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classic [nVm] L2InC Exodus/Desperion!


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Hmm, isnt javolution already thread-safe ?


setShared() only put itself in an synchronized (this) block and then recall the put/remove and keep references in the linked entrys.

the same for lists. an Collections.synchronizedMap(m) or Collections.synchronizedList(list) does the same except for the entrys.


But as i told u, we are using javolution/trove for maps.

And as u can imagine...an thread monitor cost fucking much performance!

Simple calls such as list.get(index) drop in speed by like 100 times or more.


But i guess smth like that is never teached in school :P

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Ahh , l2inc (desperion) was the best pvp server with skilled team , i remember the times when there were 5k ppls on , i dont know why but the server died after wipe . The clans which are gmfrands/donators are supported with 7 lvl artribute to their weapons. L2inc will not be the top anymore without the old staff. Anyway good luck.

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