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[League Of Legends][Guide]Shaco, the Demon Jester.


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They say that death isn't funny. It isn't, unless you're Shaco. He is Valoran's first fully-functioning homicidal comic; he jests until someone dies, and then he laughs. The figure that has come to be known as the Demon Jester is an enigma. No one still alive knows from whence he came. There are rumors, but one must not speak of them too loudly lest Shaco come to jest. It seems unimaginable that such a threatening figure would be allowed to remain at large. There are those that believe he is an assassin for hire, left to roam until he is needed. Others believe that Shaco is simply too clever, evading authorities at every turn. Still others believe that he is the demonic manifestation of humanity's dark urges, and therefore cannot be stopped.


''Whatever you do, don't tell him you missed the punch line.''




Shaco stealths himself instantly and teleports to target location.

His next attack is guaranteed to critically strike.

Shaco instantly stealths for 4 seconds, and teleports to target nearby location.

If he attacks while stealthed, the attack is guaranteed to crit for 40/60/80/100/120% bonus physical damage.



90/80/70/60/50 Mana




35-2.gifJack In The Box

Shaco creates an animated Jack-in-the-Box at target location, which will wait, stealthed, to Fear nearby units and attack them when some come nearby.

Casting Jack In The Box does not break stealth.

Shaco creates a Jack in the Box at the target location.

It will Stealth after 2 seconds, and pop out when an enemy comes near, fearing nearby enemies for 0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds and attacking them.

Its attacks deal 35/55/75/95/115 (+0.25) magic damage and it lasts for 90 seconds while stealthed or 5 seconds while firing.

Casting Jack In The Box does not break stealth.



50/55/60/65/70 Mana




35-3.gifTwo-Shiv Poison

Shaco's Shivs passively poison targets on hit, giving them a miss chance and slowing them.

He can throw his Shivs to deal damage and poison the target.

Passive: Shaco's attacks poison his target, reducing their movement speed and chance to hit by 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% for 2 seconds.

Active: Deals 40/80/120/160/200 (1+) magic damage to target enemy, and poisons them for 3 seconds.

Upon activating this ability the passive is removed until Two-Shiv Poison becomes available again.



50/55/60/65/70 Mana





Shaco creates an illusion of himself near him, which can attack nearby enemies.(Deals half damage to turrets.)

Upon death, it explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Shaco creates an illusion of himself nearby, which deals 75% of Shaco's damage and receives 150/150/150% increased damage.(Deals half damage to turrets.)

On death, the illusion deals 300/450/600 (+1) magic damage to nearby enemies.

Lasts up to 30 seconds.



100/100/100 Mana




35-5.gifBackstab(Like L2 HuH!)

Item Build:

DPS(Damage Per Second):


But Remember Even If You Are Make This Build Your Char Still Make Big Dmg With 35-3.gif So You Can Get This Item 3057.gif For Extra Damage In Next Magic Skill.35-1.gif And After 35-3.gif Will Make DMG By 80% Bigger.

How To Get Golem Or Lizard Buff At The Start Of The Game

The Only Thing What You Must Do It Just To Spam With This Skill35-2.gifIn One Location Near Golem Or Lizard And After Hit The Big Mob And Run To Your Boxes.

I Can't Capture The Video At This Momment How To Do It But I Will Add One Video Till I Will Make New One.

The Only Thing You Must Learn From This Video It Just Where To Place The Boxes And What To Do Later(Do Not Use Any Spell As The Guy In Video).

Skill Build

    • Level1 --> Jack In The Box
    • Level2 --> Deceive
    • Level3 --> Two-Shiv Poison
    • Level4 --> Two-Shiv Poison
    • Level5 --> Two-Shiv Poison
    • Level6 --> Hallucinate
    • Level7 --> Two-Shiv Poison
    • Level8 --> Deceive
    • Level9 --> Two-Shiv Poison
    • Level10 --> Deceive
    • Level11 --> Hallucinate
    • Level12 --> Deceive
    • Level13 --> Deceive
    • Level14 --> Jack In The Box
    • Level15 --> Jack In The Box
    • Level16 --> Hallucinate
    • Level17 --> Jack In The Box
    • Level18 --> Jack In The Box


x95249.gifGreater Mark of Furor:+2.23%critical damage

x95309.gifGreater Seal of Furor +0.78%critical damage

x95279.gifGreater Glyph of Furor+0.56%critical damage

x35339.gifGreater Quintessence of Furor+4.46% critical damage


They Are Kinda Expensive But You Will Have Big Crt.Dmg(Not Chance) And You Will Pwn Your Enemys.


