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L2J Infinity source

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Expansionic gave me the source from L2JInfinity but not he specified me what revision is  ;D and in config\L2jInfinity-version.properties\ is writed next :




detailed info:


I think the chronice is Freya.If you know what revision is tell me for edit .   :)


Download link :




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Sky" post="1502728" timestamp="1290711033"]

Hm.. I Dont See Nothing, Title Are Wrong [share]L2JInfinity Source Or Not? LO :D



try now.you will see the download link of source.

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I don't think to share private projects are allowed on the board.


I think is not allowed to share compiled revision's.But I share the source..if is not allowed i'm sorry and I suggest to one moderator to delete my topic.

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I think is not allowed to share compiled revision's.But I share the source..if is not allowed i'm sorry and I suggest to one moderator to delete my topic.


You're not allowed because there is only one reason is private.

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