signs/rift/Cheater.htm", npc);
	if (!player.isGM())
		_log.warn("Player " + player.getName() + "(" + player.getObjectId() + ") was cheating in dimension rift area!");
		player.getGuard().handleIllegalPlayerAction(player, "Warning!! Character " + player.getName() + " tried to cheat in dimensional rift.", Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH);

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Akken stop saying bs :P.


1 - it's not an NPE, it's an IOException error.

2 - it's not Archid, it's l2jmod.




About problem you got at line 128 as the topic creator said :


     File file = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/dimensionalRift.xml");

     if (!file.exists()) {

       throw new IOException();



The second line means if the "file" doesn't exists, then throw an error. If you refer to the first line you got the name of the file, "dimensionalRift.xml"


To correct, you have to add the file to the good location : data/dimensionalRift.xml, so to the root of data folder.


To be simple you miss a file in your datapack named dimensionalRift.xml, and the gameserver doesn't like it and says to you "Hehehe, you miss a file noob ! I powned your ass !". Add the file and it will be fine.

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l2jmod is based on the standard archid  i see same errors same shits.... so i solved it like this :D


But yes you are right... seems i am 0 skilled


Think before you say. Lol.

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This pack is a mix of other packs including L2JArchid.


Thank all of you for all your help, even for your sarcasm ::)

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    • You claim you thought I was a "serious" person before. Well, maybe you just never took the time to actually know me. People evolve, but I stay true to what I do and believe in. If you’re that hung up on what I’ve been doing, maybe it's time to stop speculating and start focusing on yourself. 🙂
    • Well, at least it's clear that you don't respect the work of others. Secondly, everyone knows that you code nothing. Your group has devs. known that you've asked for a lot of help and code exchange with some well-known BRs. there are chats and I can prove it, then don't come playing the good guy because you're not. So, Celestine, I'm not judging you. I'm saying that I know that your group helped vraekar steal the codes, and I have proof. In the past, I thought you were a serious, good-natured guy, but lately, you're a different person. Your text above speaks for you.
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