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[Help]2Diff Servers in 1 pc.



how can i run 2 diff servers (for example gracia + c5) in 1 server?

i know i can run same chronicles , but how i can run 2 servers , even in 1 login, but diff chronicles... in 1pc.


does anyone know ?


myservers start but not connect to login server (1 of them)

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you have to edit the LoginServerThread revision protocol of the gameserver with different chronicle than the loginserver you are adding to

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you have to edit the LoginServerThread revision protocol of the gameserver with different chronicle than the loginserver you are adding to

can u , or someone else help me with this :P ?

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Edit LoginServerThread with notepad ++


=> Ctrl + F


Search : private static final int REVISION =


You must find something ^^'

ok, i think is simple now. thanks


but 1 question, this will be applied to game server ? since i see there LOGIN SERVEr.. !?




now i get this error

Exception in thread "GameServerThread-21@" java.lang.ArrayIndexOut

OfBoundsException: 104

        at L2j.Infinity.util.network.BaseRecievePacket.readB(BaseRecievePacket.j


        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.gameserverpackets.GameServerAuth.<init>(Game


        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.GameServerThread.onGameServerAuth(GameServer


        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.GameServerThread.run(GameServerThread.java:1


in login server.... anyone know smth about ?

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Exception in thread "GameServerThread-21@" java.lang.ArrayIndexOut
OfBoundsException: 104
        at L2j.Infinity.util.network.BaseRecievePacket.readB(BaseRecievePacket.j
        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.gameserverpackets.GameServerAuth.<init>(Game
        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.GameServerThread.onGameServerAuth(GameServer
        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.GameServerThread.run(GameServerThread.java:1



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Exception in thread "GameServerThread-21@" java.lang.ArrayIndexOut

OfBoundsException: 104

        at L2j.Infinity.util.network.BaseRecievePacket.readB(BaseRecievePacket.j


        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.gameserverpackets.GameServerAuth.<init>(Game


        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.GameServerThread.onGameServerAuth(GameServer


        at L2j.Infinity.loginserver.GameServerThread.run(GameServerThread.java:1



I have the same problem someone found the solution? I hope you have any idea how to fix this final grace and love I have connected to the same login grace epilogue and gives me the same error quote

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Well I don't think I will help a lot, I just confirm things :D.


About 2 gameservers on the same loginserver, you just have to make gameservers use different port.



About the revision, what do you try to do ?


Revisions are by default different (for Interlude : 0x0102, for L2J last one before freya (epilogue ? I dunno the name lmao) : 0x0103).


I don't want to say bullshit, but you tried to put 0x0104 ? It seems it's off the array. Try with 102 and 103, or any lower numbers. You shouldn't go out from the array. The error can be translated like that : The world is flat, and your caravel just jumped in the void.


About WHY it doesn't allow highers numbers, if you have a translator nerd -> english, you can try to understand from that :

public final byte[] readB(int length)
	byte[] result = new byte[length];
	for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		result[i]=_decrypt[_off+i];                <<<<< error line
	_off += length;
	return result;


Aka, I have no clue why it bugs, but it bugs :).

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