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[GR]Ti exei t LoL p t kani kalitero ap t dotA

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@lanes  Ma auto dn exei kamia diafora apo thn DotA ka8ws kai sta swsta games (clan matches) panta sto lane apo kapou 8a sou thn mpoune. Exw kairo na pai3w clan game pou to fb na mhn exei par8ei prin ftasoun ta creep sta lanes.

Twra oson afora tis publikies pou oloi kollane sto tower tous kai perimenoun ta creep na r8oun adiaforwntas gia rune kai wards auto einai allo 8ema.


@Oi hrwes pou ginontai op einai autoi pou xreiazontai na stoxepsoun ta stun tous , ta opoia usaroun se megalo range. Paradeigma auth h Morgana pws thn lene. Me ena katallhlo lane partner pou 8a to doulepsei swsta to fb einai guarantee.


@Den goustarw pou opoios ftasei sto tower einai asfalhs , einai eknevristiko to poso eukola mporeis na 3efygeis sto early. To poso eukola apofevgw ta death, egw alla kai oi ypoloipoi pou 3eroun apo to DotA style, einai gia gelia.


Pantws auto pou les me ta rated games dn to xw psa3ei akoma ka8ws kai gw kai to Team mou eimaste low lvl akoma (egw kai ena allo palikari eimaste 8 , oi alloi 20arisane extes) Ama to mpw kai dw swsto game 8a grapsw feedback na pw thn gnwmh mou.


Πχ ένας παλιός dota player δεν θα έφευγε για ένα υποκατάστατο της dota.


Σωστό. Αυτοί που παίζουν χρόνια DotA δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να το αφήσουν και να αρχίσουν lol.


pezw arketa xronia dota alla to vare8ika kai arxisa lol pou paizoun kai ta paidia dn vriskw tpt diaforetikw ektos apo afto p ipe o thegeorge oti perneis pio efkola last hit .


pezw arketa xronia dota alla to vare8ika kai arxisa lol pou paizoun kai ta paidia dn vriskw tpt diaforetikw ektos apo afto p ipe o thegeorge oti perneis pio efkola last hit .


Αυτός κάνει ulti για να κλέβει τα last hit ;p


Egw epeza apo tn arxi tou LoL sto NA mazi me tn darkslayer.

Apo tn arxi omws.Meta otan pige to hon retail pira hon acc k stamatisa.

Dn 3erw teleutea fora p bika dn m polu arese, enw stn arxi eixa 3etrela8ei.

Dota pezw spania, 2 fores tn mina se kana net me tous filous m for fun k exei perisoteri plaka apo to LoL an kai exei paliwsei arketa.

to dota einai classic, to lol einai allh fash teliws.


Το πρωί έκανα triple kill μόνο με steal με Akali.

egw triple kill exw kanei 2 fores me kata varagan alon p ixe minei le ligo hp kai egw eskasa to ulti konta sto tower kai figan kai oi 3s psomia!


egw triple kill exw kanei 2 fores me kata varagan alon p ixe minei le ligo hp kai egw eskasa to ulti konta sto tower kai figan kai oi 3s psomia!


Εγώ με Kata μετράω μόνο τα quad kill. Τα triple είναι υπερβολικά συχνά ;p


εμ εδώ μετράει η εμπειρία. :P

tosa xronia p epeza dota exw kanei kai 5kill mazi kai 4 me luna anigeis ulti kai o 8eos mazi tous!

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