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[League of Legend] Little bug list

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Karthus Selfkill


You are 1vs1 with an enemy, The enemy is winning and you are on low hp. Then start running and as quickly as posible use your passive Ghost, if the enmey got ignite or something he will toss it on you


What happens in this:

Some time later when the passive gost is over it will announce that you suicided, The kill won't count for the enemy, sometimes it even will count for you and you get the kill+gold+exp

Most of the time the enemy will toss ignite.



Pantheon Superman


An enemy recalls to his base. You, as Pantheon, see that and decide to use your Ulti on him. So the green circle appears and you see the enemy teleporting. Of course you decide to stun him instantly, so you press W and click on the enemy while you are in the air. But, you don't get there in time, he's in base already


What happens in this:

Pantheon still targets the enemy and due to beeing in the air it somehow buggs. What happens is, that Pantheon flies across the map to the enemy. Either he is that high, that you can't even see him, or he is at knockup-height and just seems to be Superman. (yeah that looks awesome tho') Anyway, you see on the minimap that the Pantheon Icon is moving on high speed right in the enemies base. When you arrive there, the Nexus Turret/Obstacle kills you instantly if you are about level 6. While you fly to the enemies base, you see the turrets shooting at you in the air. So when you die you even get up to three extra tower hits.



TF red card


YOu are fighiting 1v1 against TF. He uses the skill and gets Red Card. Then you start running before he fires it


Waht happens in this:

Sometimes when you run and he fires while you are running the red card won't land!!

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nice one,you found them in ur own or somewhere in net?

i retyped them.


people are reporting bugs to administrators+helpers


they said what problem they have


and i say how to use the problem for your victory.


so actualy the credits are mine (?) :P

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already knew the tf trick about the pantheon aint it useless? ^^

about karthus happend to me through randomness didnt knew wth happend and i got gold+exp lmao

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already knew the tf trick about the pantheon aint it useless? ^^

about karthus happend to me through randomness didnt knew wth happend and i got gold+exp lmao

useless but fcking awesome?

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  • 2 months later...

league of legends dont have any bugs sorry ;)


Sunfire Cape's passive working even when you're dead is not a bug. Well... Nevermind.

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