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What you say about L2OFF interlude.

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Nobody said that interlude will stay 5 years,the only thing i can say , i will guarantee you a good and a stable server at the same time,not one who will close after 1 mounth or 2 or etc...,and about updates maybe we will raise up in time :) don't worry i want to make a good community for long time , not just a piece of shit server to take money :) , tnx for your options anyway...haters stay off pls

especically mid rates,can't live more than ...3 months?
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so not true Weird, most of them like I said previously...

but there are exceptions

yeah sorry, i meant the most and not all.. ;p
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Spirito, You cant just ask ppl what do you think about x45-x50 server.


If you want good server, first you need alot of ppl, cause c6 is prity doomed right now.

Its hard to pull ppl to your server.

My opinion you need to find out how to get more and more players :) and when you get them.

You can manipulate them. There are alot of crappy servers like x50. And in my opinion only crappy ppl ar gathering there.

I dont know if im correct, but you need as low rates as you can get, but those rates have to get ppl to your server, Not crappy ones, they change server every day. You need clans, ppl ho work for what they get in return. I know i can rite a book about it so i will shut up now :) gl

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Spirito, You cant just ask ppl what do you think about x45-x50 server.


If you want good server, first you need alot of ppl, cause c6 is prity doomed right now.

Its hard to pull ppl to your server.


actually there still are a lot of ppl that plays IL..


For spirito: don't think that if u buy L2off files u won't have any more work to do.. u will still have to do a lot of work

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For spirito: don't think that if u buy L2off files u won't have any more work to do.. u will still have to do a lot of work

I need to add this

in a L2j server u can do more jobs+easier+maybe alone

while in L2Off u have to pay

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Yes, but they have where to play. Were can you find new il players? :)


well ofc new players of l2 ( if they don't get influenced by friends) will start with the newer chronicles always..

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GREAT IDEA!!!! I`am looking for something like that all the time.

Just need that this server have:


2)No donation


Well i agree in part with the no donations part.. if they are OP donates like +skills or OP items or staff like that i don't like them.. if there are donations like change the name, items ++(but not to MAX), an aio buffer they can be.

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I saw more than 10-20 servers with those rates that lived only for 1-2 months tops, but maybe he has something special. To make a server like that you will need some unique features so old and new players will come to your server. You are starting with -1 at popularity because more than 50% of L2 players are sick of IL.


I wish you good luck, sounds nice...

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would it ever be possible to add quests for dynasty armors in interlude? i mean ofcourse different npcs and hunting grounds, but other wise long hard quests to make it a bit more intresting.in interlude servers even if they r 15x u can get s grade weap quite easily. and a armor even easier. thats why those servers dont survive. if u get top equip in a couple days and just straggle to get 1 boss jewel from the other clan that is in the server (in 3 days u cant expect more ppl) then ur gonna get bored.

can u get 300-400 ppl in 2 days? give them something more to farm than "plain" s grades? (i mean its not hard to farm at varka/ketra or kill a rb) and what is more to make it 1 account per person? in that case u might get something good. its like a 3-5x server, just faster :Pu dont have to farm all year to make second class,but still u need pt and clan to farm and go for rb and i think this is going to keep ppl at the server. playing alone is BORING, having a 30 ppl clan to make farm/raid pts is farm more intresting

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