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Well I got this from another forum :>


Enjoy XD


Originally Posted by rebelstrik

my bro wanted to laugh his ass off :lol:



Please wait for a site operator to respond.

Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Cyanide'

Cyanide: hi

Cyanide: whats up

stoika: hij

stoika: how many cost

stoika: s set and wepan?

stoika: +20

Cyanide: armor +10 max... wepon +15 max.

Cyanide: what server

stoika: l2w.ru

stoika: does it cunt?

Cyanide: here is the URL for the price guide. http://www.*****.com/main/L2WPriceGuideC4.pdf

Cyanide: WMZ # is Z813514732940

stoika: du u speek rus?

stoika: how i send maney?

Cyanide: WMZ

Cyanide: webmoney

stoika: kan i sent rublis?

Cyanide: no

stoika: (

Cyanide: WMZ = USD WMR = Rubiles


Cyanide: you can get paypal account?

stoika: ok

stoika: haw maney it cost?

Cyanide: what server #?

stoika: serv1

Cyanide: #1 #2 or #3?

stoika: #1

stoika: but haw maney i sent?

Cyanide: I told you

Cyanide: WMZ

Cyanide: webmoney

Cyanide: or PayPal

stoika: much

stoika: i mean much

Cyanide: $350 for +10 S armor cloak set.... $325 for +15 S wepon

stoika: maj english is bad

Cyanide: total $675 USD

stoika: hmm

stoika: kan i wtt it?

stoika: i have ds+20 ant babka

Cyanide: what armor you have now?

Cyanide: +20ds = $100...... so, $325 - $100 = $225

stoika: drace leader armor

stoika: is ti god?

Cyanide: all sgrade is good

stoika: 4e?

stoika: ahh


Cyanide: any more question?

stoika: will u post this in forum?

stoika: so i send maney

Cyanide: ?

Cyanide: i say you how send money

stoika: bat

Cyanide: WMZ is mainly for the Russian players. Its like paypal but for Russians.

Cyanide: WMZ # is Z813514732940

Cyanide: Send the payment to donations@*****.com through paypal.

Cyanide: If you do not have PayPal, please go to www.paypal.com and follow their instructions on setting up an account and how to add and send money with your account. L2W is in no way affiliated with PayPal.

stoika: i paypal

stoika: have

Cyanide: you have paypal?

stoika: ja

Cyanide: donations@*****.com

stoika: what my acc?

Cyanide: for payment

Cyanide: ^^

stoika: i giv u mi pass?

stoika: i trast u

stoika: YUiop0Ui8Vc

Cyanide: no

Cyanide: NO

stoika: mi paas

Cyanide: no man

Cyanide: do not give pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Cyanide: you crazy???

stoika: mi eng iz bad

Cyanide: no give pass!!

stoika: mij muther giv mee 2 roubli

Cyanide: bad!

stoika: ow many in usd?

Cyanide: speak forum plz

Cyanide: bb

Chat InformationChat session has been terminated by the site operator.

Chat InformationYou are not currently in a chat session.


Part 2 xD


Originally Posted by rebelstrik

here comes the second part 8)


Please wait for a site operator to respond.

Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Cyanide'

Cyanide: hi

stoika: hej

stoika: i have problem vith donations

stoika: i send 24 money

stoika: and i dont have items

Cyanide: then come back when send

stoika: and maj akount is hacked

stoika: i said information to HGMAsteriks

stoika: he said u his friend is cyandine

Cyanide: mayeb if you did not share account ... then not hacked...

stoika: bat u kan ckeck log failes?

stoika: last iP?

Cyanide: you share account....

stoika: vith your friend

Cyanide: listen man... I am not friend with any GM.

Cyanide: if you share account, then thats your problem

Cyanide: I do not know HMGAsteriks..

stoika: bat kan i donate to get new items

stoika: or get old back

stoika: i paj maney

Cyanide: here is the URL for the price guide. http://www.*****.com/main/L2WPriceGuideC4.pdf

stoika: yes

stoika: i have it now

stoika: i send now 780 $ dolars

stoika: chek for email

stoika: paypal right?

stoika: mai acc l2w is QuijUilnIop87U and pass hjulasksbnbeh

stoika: plz ckech

stoika: mai mather is mastah u know her?

Cyanide: you send $780?

stoika: jes

Cyanide: I do not see $780...

stoika: wat was yoor number?

stoika: what emails du u get in 5 min befoe?

Cyanide: donations@*****.com

stoika: sabaka

stoika: i send to donation@*****.com

stoika: how i get mi maney bak?

