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I will add all Rules in one place. I think is better for those who create an account and come fast to search something without read them.

I will add only English sections rules. (We are on English Section).


quicksticky.gifGeneral MaxCheaters Rules

-= MaxCheaters.com Rules =- by maxtor.gifMaxtor

quicksticky.gifLineage II General Discussion [English]

* [READ] Before creating a new topic. by karmaarrow.gifK4rMaArr0ws

quicksticky.gifLineage II Exploits [English]

* [iMPORTANT] Exploits - Read before you post! by maxtor.gifMaxtor

quicksticky.gifLineage II Bots [English]

* Bots - Read before you post by maxtor.gifMaxtor

quicksticky.gifLineage II Private Servers

* [READ ME] Section Rules & How to Sticky your Topic by maxtor.gifMaxtor

quicksticky.gif[General] Lineage II Develop [OFF] English

* [important] Section Rules! by coyote.gifCoyote™

quicksticky.gif[share] Lineage II Develop [OFF Server]

* [important] Section Rules! by coyote.gifCoyote™

quicksticky.gif[General] Lineage II Develop [L2J] English

[iMPORTANT] Read Before Posting. by cobra.gif◦Cobra◦

quicksticky.gif[share] Lineage II Develop [L2J Server]

* [iMPORTANT] Read before posting. by versus.gifVersus

quicksticky.gif[share] Lineage II Client Mods

* (ENG+GR)[Read me]Before you post! by globalmod.gifRaule

quicksticky.gifOfftopic > Spam Topics


quicksticky.gifReport Section

* Report Section - Rules please read! by maxtor.gifMaxtor

quicksticky.gifReport Section

* [Report Wrong/Abuse Karma here] by maxtor.gifMaxtor


* [sHARE] WEBSITE 3 by picassooo

* [sHARE]MxC Website from Blaze-Studio by z3rocool

* [share]3 L2 Website Templates. by SaSuKi

* [sHARE] L2Mellero Server website (PHP+Cutenews+Donate System) by Magaiveris

* [share]NEW L2 SITES by ★PictureMyPain★

* [sHARE]L2RPC Website by Andrey™


- By Lelouch

* [share] L2 Website + PSD + Cutenews

* [share] Lineage2 Mellero Website (Not RIP)

* [share] Nice Web + PSD


- By VictorCrane

* [share]WebSite

* [share] l2carnage Website


- By sora

* [share]Lineage][Love Website by SoRa

* [share]Lineage][inferno Website Rip by SoRa

* [share]Lineage][ Website by SoRa for MxC!

* [share]Simple HTML/CSS Lineage 2 Template!

* [share]Lineage ][ Website>CSS/HTML + 1 Flash object<by SoRa

* [share]Check this L][ Website Rip by SoRa!

* [share]L][Website Rip by SoRa!



- By Droneth

* [share] website (html/Css+flash) by droneth!

* [share] l2Sk website rip by Droneth

* [share] a simple website by Droneth

* [share] website Flash rip and modification by droneth!

* [share] website (html/Css) by droneth!




* [share] Vote/Enter Page by livogro

* [Collection] Vote/Enter - Choose Pages by Lelouch

* [share] Vote - Enter by Lelouch

* [share]Vote+Enter+Forum (with PSD's) by soulriver

* [share] Vote/Enter - v7 by Lelouch

* [share]Vote/Enter Template by NexiM



* L2Intro by Blaze-Studio by z3rocool

* [share][Web] Choose by Lelouch



* [Collection]Websites by h0nz1k

* [share]WebSite by VictorCrane

* [Collection-Share] Web [update 14.07.2010] by VictorCrane

* [Collection]Websites By Droneth by Droneth

* [share]SoRa Website Collection by sora



* [share][C4 - Epilogue]Patched Systems + File Editors + GG Killers + L2Dat_EncDec by Raule

* [share]L2jServer Compiled Revisions - Gracia Epilogue by 007florin

* [Tool]L2J File Editor - version 1.1 by Matim

* [share][updated]SQL Manager for Npc!Updated GUI Version! by Stealth


* [Guide]How to compile with Eclipse. by ExTrEmEDwarf

* [super Guide]Compile any version of l2j!!! by killer_007

* [Guide]How to setup your own L2Server! + Images! by uNiQue1337

* [Guide] "PvP" ViP system for newbs by eKo

* [Guide]How to add item! by endART

* [GUIDE] How to build a Lineage 2 OFF server by Koyfo

* [Guide]How to configure Bake Ice Loader for protect your server by CriticalError

* [Guide][updated]How to balance your server. by WizZy™

* [GUIDE] Updating without loosing data ! by A-Style

* [Guide For No-IP]How to make a server online... by Feelmyspells

* [Tutorial]Setting up Daedalus L2J Account Manager Securely. by dj32

* (Share)Guide how to enable/set up/optimize faction-gve system by John Lamprou

* [GUIDE] No Shops in Some Zones! by xMaylox

* [Guide]How to add your own custom item by TheMentaL

* [Guide]How to creat L2J Server [Video 4 parts] by CraZy®


- by Intrepid

* [Guide]edit the subclass system

* [GUIDE]Lineage 2 java basics


- By TheEnd

* [Guide]How To Create your own Teleport command!

