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Safe enchant items!!!!!


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You simply reached the enchant limit in your server (15) but be aware that the system is unstable and may sometimes allow to enchant more but it will break 100% cause it exceed the limit.

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You simply reached the enchant limit in your server (15) but be aware that the system is unstable and may sometimes allow to enchant more but it will break 100% cause it exceed the limit.

Thanks man, I think in that server the max for player is +15 and the +35 it's only by donating ¬¬'

I'll try in another servers now xD hehehe

But i'm taking care, enchanting only one iten to +10 or +8 per week xD

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Well, i gave it a try in an l2j int server... Firstly i changed the row of the packets so...

1) use item

2) enchant item 3) deposit item

4) deposit item


But... If it fails i get the crystals and a fake item in my wh, so i keep on enchanting that way(fake item).finaly i get on an x enchant...if i want to trade it , i just cant and if i rr the fake item disappears




Any clue?

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Hax0r, the enchant it's the last cuz if u enchant first and after deposit in store only will apear a fake weapon in the WH, so in your backpack too... if u try in the right row of the packets and don't work, maybe in your server this is already fixed =/

On my server this work's very well... and I always get an fake weapon in my inventory and the real weap. in the WH ^_^


sorry if i couldn't help...

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so cs ..can you tell me pls

for step 4. ..the "enchantitem" doesnt appear in the sniffer  untill you eighter click ok to enchant or click cancel..and it sniffs 2 difrent versions..depending on what u did..


and what did u mean by "quote : (It should work) ..



later guys


i go experiment some more

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hmm ok....i dont want ban....i'll tell only a moderator how i read it in pm

maybe i get lifetime membership for my cheat :xd

sorry i cheat maxcheaters


mod pm if they want


i know it too.. its pretty dumb


is using search button.. but u cant see the whole exploit with the older version of the fourm it worked better




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yeah they should fix it... i pmed maxtor like 3 months or 4 months ago telling him that this was happening but i gueses he didnt read it


btw i tried the exploit on l2 chronicle server and it didnt work (c4)

i couldent enchant it.. it just deposit in the wh

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yea , i been trying on one interlude low rate server

it makes the sound for sucessful enchant if i used the sniff from "enchantitem" after click ok and no fail.. but only puts it in warehouse

doesnt want to go ++ more after


if i use the sniff from "enchantitem" without clicking ok..nothing happens ..just puts it in ware



ps: u need to use some skill in te search btw :) need some key phrases....not many ppl know how to use this usefull thing


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xD i used to seach "To" and with that i read the whole exploit :P


with this exploit i tried it and it said


Arcana Mace +1 Has been suc.....


but when i took it from the wh still was +1 not +2 :s



but isthedarkside said that is working :S so idk

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Um.. i didnt understand it exactly.. im playing on a java server(L2J).. and Darkside mentioned that the bug works on it.. so..

1. Useitem packet

2. requestdepositlist?:o i have only sendwarehouesdepositblabla..

3. ?

4. enchantitem..


Please help..


edit: removed hide

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WTF, this is annoying, it worked twice to +25 and now it works and works and i keep doing it, then i get to around +10 and somehow it fails and i get crystals instead :<


Also, I need like 50 enchant scrolls to make it to +16 as it says inappropiate conditions like 60% of all enchants :S but then it works sometimes, any idea if I can bypass this? it takes lots of time.

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