Cyanide: ?

stoika: i ned mai maney bak

Cyanide: wait..

Cyanide: not recieve $780 ....

stoika: fak my stalin mens

stoika: i ned mai maney

stoika: gde it is?

Cyanide: listen to me

stoika: po ruski

stoika: get leoniid

Cyanide: we did not recieve $780..

stoika: $ i need mai maney bak

stoika: mafia wil kill me

stoika: its not mai maney

stoika: they kill me

Cyanide: listen you've been wasting my time all week.

stoika: week?

Cyanide: we didn't FUCKING RECIEVE $780 ....

stoika: u say im week?

Cyanide: please read what I am typeing..

stoika: im strong

stoika: i fak u

stoika: i fak u family

Cyanide: week = 7 days retard.

stoika: i fak ameriak

Cyanide: WEEK not weak....

Cyanide: and i'm not american you stupid cunt.

stoika: 6nxiim

Chat InformationPlease wait while I transfer the chat to '[OTS]ArchAngel'.

Chat InformationYou are not currently in a chat session.

Chat InformationYou are now chatting with '[OTS]ArchAngel'

[OTS]ArchAngel: listen but fuck

[OTS]ArchAngel: we are NOT AMericans you dumb son of a bitch

stoika: i fak u familyu

stoika: u dog me

[OTS]ArchAngel: good luck homo

stoika: mai kat is gay

[OTS]ArchAngel: you NEVER send us money

[OTS]ArchAngel: what ever

stoika: mai maney

stoika: bak

stoika: i need

[OTS]ArchAngel: sugestion

stoika: it

stoika: ckek maney

stoika: e mail

stoika: all inbox.lv

[OTS]ArchAngel: bed your President to suck the cock of Russia to allow your stupid fucking country back in

[OTS]ArchAngel: we already did

[OTS]ArchAngel: NO money from you

stoika: ckeck maney

stoika: plz

stoika: mafia kil me

[OTS]ArchAngel: i already did

[OTS]ArchAngel: your NOT listening

[OTS]ArchAngel: good

[OTS]ArchAngel: hope mafia does kill you

[OTS]ArchAngel: looser

stoika: wait

stoika: gg

stoika: i doent play

stoika: on server nomore

stoika: bat lennin said to play

stoika: so i bat boy

stoika: mai life is broken

[OTS]ArchAngel: good

stoika: russ mafia (alquade)

stoika: kill mai son

stoika: and mai gay friend

[OTS]ArchAngel: fuck her to

stoika: interlude

stoika: i ned

stoika: i get items bak in interlude?

[OTS]ArchAngel: fuck off already

stoika: i haf

stoika: fak u

stoika: ai fak mafia kill u

stoika: and mastah

stoika: and u makcdonald

stoika: but plz maney or items

stoika: mai ingame nick protosx

stoika: deus

stoika: i must feed mai :- )

stoika: plz

[OTS]ArchAngel: lol

stoika: i need milk maney

stoika: friend said u send maney bak

stoika: bat u send not?

stoika: time is rublis i wait

[OTS]ArchAngel: NO

[OTS]ArchAngel: where did you send money to

[OTS]ArchAngel: cause we NEVER get this money

stoika: donotion@*****.com

stoika: right?

stoika: or donation..?

stoika: or donations?

stoika: fak stalins pants

stoika: i wtote not .com

stoika: but .cum

stoika: i ever get maney bak?

stoika: or lost?

stoika: u kan help me?

[OTS]ArchAngel: it is

[OTS]ArchAngel: donations@*****.com

[OTS]ArchAngel: use that one, then we will recieve the money

stoika: but my bank akount is 780 $ short

stoika: i dont wanna send 780$ more

stoika: or i kan?

[OTS]ArchAngel: have no idea

[OTS]ArchAngel: you send to wrong place, that is NOT our issue

stoika: bat maybe president kan help?

[OTS]ArchAngel: if you cancelled it, then should be able to send again

stoika: oh

stoika: thx u

stoika: great allah to u

stoika: lennin ist the master

stoika: lox me?

stoika: i know why stalin love american boys

[OTS]ArchAngel: going to close window now

stoika: no

stoika: my acc

[OTS]ArchAngel: NOT American buddy

stoika: ajsjaksalsk@K

[OTS]ArchAngel: i will only tell you this 1 more time

stoika: pass

stoika: jhdjshdjs


stoika: have i?

Chat InformationChat session has been terminated by the site operator.

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