* [Contest Guide]Starter Guide for L2j

* [Tutorial]How to install a java mod


- by Coyote™

* [Guide]L2Java; Making your server, protecting it, modifying it, LEARNING.

* [Guide]L2j IT Flood Protectors: Configuring, Adding, Learning.


- by Matim

* [updated][Guide]Java - Core Modifications

* [Guide] Java - How to create Your own /commands

* [updated][Guide] Frequenly Asked Questions



* [sHARE] Trick or Transmutation Event Official by fdLP.

* [share] Funny event With Cupid by Th3oneGandalF

* [share] Heavy Medal aka Glittering Medals Event by rullezz

* [share]Valentine's Day by Leki

* [share]Event Hunting for Sharks for GF by Leki

* [Re-Share]Mysterious Cube Event by Leki

* [share]Rabbit Event by MasterDisaster

* [share] Retail Fence Event (Walls) by DjStereo

* [share]Hide & Seek event by panchio

* [share] Automatic Quiz Event by Rizel

* [share] Advanced Hitman (Global Daily Event) by Setekh

* [share] DeathMatch Event by TheEnd

* [share] Event Capture The Base by CrazyDeagle




[center]- Updated: [b]Events Category[/b].[/center]

[center]- Updated: [b]Events Category[/b].[/center]

[center]- Updated: [b]Rules Category - Added New Rule[/b].[/center]

[center]- Updated: [b]Guides Category[/b]. [b][color=red]>NEW<[/color][/b][/center]


[i][u]Note:[/u] All new updates will be found at the end of the lists.[/i]

[i]Note 2: If you find something that i must add pm me.

Note 3: If you find any broken link or something that don't working pm me to remove it.[/i]


2nd Post Created Cause With All Those That I have Add, Maybe I Will Need Some "Space". :P

If It is Wrong, Tell me To Add Them On My 1st Topic.






* [share][Gracia GateKeeper] by GrisoM

* [share]Global GateKeeper by AnsS

* [updated][share] NPC AIO G. Final & Epilogue (By Allen) by Allengc

* [share]Raidboss Gatekeeper [CT2] by Sуѕтємƒяєαк

* [sHARE] Mine Raidboss Gatekeeper! by Stefoulis15

* [share] GM Shop! by Fogotendx20

* [share] Download New Gm Shop Full + Dynasty Armors & Wepons !!! by CaLeSty

* [sHARE] [uPDATED] Faction GM Shop by Stefoulis15

* [share]Change Color Name Npc! by `Resistance

* [share] Pk Killer By DaRkBullxD [iL] by kas23

* [interlude] New Npc Custon Cr0nic Br by I-LeO-I

* [updated][share] Subclass Master Multi Skills by Allen (G. Epilogue) by Allengc



* [sHARE] Monster Weapons With Flame Glow... by Stefoulis15

* [share]Dusk Weapons For L2J - Interlude by Gangsta

* [share] Dusk Weapons by Imperium

* [share]Killer Weapons by CriticalError

* [sHARE] Epic weapons improved...[iL] by Vago

* [share]Angelic Weapons [iL] by CriticalError

* [share] L][ Platinium Weapons by Imperium

* [share]Pink Weapons by CriticalError

* [sHARE]Giant Weapons V2 by Vago

* [share]Infinity Darkness Weapons [iL] by CriticalError

* [share]Mordor Weapons,Epic Mask & Epic Shield [iL] by CriticalError

* [share]Blood Weapons [iL] by CriticalError

* [ Share ] Libra Weapons ( CT2.3 ) ! by Chandy

* [share] EPIC DUAL DAGGER - Ct2.4 Epilogue by disorder25

* [sHARE] Icarus Weapons SA+ Icons by Stefoulis15

* [share]Draconic Slayer [CT2.4] by CriticalError

*[sHARE] Acid Weapons by SoFaKi [CT 2.4] by SoFaKi



* [sHARE]Angelic Set armor+bow by DarKWinn

* [share]Dynasty Armor for L2J by TheMentaL

* Ruby Crusader Armor [iL] by CriticalError

* [share]Ruby Crusader Armor by CriticalError and Neblitox [iL] by CriticalError

* [sHARE]Ice Crusader Armor for all races [iL] by CriticalError

* [share]Golden armor by Thelasthero

* [sHARE] Black, Green & Pink Draconic Armors by fdLP.

