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Which Member do you think must be promoted?

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None can prove me wrong since we haven't been given a chance.

Agree with the rest of your "essay"!



I always talk with facts, everything has been tried before..

New staff? What could a new gold do? Just lock more topics.

What could a new cs mod do? Just clean a few sections.

That definitely isn't what the forum needs.

New sections? Yeah, like the AION one =/


here we go again such a stupit topic again.


come on u got staffers cant u ask them about theyr opinion? by making a topic here nothing will be solved everyone will say some retarded shits from theyr heads like Photoshop Section Photoshop mods blablabla .


ye maybe i sound crewl pathetic idiotic or whatever but truth hurts :/.

come on we saw topics like that in the past and what happend NOTHING.

Eh,what?Do you have any better idea?



ideas about what? aint it simple? nothing will be changed or what will be changed can be discused in staff section not in here

To maxcheaters oloi to exoun perasei san ena game.


Protos stoxos na anevoun ta post tous.

deuteros stoxos na ginoun donator/vip

tritos stoxos na apoktisoun pola karma

tetartos stoxos na ginoun diasimoi sto spam topic kai na apokitsoun ena "mourato signature/avatar"

kai pemptos kai telefteos na ginoun melos tou staff.






Meta ?
































































To maxcheaters oloi to exoun perasei san ena game.


Protos stoxos na anevoun ta post tous.

deuteros stoxos na ginoun donator/vip

tritos stoxos na apoktisoun pola karma

tetartos stoxos na ginoun diasimoi sto spam topic kai na apokitsoun ena "mourato signature/avatar"

kai pemptos kai telefteos na ginoun melos tou staff.



Meta ?




Reminds me something...


@DS: I'll tell you a story (not rly, it happened today).

Daily (at least these days that I can) I drive my younger cousin to his school.

This week his school is under a strike. What he told was this:

Even though we voted whether we agreed or not with the strike, even though the votes showed that the majority disagreed, these guys didn't care at all and set the school under this current strike.

I hope you understood what I am indirectly trying to say =]


PS: Strike = Κατάληψη.



To maxcheaters oloi to exoun perasei san ena game.


Protos stoxos na anevoun ta post tous.

deuteros stoxos na ginoun donator/vip

tritos stoxos na apoktisoun pola karma

tetartos stoxos na ginoun diasimoi sto spam topic kai na apokitsoun ena "mourato signature/avatar"

kai pemptos kai telefteos na ginoun melos tou staff.


Meta ?


Και μετά τρώνε ban ή κάνουν ένα αποχαιρετιστήριο τόπικ.


I always talk with facts, everything has been tried before..

New staff? What could a new gold do? Just lock more topics.

What could a new cs mod do? Just clean a few sections.

That definitely isn't what the forum needs.

New sections? Yeah, like the AION one =/

AION and PS mods look alike.

No mods,no organization,zero activity anymore.

Refresh 'em and if they fail,delete 'em.

and ofcourse MD needs some trust

so much time in here he has shown great things

i can't understand why he NEVER joined the staff

Thanks :P

come on we saw topics like that in the past and what happend NOTHING.ideas about what? aint it simple? nothing will be changed or what will be changed can be discused in staff section not in here

That's not wrong but since we have a topic here,it means they need opinions.Post and /care if they take 'em into consideration or not.

You said it and you got no responsibility if they ain't applied.


Και μετά τρώνε ban ή κάνουν ένα αποχαιρετιστήριο τόπικ.





You selfreq demote and flamed maxtor and forum

why the heck are u still here?

and yes it is this story when u share nothing

and promo is something like 'award'to guys that help forum

mxc classics

unqart did it

To maxcheaters oloi to exoun perasei san ena game.


Protos stoxos na anevoun ta post tous.

deuteros stoxos na ginoun donator/vip

tritos stoxos na apoktisoun pola karma

tetartos stoxos na ginoun diasimoi sto spam topic kai na apokitsoun ena "mourato signature/avatar"

kai pemptos kai telefteos na ginoun melos tou staff.

Meta ?



[GR] Μην γενικοποιείς τα πάντα, το γεγονός πως εσύ το είδες έτσι, δεν σημαίνει πως αυτή είναι η οπτική γωνία του καθενός.

Ω και.. Θυμάμαι το title σου και γελάω. "I'm trying to be unique, not different". Kάτι τέτοιο δεν ήταν; ^^


[EN] Do not turn the topic into a greek one, I can't see any [GR] tags.


another classical gr reply : " nice story bro "


1) It is "kewl story brah".

2) It is not a classical GR one.


Κογιότ σε αγνοώ παραδειγματικά και συνεχίζω να γράφω ελληνικά χωρίς gr tags.


Βασικα σε ολα τα topic τετοιου ιδους μιλαμε ετσι

και ο Maxtor ετσι θα μιλησει μετα





[GR] Μην γενικοποιείς τα πάντα, το γεγονός πως εσύ το είδες έτσι, δεν σημαίνει πως αυτή είναι η οπτική γωνία του καθενός.

