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New Platform Same as Garena

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[move]Hello im here to present you a new platform for gaming same as garena but without haks and etc...

Have lader sistem[/move]

*All players start with 1500 points

-Win = get 5 points

-Lose= lose 5 points

-Leave= lose 10 points

Commands for client(RGC Platform) :

A more practical to use some commands is to right click on your username and some commands will appear.


/f add

Add a new friend in list.


/f remove

Delete a friend from list.



Join on a channel [if u have rights]



Show user status.



Show user profile.



Send message to a user.


Lobby(in game , before match start) :



Show rank to all players are in.



Show ping .



Show who don't write  !ready.



vote to start game.


In game :



Vote  forfait.



Vote for RMK.



For more visit  the Site :


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RGC sucks Garena Sucks Battle net sucks EuroBattlenet sucks Plati-Gaming sucks did i forget smth? Playing with couple of frs ftw.

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RGC sucks Garena Sucks Battle net sucks EuroBattlenet sucks Plati-Gaming sucks did i forget smth? Playing with couple of frs ftw.


Wow, talk about being positive ;p


RGC is pretty good , but you enjoy it only when you play with friends. Solo RGC sucks big hairy balls.


Garena is also fine if you know which room to enter, and the proper time for it.


Battlenet is shit now, I only enjoy some rare games in private rooms.


EuroBattlenet's level is rising , and it is amusing. But there are still lag issues and noob-ass hosts who add you in huge banlists just because they didn't like your name.


I used to play with a couple of buddies via Hamachi, the games were pretty awesome, not because of the impenetrable skill we had, but because we all knew each other, and we played to have fun, there were no "OMFG NOOB STEALER" shit.



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