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Hey, i am posting an example of item transfer with a voiced command.

Rolf it's pretty simple working, you select your target and press this crappy command.. done your target is happy.


You can add any items you want to be transferred.. this is just an easy sample!


package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.ActionFailed;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Util;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Object;

public class transferhelp implements IVoicedCommandHandler
private static String[] _voicedCommands =

public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
        if (Util.calculateDistance(activeChar, target, true) > 150)
        	return false;
	if (activeChar.getTarget() == null)
		return false;

	if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("transer"))
		L2Object target = activeChar.getTarget();

		// check if the target is missing and if it is a player.
		if (target != null && target instanceof L2PcInstance)
			((L2PcInstance)target).addItem("Transferred", 57, 10000000, target, true); //the item is transferred.

		// remove the item the sender transferred.
		activeChar.getInventory().reduceAdena("AdenaTransfer", 10000000, activeChar, null);
		InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
		((L2PcInstance)target).sendMessage("You have been given 10.000.000 adena.");
		activeChar.sendMessage("Your 10.000.000 adena dissapeared.");
	return true;

public String[] getVoicedCommandList()
	return _voicedCommands;


This is actually 'Transfer Adena' Voiced Command, which simply provides the target with an increased amount of adena.

Although you lack of some checks. Anyway, kinda useless but gj.

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