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Which Member do you think must be promoted?

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@DS: I'll tell you a story (not rly, it happened today).

Daily (at least these days that I can) I drive my younger cousin to his school.

This week his school is under a strike. What he told was this:

Even though we voted whether we agreed or not with the strike, even though the votes showed that the majority disagreed, these guys didn't care at all and set the school under this current strike.

I hope you understood what I am indirectly trying to say =]


PS: Strike = Κατάληψη.


yep got it ^^

Which Member do you think must be promoted?


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sure,what thinks he ask to mxc ^^

The most funny thing is that you guys think promotion is for people who share the most in here.

But moderating is about meing mature and helping newbies of the forum.


Υou skipp'd the "everybody sees things in a different way,elsewhere" part?:P


Νah, still it'd be the same. He is allergic ^^


But moderating is about meing mature


And that's what you've always been sX!


The most funny thing is that you guys think promotion is for people who share the most in here.

But moderating is about meing mature and helping newbies of the forum.

mature like you



[GR] Μην γενικοποιείς τα πάντα, το γεγονός πως εσύ το είδες έτσι, δεν σημαίνει πως αυτή είναι η οπτική γωνία του καθενός.

Ω και.. Θυμάμαι το title σου και γελάω. "I'm trying to be unique, not different". Kάτι τέτοιο δεν ήταν; ^^


[EN] Do not turn the topic into a greek one, I can't see any [GR] tags.


1) It is "kewl story brah".

2) It is not a classical GR one.

nai gt egw ekana kati diaforetiko kai esu min koroideveis ton eafto sou afto 8eloun oloi .. kai nai egw ekana kati diaforetiko den emena stasimos se kati opos esois kai esena den se simferei na milas gt apo g-mod egines pro scamer... kai ta filakia stin sofaki akoma ta 8imame..


You selfreq demote and flamed maxtor and forum

why the heck are u still here?

and yes it is this story when u share nothing

and promo is something like 'award'to guys that help forumunqart did it

now i have fun here i see this topic and yeahhh!some one will cry now ^^

Και μετά τρώνε ban ή κάνουν ένα αποχαιρετιστήριο τόπικ.

to idio apoxeretistirio topic ekane kai o filarakos sou o bloody an 8imame kala opos kai oloi oi mod p efigan .. alla oxi ta filarakia mas dn ta 3eftilizoume pote ... ela pou einai to revo games?? gia afto lew oloi edo mesa iste istories kai wannabe admins ..





napoxeretistirio topic ekane kai o filarakos sou o bloody an 8imame kala opos kai oloi oi mod p efigan .. alla oxi ta filarakia mas dn ta 3eftilizoume pote ... ela pou einai to revo games?? gia afto lew oloi edo mesa iste istories kai wannabe admins ..





Φιλαράκος μου από που έως που; Ναι έκανε. Όλοι κάνουν, πάντα έτσι κάνουν. 3 χρόνια είμαι εδώ και κάθε φορά συμβαίνει το ίδιο.


Επίσης ρε ανάπηρε, αυτήν την περίοδο δεν έχω καθόλου χρόνο για να ασχολούμαι με άλλα πράγματα εκτός από διάβασμα. Αλλά πώς να το καταλάβεις εσύ αυτό αφού είσαι εγκεφαλικά νεκρός.



Άντε πια γεμίσαμε με μαλακισμένα εδώ μέσα.

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