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Xrhshmopoiw to pack tou mental pou eftiakse o djxxx me ta custom,alla den douleuei me 3 clicks opos tou mental kai leei na kanw ayto..


you can take sql prom disk ww

input in navicat and create a new data pack and after that make a data transfer is verry simple (Djxxx"s words)...


Opoios kserei as help...


No to problem den lithike alla toulaxiston twra pou kserw metafrasi tha to palepsw ligo...


Parolo pou den kserw pos na to kanw gt to pack den thelei mysql einai me 3 click oute navicat alla tespa....An esy ksereis pos na to lysw apla reply...



file tha s dwsw mia sumbouli...parolo pou to pack(otidipote pack)leei oti to navicat kai to mysql dn xreiazontai egw se sumbouleuw na ta xrisimopoieiseis an thes na kaneis ena server pou na paizoun paidia apo olo ton kosmo...Katarxas prepei na pareis ena pack gia kormo kai na kaneis oti allages kai oti pragmata thes na prostheseis ESU! an dn exeis navicat kai mysql pws tha to kaneis? ;)


Koita exw to pack tou TheMental to preconfigured me 3 clicks...Alla o djxxx tropopoihse to pack kai evale mesa polla epic kai custom....Kai etci thelei Mysql kai navicat alla den xerw pos na ta egatastisw gia na blepw tin database tous kai pou na ta vrw gt ola einai prenium ekdoseis...


To prob einai oti den kserw pws na valw tin database tou pack sto navicat...Aaaa kai meta prepei na kanw auto pou mou zhthse o Angel Of Death kaneis backup se sql oti exeis mesa sto Diskw, meta na valeis navicat, na ftiaksei ena db kai na peraseis ta sqls poy exeis ws backup apo to DiskW...


Pali omos den kserw pos na to kanw....

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