* [share] Epic Armor for L2J by Thelasthero

* [share]Purple Armor,Gold Armor,Gym [iL] by CriticalError

* [share]Ice Armor for kamael l2emu by Stantons

* [share]Epic Dark Knight Armor 4 L2JFree [iL] by CriticalError

* [share]Flaming Dark Knight Armor[interlude] by Devangell™

* [sHARE] Epic Cloaks by Stefoulis15



* [share] 5 new shield (Interlude) by dinamitt

* [share] L2Khaos Shields For [interlude] by Devangell™

* [share]Hot Chicks shields. by hesoyam

* [share]New Buff Shields [iL] by NexiM

* [share]2 Shields [interlude-CT2.4]] by CriticalError

* [share][CT2.2] NEW Shields pack! by gim by ~Sensei~

* [share]Collection of Boss Shields [interlude] by CriticalError

* [share]Pack Shields [interlude] by CriticalError

* [share][All Chronicles] NEW Shields Pack 2! by gim by gim

* [share]Elemental SHield's [interlude] by Devangell™

* [sHARE]mapa shields[CT 2.3] by mapa

* [sHARE] Raid Boss - Shield's IL by Jokkerin0

* [share] 3 Anime Shields [iL] by taio

* [share] Fanta/Coca Cola/Sprite Shields IL by *~!ĈħâðيȘ۸μấيŧۼŔ™

* [sHARE] Epic Masks/Shields by PyroMaker

* [share]MxC shields by d0ds™ for ct2.3 by d0ds™

* [share]Pack of 44 Shields of Rf for lineage 2 by kali

* [share] Custom Shields [CT.2.3] by OverMe

* [share]Shields Collection by GodPower™

* [share]Coleccion Boss Shields [interlude] by Ventic

* [share] Shields Seal of Shilen; Roman Shields [Epilogue] [updated] by Izual

- Jewels

* [share]Freya jewels for Epilogue by @Neo@



* [share]Ice Thunder Mask by anemize

* [share] Goku Mask Accessorie CT2.3 (:P) by takhs7

* [share]Goku Mask's Accesories[Epilogue] by smokekid

* [share]Customs Mask for [iL] by CriticalError

* [share] Hard Color Masks [iL] by taio

* [share] Dynasty Mask [iL] + [Re-Share] Antharas Mask[iL] by NeferTiti

* [sHARE] Shutter Mask IL by Jokkerin0

* [share] Jokkerino Mask IL by Jokkerin0



* [share] Transfer item voiced command by Cod3x

* [share] Captcha Antibot System by pipiou21

* [share] Custom Clan Halls by rullezz

* [share]Fortress and Castle Passive skill by Diabolo

* [share]Unlimit Zoom & Colored System For Gracia Epilogue. by Dariuse

* [share]On Death Custom Music and Red Sky by takhs7

* [share]Premium users by DominiQue



* [share] Title Color NPC [Epilogue] by xXxJimPowerxXx



- Updated: Others Category.

- Updated: NPC's Category.

- Updated: Armors Category.

- Updated: Weapons Category.

- Updated: Added My Shares Category and NPC too.

- Updated: Npc's Category - Armors Category - Others Category.

- Updated: Added Shields - Jewels - etc Category - Added some shields - freya jewels.

- Updated: Added Masks Category - Added Some Masks.

- Updated: Weapons Category.

- Updated: Armors Category

- Updated: NPC's Category.

- Updated: Shields-Jewels-etc Category

- Updated: Others Category

- Updated: NPC's Category - Others Category. >NEW<

Note: All new updates will be found at the end of the lists.

Note 2: If you find something that i must add pm me.

Note 3: If you find any broken link or something that don't working pm me to remove it.



Added too.


Thanks for helping me update my Collection :)


Please, if you find any problem, if something that i have to add or broken link report it here.



- Updated Today 30 july 2010 - 06:48pm GMT+2

    - Added Shields - Jewels - etc Category

         - Added some Shields & Freya jewels

              -Added Masks Category - Added Some Masks

Note 1: All new shares will be in the end of the lists.

Note 2: If you find something that i must add pm me.

Note 3: If you find any broken link or something that don't working pm me to remove it.

Thanks for your comments.


Sorry for double post, i just updated my Collection today.

New Month New Updates Post.

- Updated Today 30 july 2010 - 06:48pm GMT+2

    - Updated: Weapons Category.

         - Updated: Armors Category

              -Updated: NPC's Category.

                   - Updated: Shields-Jewels-etc Category

                          - Updated: Others Category.

                                  - Updated:Guides Category.

Note 1: All new shares will be in the end of the lists.

Note 2: If you find something that i must add pm me.

Note 3: If you find any broken link or something that don't working pm me to remove it.

Good Month to all!







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