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Dekarma (you all need one)

Demon (you all are one)

Death (you are already)

Drink (you should do it more)

Demote (every staffer except me=D)

Derek Ogilvie (pedofile like you)

Duck Face (you know im saying)

Dick (you probely don't got one)

DOse (more weed for everyone)

Die (i hope you will)

Drunk (more beers for the breezer fagg0ts)

Dear (for all my male lovers)

Dag (ultimate fag but only with a D)

Damn (stop spamming)

ahah chucky the best creation from the D xD
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Dekarma (you all need one) <- Including you (?)

Demon (you all are one) <- Not really, nobody in this forum is a Demon or can be a Demon.

Death (you are already) <- Whaa? We all are a state? o.O

Drink (you should do it more) <- Reason?

Demote (every staffer except me=D) <- Then you'd fuck the forum up :^)

Derek Ogilvie (pedofile like you) <- ...

Duck Face (you know im saying) <- Donald?

Dick (you probely don't got one) <- Come on.. Don't you remember.. ;]

DOse (more weed for everyone) <- ...

Die (i hope you will) <- Thanks, you too =]

Drunk (more beers for the breezer fagg0ts) <- o.o

Dear (for all my male lovers) <- Dear?

Dag (ultimate fag but only with a D) <- ...

Damn (stop spamming) <- Not rly

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we all know him as chuck norris. but his TRUE name which was given is Duck Dorris but they made it chuck norris with the though that CN is cooler than DD






D for Dora the Explorer

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D for dickheads ^^ (ventic)


true true

you should see him on webcam..

just like an enlarged dildo

go watch your romance movie and cry like a gay...;D
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+1 karma for that


thanks man












































































Damn i got happy for a moment

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D for=Yolanda Be Cool Vrs DCup - We No Speak Americano [Official Video]
I got stuck in this,i am hearing now for 10th time
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ok one last before grisom locks it







D for Democritus

Don't be so sure!

Oh wait.. Don't..

Another D! HA!

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