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Enchant Rates?


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You got the point about stealing mobs and pking.


If you set mobs drop blessed scrolls how's that 1week farming :P ? Mobs are difficult or.. ? If they are they will again cause stealing and pking again (as in Blessed from RB's Case)


By the way... Customs on your server?

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Heh, some mobs are dificult and some are not, there are zones for everyone, not like on most servers "1 custom zone, where everyone makes pvp/pk/farm", i have newbie zone/ middle zone/ advanced zone and we will add more if the players will ask for more zones. For the start i think 4 zones are enough, and we have to keep an eye on all of them, and that's gonna be a little hard because we are not many admins/gms, we are trying to keep it safe from "corrupted" admins/gms, because we as admins/developers won't have normal charrs to play and we don't have friends from L2 servers :P


And about custom things we are still thinking about it, we don't wanna make new armors/weapons but we would like to make something diffrent with Moirai armor witch looks great on all charrs, the problem is that is S80 and has shitty stats, we just want to modify the stats of that armor and add it next to Elegia and Vorpal so that players can chose from more than 1 armor, the diffrence will be just looks, i'm kinda bored to see a high rate server with everyone dressed in the same armors :)

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Heh, some mobs are dificult and some are not, there are zones for everyone, not like on most servers "1 custom zone, where everyone makes pvp/pk/farm", i have newbie zone/ middle zone/ advanced zone and we will add more if the players will ask for more zones. For the start i think 4 zones are enough, and we have to keep an eye on all of them, and that's gonna be a little hard because we are not many admins/gms, we are trying to keep it safe from "corrupted" admins/gms, because we as admins/developers won't have normal charrs to play and we don't have friends from L2 servers :P


And about custom things we are still thinking about it, we don't wanna make new armors/weapons but we would like to make something diffrent with Moirai armor witch looks great on all charrs, the problem is that is S80 and has shitty stats, we just want to modify the stats of that armor and add it next to Elegia and Vorpal so that players can chose from more than 1 armor, the diffrence will be just looks, i'm kinda bored to see a high rate server with everyone dressed in the same armors :)


Yeah, 4 is enough, well hire GMs and look for trade/drop/game log if possible to catch corrupted admin.

Yeah, good point, im bored to see every1 in same armor too. But you need to be sure u made that custom armor stats balanced if you'll add the armors.


Actually i smell good serv here i guess, but im afraid i cant play it -.- damn

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Untill we will verify the logs the harm will be done, and i think a server with less annoyng gm's will be more fun. Talking and reporting bugs/problems directly to developers will be more easy. just my opinion. And about the armor, we are still thinking if we make it equal to Elegia witch is TOP or 5% or 10% better than elegia. 10% more will matter only if you are skilled player, if you know what is the diffrence fbetween "trick and switch" ( just and example) or surrender to wind & wind vortex.

Most of the players nowadays knows just backstab/lethal/bluff/lethal = gameover OR hurricane/vampiric/hurricane/drain from mob = gameover = shitty gameplay.


And why you can't play it ? PC problems or ... ?

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Untill we will verify the logs the harm will be done, and i think a server with less annoyng gm's will be more fun. Talking and reporting bugs/problems directly to developers will be more easy. just my opinion. And about the armor, we are still thinking if we make it equal to Elegia witch is TOP or 5% or 10% better than elegia. 10% more will matter only if you are skilled player, if you know what is the diffrence fbetween "trick and switch" ( just and example) or surrender to wind & wind vortex.

Most of the players nowadays knows just backstab/lethal/bluff/lethal = gameover OR hurricane/vampiric/hurricane/drain from mob = gameover = shitty gameplay.


And why you can't play it ? PC problems or ... ?


Again, you're right. You should hire someone like .. hmm.. For example i got a "friend", he posted topic @ hopzone forums. He's looking for Mod / Supporter part in some IL server. Supporter means, help people in-game and on forum and w/o any privileges. You can see yourself there. This should prevent corruption and it can be helpful. If you're interested in him contact me, since he doesnt give his e-mail to anyone -.-


About the play... Time my friend, time.. =D

I cant play since it requires time and i dont have it (I said this like thousand time^^), but hey, i might find some cause i think your server will be something. We'll see :)

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Well, is not about time, i made some tests today and dynasty is the first armor you can buy after u farm like 30 mins. After that you advance at Vesper, something like 2 hours, and after ... Vorpal and Elegia. The fact is i owned a friends azz in Vesper+7 and he was in Vorpal +7, the trick is to know what skills to use and when to use them. Made some more pvp's with diffrent classes, and sometimes i owned him, and sometimes he owned me. About hiring new gm's, first thing first.

1. He must have some ideea about Freya armors/weapons/stats/charrs/classes

2. Untill he becomes a gm must be a forum moderator and helper

3. Must have a decent language and the will to respect players

And the list can continue  ....