I Prefer spell_211.jpg And spell_201.jpg You Can Use Whatever Spell You Want But Be Sure What Your Masteries Will Help You With Them.(Couldown etc...)

Tips & Tricks:

As Mentioned Above, You Should Switch Between Jungling And Ganking.

Your Main Role As Shaco, Is To Be The Guy That "came out of no where and face-raped me".


Shaco Is A Squishy Hero, He Is Not Meant For Group Battles Where Everyone Has An Orgy In The Middle.

During Group Battles, You'll Want To Be The Guy That Cleans Up.

Many Will Get Mad At You For This, But The End Result Will Change Their Minds.


Before ganking, you'll want to deceive near their exit route, place a Jack in the Box and attack them.

If things go correctly, when your enemy tries to run, he will end up getting feared by your Jack in the Box leaving you with a few more seconds and hopefully the finishing blow.


You can also use Hallucinate in the strategy above to trick your enemy into thinking that, that's you. Your clone will sure enough land a few good hits and if he dies, make sure he dies next to the enemy for the splash damage.

Hallucinate, send your clone in, deceive near the exit route, place a Jack in the Box, proceed to rape him, he'll get feared, an enemy has been slain.


Use Jack in the Boxes as vision wards.


If an ally is getting chased down, place a Jack in the Box a few feet ahead on the same walk path that he is taking. Your ally should lure the enemy into your Jack in the Box, fearing them, and hopefully saving your buddy.


If you're getting chased by one person, deceive behind you and make the getaway. This way, your enemy will never be able to catch up to you, and you'll make him think "wtf?". The reason why you'll want to deceive behind him, is because if you deceive further down your escape route, he'll know the general direction you're heading and might have someone like Ashe, shoot an arrow down your way.


Use deceive and hallucinate to dodge spells.

Here My Guide End Till Now.

I Will Update It Later With Videos And More Tricks.


Credits For Photo: League Of Ledens Official Site.

Remixed For Writing The Tricks. (I'm Arledy Used Them But He Explain It Better.)

All Other Credits Goes To Me

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+1 for this as Shaco is one of my fav champs.Woh , i was waiting for this.Hope i'll learn sthing :D

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+1 for this as Shaco is one of my fav champs.Woh , i was waiting for this.Hope i'll learn sthing :D

thanx for +.

Shaco Is My Fav Char Too.I Will Update The Topic Later With More Tacticks And Tricks(Some Videos).

But Now I'm Going To Sleep.(All Night Playing LoL)

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thanx for +.

Shaco Is My Fav Char Too.I Will Update The Topic Later With More Tacticks And Tricks(Some Videos).

But Now I'm Going To Sleep.(All Night Playing LoL)

i don't get that with the golem (i am a bit newbie on the game).I am doing this for lvl or gold?
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i don't get that with the golem (i am a bit newbie on the game).I am doing this for lvl or gold?


buff , you know that shit which is (κάνει γύρους) around ya

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you have taken many things from other person(yeah google.com) but still it's a very nice guide!

The Only Thing What I Copied Is The Last Part "Tips & Tricks".

I'm Arledy Knew That Things But He Explain Them Better.(I Don't Know Very Good English).

But Still Thx For You Words :)

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Awesome guide, thanks, hope more will follow :)


then u use your smite and kill the golem .
As Shaco you don't really need the smite right? I think I have seen Shaco's taking Golem without smite...


btw, I lol'd at your sig: backdoor is a bitch xD

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Awesome guide, thanks, hope more will follow :)

As Shaco you don't really need the smite right? I think I have seen Shaco's taking Golem without smite...


btw, I lol'd at your sig: backdoor is a bitch xD


I guess with smite it is easier ;p

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