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As far I know, you can have 50% Vista & 50% XP.

I had a problem with Vista, and an expert told me I can do it..

It's true that a lot programs are not running(or not running the same good on XP) on Vista.


First choice for you is Linux.The best and the most stable OS in the world for me.I suggest Ubuntu version.


Second choice is Win XP Sp3 which is stable and bugless too as far as I know.


And third choice is Win Vista Sp1.(I suggest to avoid it ;))




hmm let's see..Xp Sp3 is good in network-more than Vista and Sp2.Vista is NOT GOOD-The reason is that in vista they remove a lot of API's.

I wait windows 7.It will have all API's from xp's and a lot of new.


For now i say Windows XP Sp3


IMHO windows XP SP 2 is the best choice...


SP 3 has bugs like compatibility issues with Microsoft framework 3.5 ...

I used to have Vista Ultimate SP 1, but updates gave me a lot of trouble,

so i switch to Win XP ...


I use Linux Debian as SO, and XP as alt to play some games i cant run on Linux with Wine ...





I had Windows Vista Home Premium. And I loved it. If you have Dual-core CPU, 2 gigs of ram, than go for it. But if you have a very old computer, better stick with xp sp3. In short: If your computer is good enough, then vista.

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