Ω και.. Θυμάμαι το title σου και γελάω. "I'm trying to be unique, not different". Kάτι τέτοιο δεν ήταν; ^^


[EN] Do not turn the topic into a greek one, I can't see any [GR] tags.


1) It is "kewl story brah".

2) It is not a classical GR one.

classical =ROFLMAO!


You all guys should know that everybody sees things in a different way,elsewhere,we all would be cleric @ a monastery right now,praying to some god.

Κογιότ σε αγνοώ παραδειγματικά και συνεχίζω να γράφω ελληνικά χωρίς gr tags.




Κογιότ σε αγνοώ παραδειγματικά και συνεχίζω να γράφω ελληνικά χωρίς gr tags.


Για το title μιλούσα.


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    • I only share for free what they are reselling 🙂 You keep crying in all the publications, and if you are looking for h5 or gd wait for 5 or 6 years... cheers.... GENERAL Cached Extended to 8192kb IOBuffer Hair2SlotCache ItemBidAuctioner Clan Hall Current Olympiad Season Rank pages System (Shows Points/Games - Fully Configurable) Automatic Flag Around Raidboss System Offline Shop & Buffers Restore After Restart (Fixed location) Offline Buffer System PvP Auto Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable, Name, Zones, Rewards) Automatic Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable) ALT+B Augmentation House Shift+Click Droplist/Spoil List Epic Items Rank RB points Rank ChangeColorName ChangeColorTitle Change Skin (Race) Change Gender Custom Subclass (Acumulative) Achievements Item Delivery System  Augmentations/Enchants Automatic Announce System Auto Learn Skills PvP Reward Pk Reward War Reward Scheme buffer GlobalChatTrade Trade Augment Items Castle Announce Time Castle Standby Time Fix Spiritshots delay SpellbooksDrop Enable/Disable Drop custom Fully configurable, lvl min max allmobs, allrb, individual New cancel effect min,max BlessedarmorEnchantRate BlessedmagicWeaponEnchantRate BlessednormalWeaponEnchantRate MaxSlosChars MaxSlotsDwarfs Enable or disable all commands Fix fast loading npc OlympiadRestoreStatsOnFightStart OlympiadSystemSecondTimeEnabled OlympiadEnterLast10Minute OlympiadThirdClassSummons MinLevelTrade AnnounceSubClassMsg1 AnnounceSubClassMsg2 AnnounceSubClassMsg3 LimitedSubClassRace NoSellItems Change ID SealStones for AA NoPrivateBuyItems NoDropPlayerOnDie DisableSkillEnchantData Show Level Mobs Show npc clan flag DespawnSummonEnBattle SummonPetEnBattle RideSummonPetEnBattle DitanceToTargetMove EnterWorld_Undying EnterWorld_UnHide BlockWhispMessagePlayerToGM UseItemsWithHide CriticalSkillDamageBonusPer=4.0 Disable SSQSystem OnCastle Siege End Use any dyes Buy halls directly in auctioneer without waiting for the auction, configuration to change the item you consume MensajeEnterWorldServer Command .hero enable/disable hero aura Config vip global chat character, chat by systemsg Soulshots: NoSendSystemMessageUse Panel //admin Global vote reward Agathions system Anti Interface, control all patch files by md5 Command .menu configurable, last restart, name, maxusers, privatestores Spawn protection activate deactivate consume items to activate  Activate or deactivate autoloot for vip characters EVENTS Happy Hour Event reworked Configurable by announcements or systemsg Team VS Team Capture The Flag Death Match Last Man Standing Destroy The Base Korean Style Castle Siege Check if the player is inside the tvt event due to disconnection/critical error Top 1/5 killer reward/announce TimeAfk ResetReuseSkills ResetBuffsOnFinish Firework effect Reward win/lost Add Team Location Title custom Red/blue Open Door/Wall System BalanceBishops Show kills in title Invest positions Show Death To Top Delete Non-Subclass Skills     RELOADS Reload Enterworld Html Option Reload Faction System Reload Donate Shop Reload OfflineBuffer Reload Champion NPC Reload CliExt Reload AntiBot Reload Vip System Reload Auction Reload AutoLoot Reload CastleSiegeManager Reload CharacterLock Reload ClanPvPStatus Reload AutoLearn Reload ClanReputationRank Reload ClanSystem Reload CreatureAction Reload Customs.ini Reload L2server.ini Reload SkillData.txt Reload doordata.txt Reload decodata.txt Reload Multisell Reload DropList   Extender tested for more than 3 years. Assured stability. Possibility of adding MOD's upon request. (Not included, consult).
    • some peoples trash is another mans treasure, is that your treasure?   people might like the content but you are still the rat in the room     thats the community judging you.  
    • Keep reselling what I publish here for free!!! 🙂 GG  
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