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With which champion you play the most of time at l.o.l ?

Why you like him?

Generally let's discuss about champions and with this way i can learn more as i am a newbie  :D







and some heroes of week


I Love Master Yi ... great backdoor champion , after 30min game he is unbeatable ;D

i hate him because when my enemy have it,he facks me up xD


I am currently playing with Tryndamure(something like that ;D )




is really bad, only to pwn bad players, one cc and her ulti does nothing.


Good champs: Annie, Taric, Shen, Ezreal,... pretty much champs are quite ok.


Tryndamere is indeed great, he can't die and he can walk through walls :D


is really bad, only to pwn bad players, one cc and her ulti does nothing.


Good champs: Annie, Taric, Shen, Ezreal,... pretty much champs are quite ok.


Tryndamere is indeed great, he can't die and he can walk through walls :D


Well, a good combo for an arranged team would be Morgana/Katarina/Veigar/Amumu/Kayle. (Unfortunately, I've only tried Katarina + Veigar...)


Laning phase, Veigar mid farming AP. Amumu + Kayle (hard to kill) and Morgana + Katarina (amazing harass, Tormented Soil, Dark Binding - Shunpo, Bouncing Blades)


At team fights, Kayle uses his ulti on Amumu. Amumu rushes into the enemy team, using his ulti, then Veigar traps everyone with his stun and then Katarina uses killer insticts+shunpo +ulti with a Black Shield on from Morgana. This way, Katarina cannot have her ulti interrupted.



Anyway, my best champs are Morgana and Ashe.


tryndamre sux guys. one of my friends was playing tryndamere from lvl1 till lvl30

he has about 200wins and play about 400games with tryndamere


in low elo enemys he is just awesome

but high elo enemies know how to confront you.

in high elo he is a failure trust me



he stoped plaing tryndamere xD


Your wins and defeats don't matter actually. It depends on your teammates, especially if you're playing solo. For example, I've made scores like 30/10, 34/4, 27/8 and lost...


tryndamre sux guys. one of my friends was playing tryndamere from lvl1 till lvl30

he has about 200wins and play about 400games with tryndamere


in low elo enemys he is just awesome

but high elo enemies know how to confront you.

in high elo he is a failure trust me



he stoped plaing tryndamere xD

i imagine ur friends skills are like urs ? 0

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