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[Trick]Aug stuck


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on 95% servers this bug is not work


This does not work on recent packs and L2J Brasil (Amazingly the BRAZLIANS have better security than US and EU packs...). It works on old ones such as L2J Archid....

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This does not work on recent packs and L2J Brasil (Amazingly the BRAZLIANS have better security than US and EU packs...). It works on old ones such as L2J Archid....

It worked on l2mafia till 2-3 months ago.. but i dont know on what pack is based anyway is fixed now... well he deleted rods from server cause the admin didnt knew how to fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have shared at Greek Section... (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=149006.0)

anyway.. Good for Posting in EN section, but make it more simple.


EDIT* Belive me still working in many retard servers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

augu stuck bug was fixed in most of the servers by not letting u to equip an weapon till u let the other down.

but there was a bug in this "fix" , you could equip a 2h weapon even if u had a weapon in that time in hand.

this is what he try to say.... anyway....


lol this is fixed in almost all servers since years xD



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Dude i don´t undesrstan a shit about it, could you plz explain your self better next time. tank you

augu stuck bug was fixed in most of the servers by not letting u to equip an weapon till u let the other down.

but there was a bug in this "fix" , you could equip a 2h weapon even if u had a weapon in that time in hand.

this is what he try to say.... anyway....



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