But for now, i think 3 ppl is enough :) If we get to crowded with players we will make unique events/contest for forum moderators or gm/s. And i am more than sure that i have more than 3 ideeas for ingame events that are unique and fun.

I bet everyone is sick of TvT/CTF/Hide&seek/Trivia and all other bullshit :)


P.S. Think a little about the system :) The thing is you start with dynasty, to make Vorpal or Elegia u have to work a little more, but if you focus on making Dynasty to max, witch for now is +20 you can own a +10+15 Elegia ass easy :) It's all about putting some logic in the gameplay :)

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Well, is not about time, i made some tests today and dynasty is the first armor you can buy after u farm like 30 mins. After that you advance at Vesper, something like 2 hours, and after ... Vorpal and Elegia. The fact is i owned a friends azz in Vesper+7 and he was in Vorpal +7, the trick is to know what skills to use and when to use them. Made some more pvp's with diffrent classes, and sometimes i owned him, and sometimes he owned me. About hiring new gm's, first thing first.

1. He must have some ideea about Freya armors/weapons/stats/charrs/classes

2. Untill he becomes a gm must be a forum moderator and helper

3. Must have a decent language and the will to respect players

And the list can continue  ....

But for now, i think 3 ppl is enough :) If we get to crowded with players we will make unique events/contest for forum moderators or gm/s. And i am more than sure that i have more than 3 ideeas for ingame events that are unique and fun.

I bet everyone is sick of TvT/CTF/Hide&seek/Trivia and all other bullshit :)


P.S. Think a little about the system :) The thing is you start with dynasty, to make Vorpal or Elegia u have to work a little more, but if you focus on making Dynasty to max, witch for now is +20 you can own a +10+15 Elegia ass easy :) It's all about putting some logic in the gameplay :)


Well, why not make 2 Customs, i dont see the point in 3/4 different types of armors. The first one is kinda unnecessary imo (Dynasty). But whatever.


About Support... heres the Topic

She doesnt want to be a GM, only Moderator or/and Supporter. Read the topic please so i can spare my mouth saying what she said..


As soon as you get forum/web let me know. I saw plenty of epic server's info but they failed, im so curious about yours =D

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But is not a clear view about the server, we are still working on it. If you pay attention to the topic, there are some players with some ideeas about the ideal server, the thing is that i was making those ideeas before this topic was created, in other words i've found some players that are interested in old school pvp and some middle paced gameplay.


And about armors, there are already 3 new armors in Freya, 2 new more customs will only mean new prices, more farming, more unbalance. We intend to set things a little simple at the beggining and if our community will grow we will think about adding some custom stuff, that will depend on players votes.

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and i was the"spammer" talking about my ideal server. cant u just make a proper topic in server previews to have a clear view of that server?


He's actually making a server similar to "Easy one" (the one we are discussing in this topic all the way).


And no one called you a spammer, chill =D

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i like this:Armor max +30\safe +7

            Weapon max +25\safe +7

This rates was on atlantis :P


Thats not "easy" and "fast to get" at all. We dont ask for your "Perfect Server's rates". I ask you about your opinion on Safe=Max or something like Safe+3 Max+10 with blessed 100% (from mobs,rb or whatever)

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i like this:Armor max +30\safe +7

            Weapon max +25\safe +7

This rates was on atlantis :P


even +20max it is becoming a little to that what i have sed before (1.2.3 hits and gg,gf ;])


He's actually making a server similar to "Easy one" (the one we are discussing in this topic all the way).


And no one called you a spammer, chill =D

Dont pay attention to him :D this post is one of the most interesting for me ;]


imo it isn't a bad idea at all.. i like this type of srvs too but there aren't good srvs like this around..

i think... Pwnzor is right... few years ago i was a JAVA boy (i was tire of low rates ;]) i tryed a LOOOT of java servers and i can say that ~3 zones wount help... :/

one of the best ideas i sow in this server http://warfare.lt/page.php?41 so he is alive  from 2008 (yes with a lot of wipes :] but for java it isnt necessary to live without wipes :]  ) when i will have time i could translate to You FallenDream in PM few ideas from that server (Just inform me if You are interesting). First and interesting one (that is not needed to translate) is: * Enchant Rates : 50% chance, Max Weapon +6, Max Armor +8. Safe +1.

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Well, at the moment i have safe +5 , i think i will make safe+6 so everyone will take the armor bonuses, and max on weapon 16, and armor max 20. And i don't have any class that can 1,2,3 hit gg, hf:) And why 2 zones won't help ?


Send me info on pm :) i'll wait.


P.S. Ioane, that server suc*ed and is going to be dead soon. Daggers = 3 hits down, mages = 3 hits, drain from mobs, 2 hits = down and so on :) And as  i heard, they updated to freya and fu**d up everything :)

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